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Two questions for reasonable minded people.


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1.) Why don't slowing abilities add to DR?


2.) Why don't protection shields/bubbles reduce damage done by a certain %?


This isn't ment to be a qq post just a "this must of happened for a reason" type post.

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Slows adding to the resolve would render just about every single CC useless. There are so many slows out there, that everyone would be at max resolve at almost all time. Could never CC a healer, or stop someone from attacking by CC'ing them as they would be slowed.


Giving certain classes slow immunity could be a decent change though.

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1.) Why don't slowing abilities add to DR?


Certain melee would have no way to catch their target in a game where ranged have advantages they don't have in WoW. A better question is why do ROOTS go through resolve when they render certain classes in this game useless. It is as good as a stun on any JK/SW melee. OP/scoundrels need it as part of their kit to catch people. Hybrid sorc/sages do not.


2.) Why don't protection shields/bubbles reduce damage done by a certain %?


Are you talking about sorc/sage shield? The other "bubbles" in this game DO reduce damage and almost every class would trade those abilities (except for tanks in pve who need it) to cast two shields back to back (precasted before fight and cooldown is reset when it breaks).


Add to that sage/priest shields can't be dispelled offensively which makes them the best instant heal in the game...


Again a better question is why does armor mean jack in this game, and why do sorc/sages get 10 melee/ranged defense as a caster class when melee classes have 5? Other classes have to spec points in a tree to get to 7...


What am I saying? This game is heavily rigged towards one class. If you aren't doing well on it? You are going to do worse on other classes. Much, much worse. Don't believe me? Go to a high pop pvp realm where everyone rerolled sage/sorc like Fatman and play a melee. Have fun with that. I am not saying you can't do well on a melee if you are good, but if you are mediocre/bad? You will be doing nowhere near the dmg you are on a sage/sorc.

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