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Comps for Rated Huttball


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sorcerer heavy teams only dominate against pugs.


Any premade will stomp sorcerer heavy teams.



~2 sorcerers (1 CC, 1 heal) would be ideal.



1 juggernaut


1 or 2 powertechs


1 assassin


1 or 2 mercs (healers)


1 or 2 marauders


I'd swap out a merc for a Op healer in this configuration because you wouldn't have Coordination on your team (5% crit buff) which is actually significant.

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Kinda hilarious and sad that the only reason to bring an agent/smuggler is for the 5% crit.


Otherwise every other class brings much more to the table than the agent/smuggler


Operative can heal the most while mobile and that matters too, though not sure if that outweighs friendly pull on Sorcs.


Merc don't bring too much to Huttball, but you need someone defending and a missile turret works as well as anything else. They're probably the least susceptible class to KBs just because they're ranged + great survivality, so they can keep the enemy busy until the grappler/charger get back.

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6 cc spec'd sages

2 tank spec'd shadows


this will seriously destroy in almost any huttball game...the problem is that it is weak in other WZs...teams that use this sort of cheese-comp wont be able to win a voidstar against a more balanced and equally-skilled team...i'm guessing the best rated huttball comp will depend on the rating level you are playing at.


Yeah will destroy any other comp, the second assasin is to stealth and grab the ball after the score, but in Voidstar it should be impossible for any combo to make it through the 1st door, Healer tank + shadow on one door rest blocking the zerg. So at worst ends in a random roll.


Not sure where people got the idea that 20 k+ HP sorcs/sages with bubbles, sprint, AoE knock back w/ root, ability to spread out, are squishy, if they get targeted they can go pillar hide. They are no more squishy than any other class, including Tanks in tank gear.


This is star wars the old republic, geared sages are not squishy, don't run out of force and can heal or DPS pretty well with hybrid specs. When defending, more healing when trying to take something more DPS.




In civil war if they got two caps would be impossible to win as well because can reinforce so easily. Eventually they should get two caps due to out lasting the other team at the disputed turret.

Edited by athenabadb
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Kinda hilarious and sad that the only reason to bring an agent/smuggler is for the 5% crit.


Otherwise every other class brings much more to the table than the agent/smuggler


This is only true for huttball.


I can think of a hundred reasons to bring them into alderaan or void star. IO's are only weak because huttball pops more than any other map right now.


The next WF should solve the problem.

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This is only true for huttball.


I can think of a hundred reasons to bring them into alderaan or void star. IO's are only weak because huttball pops more than any other map right now.


The next WF should solve the problem.


Ops can still do some wicked burst. But in Huttball that burst isn't needed as much as field control, ie knockbacks, pulls, grapples, sprints, ect.


I would actually like to see smuggs/ia with a sprint.

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Have yet to meet a merc that can stand up to even one dps (talking good merc vs good dps). A good dps will eventually get a merc down. Two quality dps would easily be able to do it, especially if one has a stun. Mercs are good healers though.


Depends on CDs really. If I have my bubble and stun break up I'm not going down to a solo DPS (usually not going down to 2 either).


Without them though a good DPS who knows when to interrupt will get me but I will still make them work pretty hard for it.

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Ops can still do some wicked burst. But in Huttball that burst isn't needed as much as field control, ie knockbacks, pulls, grapples, sprints, ect.


I would actually like to see smuggs/ia with a sprint.


I'd bring a scoundrel/operative healer. As said earlier they are highly mobile healers while bringing the highly mobile healers. While they lack the cc/utility of a sage, they can pillar hump the **** out of people healing themselves during the whole thing. And there are a LOT of pillars to hump in HB! Giggity!


Will force speed is all well and good, but due to the insane power of KB's in HB... I'd say a jugg tank would be better. They can charge friendlies (so basically every player is a sorc for a Jugg :p) or foe... essentially passing to themselves with 0 intercept chance. I doubt they'll just be able to /charge a hurp durp on the goal ledge... but they can easily get themselves back up out of the pit... or jump to another tier as needed. Makes a huge difference.

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0 snipers / slingers


Ive played against good slingers (im imp) and they are brutal when played right.


They have a longer range than other classes, they can be hard to see when set up in the right spot (often coverang a lot of ground with their longer range)


Also...they hurt when they hit you...a lot


And its hard to tell where the shot is comming from.


A good sniper that knows how to play is a great cleanup....and their flash grenade sucks when its used on you.



My guess is that you see snipers trying to play like a PT...running into the action, or setting up camp in plain sight near the enemy.


Very few know the good hiding spots and are brutal in huttball when perched in the right spot

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IMO best hutball comp =


2-mar---so both groups get speed and lust+charge = very mobile around field

1-sin tank---ball camping and guard/pull

1-op heals---mobility +buff

1-merc dps---tracer spam does lots o dps

1-sorc heals---Utility like a mofo+great ae heals

1-pt---jump to enemy and pull

1-jugg tank---best hutball class in game and yes im bias jump to enemy push jump to enemy again and jump to friend on a 20sec cd +amazing cd's = best ball carrier


this make up gives you a extremly mobile team with a friendly pull and a jump to friendly as well as a stealth class to guard and keep mid control. mixed with cc's pulls and snars any comp would have trouble keeping you off the ball carrier/heals + a full team speed boost. and great burst dps for getting the ball back once lost.

Edited by Azazull
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