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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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only fools will re-roll an alt for that reason,

BW should fix this low population problem ASAP.


Only a fool will not want and not do anything useful besides unsubbing for MMO part of the game.


Its your fault you dont want to reroll...


Alot of us did and are happy now you continue to whine good luck!

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there is no need for qq like bioware can take a example of guild wars 2.

if day merge a servers.


1. servers are merged


2. server full


3. u will automatically put on a other server


4. when there room u will be switch to your server


5. and take all your xp, money, items etc with u



Edited by adanali_umut
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The only reason I can think of NOT to do server merges is because when the patch goes live there MIGHT be a big influx of players for a few days/weeks while everybody tests out the new stuff.


So once the patch excitement dies off and the servers go back to low population (My guess is a week) THEN maybe you guys could offer server merges???





Would love to hear a DEV's thoughts or speculations on this matter!

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Now's the best time for a reroll.


Face it, when 1.2 comes out, having all the legacy options on a maxed legacy is just boring. It's more fun to start a fresh legacy and level them as you go :p


Move to a populated server.


On a side note: It's time to merge servers, admins

Edited by TheNevet
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Ever server that I play on currently is dead. So when can we transfer or merge what players remain? Currently on a Saturday morning out of 120 North American servers, 118 are Light population and 2 are Standard. I find that rediculous. All three servers that I have rolled on each have 4 or 5 ppl on fleet and no wzs popping.


MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer Online. There is nothing "Massive" about this game, other than the massive number of servers that now sit empty.

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Ever server that I play on currently is dead. So when can we transfer or merge what players remain? Currently on a Saturday morning out of 120 North American servers, 118 are Light population and 2 are Standard. I find that rediculous. All three servers that I have rolled on each have 4 or 5 ppl on fleet and no wzs popping.


MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer Online. There is nothing "Massive" about this game, other than the massive number of servers that now sit empty.


im not sayig i disagree with you but ive been playing MMO for a long time and my usual saturday morning have alway included no one else on. Maybe you should choose a diffrent time to complain about because dead servers on a saturday morning is common for any mmo.

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im not sayig i disagree with you but ive been playing MMO for a long time and my usual saturday morning have alway included no one else on. Maybe you should choose a diffrent time to complain about because dead servers on a saturday morning is common for any mmo.


yeah because it happening to be saturday morning at this moment is the entire problem, yeah its not that all server's except 3 or 4 are dead, nope it is because it is saturday morning right now.

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"Its your fault you dont want to reroll..."


No, it's their fault they're not solving a problem they could easily solve!


This kind of apathy will make this game follow the same trail WAR did very soon, only for the mto merge everything a year from now into 2 working servers...

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lol at so many people saying reroll on one of the dozens of populated servers. dozens? there is not dozens of good servers. there is only 4 maybe 5 that are well populated.


those people are the ones that play on one of the 3 high pop servers so they dont care.



But anyways. 1.2 Will not bring a lot of players back, they need a merge out of 126 US servers we easily can have 30-50

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It's kinda sad that people from game companies (and I don't mean devs, but all the producers and suits that don't know gamers) know so little about thier maket.


They handle MMOs like they do with single player offline games.


They don't understand that it's normal to have a big influx at launch and less people later.


It's normal to have to add more ressources at start to handle all the people and to have to reorganize thoses ressources once MMO jumpers, people that were never interested to play more than a month, people that didn't like the game... are gone.


Bioware/EA handled the adding ressources part but completely forgot about the other, which can be done easily.



Game starts with pool A of servers. Devs add pool B, C , D... as needed to handle the new players.

All the pools except the first are temporary which means after the first month, the players of the most recent pool (or more) are dispatched on other servers. They are given the choice of their destination.

Until the population is more or less stablized (or increasing/decreasing steadily) offer free transfer once per month to allow people to relocate if they want it.


Probably the most important thing YOU EDUCATE SHAREHOLDERS, YOUR BOSS, HIS BOSS that it's NORMAL, people like to buy and test new things even if they know they will never use it after or in the case of games, play it for more than a month.

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those people are the ones that play on one of the 3 high pop servers so they dont care.



But anyways. 1.2 Will not bring a lot of players back, they need a merge out of 126 US servers we easily can have 30-50

Lol 126!


They stated 1.7 mill playing the game


If just 1mil were us servers that would put roughly 8000 players per server. Yeah that's not right by no means...



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It's kinda sad that people from game companies (and I don't mean devs, but all the producers and suits that don't know gamers) know so little about thier maket.


They handle MMOs like they do with single player offline games.


They don't understand that it's normal to have a big influx at launch and less people later.


It's normal to have to add more ressources at start to handle all the people and to have to reorganize thoses ressources once MMO jumpers, people that were never interested to play more than a month, people that didn't like the game... are gone.


Bioware/EA handled the adding ressources part but completely forgot about the other, which can be done easily.



Game starts with pool A of servers. Devs add pool B, C , D... as needed to handle the new players.

All the pools except the first are temporary which means after the first month, the players of the most recent pool (or more) are dispatched on other servers. They are given the choice of their destination.

Until the population is more or less stablized (or increasing/decreasing steadily) offer free transfer once per month to allow people to relocate if they want it.


Probably the most important thing YOU EDUCATE SHAREHOLDERS, YOUR BOSS, HIS BOSS that it's NORMAL, people like to buy and test new things even if they know they will never use it after or in the case of games, play it for more than a month.


Amen. I have been saying this for years regarding ever mmo I've ever played or been involved with. I believe the number/size of servers at launch and the way they are handled (closed,merged) after launch is the single most vital factor in retaining/growing player population.


Too bad EA just doesnt get it and never has.

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Lol 126!


They stated 1.7 mill playing the game


If just 1mil were us servers that would put roughly 8000 players per server. Yeah that's not right by no means...




Exactly. More like 120 servers X 300 active players = 36,000 active players.

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Amen. I have been saying this for years regarding ever mmo I've ever played or been involved with. I believe the number/size of servers at launch and the way they are handled (closed,merged) after launch is the single most vital factor in retaining/growing player population.


Too bad EA just doesnt get it and never has.


Yeah, most of the biodrones think anyone who disagrees with the White Galactic Knight wants the game to fail. I don't think that's true, we want the game to succeed but want Bioware to do something about it besides forcing us to re-roll. If we had 45 US servers I think we would be in a good position to retain customers and grow. As it stands right now the amount of servers open is literally a failure.

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If we bother there customer service team enough maybe something gets done.


I would, but I was afraid that we'd somehow get in trouble for misuse of customer service or something like that.


Also, what would you even categorize it under? Just feels wrong to me.

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I would, but I was afraid that we'd somehow get in trouble for misuse of customer service or something like that.


Also, what would you even categorize it under? Just feels wrong to me.


Just under General/other.


It's a real issue, and youre a paying customer. If you have a concern you tell customer service, they are there for you. Don't be afraid to use it. They will respond with generic speech but they need to know that players are bothered by the lack of population on their servers and how it's negatively effecting there expirence.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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From 3/1


Hello everyone. I can absolutely understand the frustrations expressed here, and I appreciate that for the most part, you're being constructive in your comments. Here's a little more insight into the situation.


The character transfer system is being actively worked on by the development team. It's a large, complex project, made more complicated by the Legacy System - and it has to work perfectly. As always, it is not the only task the team as a whole is undertaking, but it's a priority. It has not been deliberately delayed, nor is it being 'held back' for any reason. As you know, the first stage of the system will be a one-off, optional transfer for those who are based in the regions defined in our FAQ. At some point after that, we'll bring a more fully-featured character transfer system online for all to use.


I can understand the frustration of those of you who have been playing on the US servers and waiting for transfers. We know your enthusiasm and excitement for the game - you wouldn't have taken the steps you did to get the game earlier than the official launch if you weren't enthusiastic. We're working as hard as we can to get the system in place. If we could have brought it online earlier, we would have. However, priorities post-launch had to be directed towards the game itself. The team's been working flat-out to improve the game, including bug fixes and additional content.


When we announced our launch territories last year we knew many more fans were excited to play The Old Republic. That's why we moved quickly to launch in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore, with more territories being lined up for future launches. Our primary focus when launching in any new territory has to be to reach more players. Ultimately, that's best for the continuing success of the game. We want everyone who wishes to play on the new servers to be able to do so, hence character transfer being offered. With that said, in this case we felt it was important to get the game into the hands of new players as soon as possible. That, combined with our post-launch development priorities, meant that character transfer did not make our launch date for these territories.


The development team remains committed to delivering a robust character transfer system for all, with our first priority being for Asia-Pacific players. If we can bring the system to you earlier than expected, we will, but for now we’re aiming towards late April.

Stephen Reid | Senior Online Community Manager

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If the sub numbers are correct we have about 170 000-200 000 concurrent users during peak hours, there 217 tota1 servers which gives us 300-400 playersper faction on average

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First off all i like this game, but not when i creat a new character and im the only one on that planet. That means that i cant do heroics or need help with some quest. The question is how long we have to wait for BW do something about that. Because it is no pleasure to lvl a new character. It should be more like the begin days or weeks when there was no problem finding a person to help ya out. Server merge is a solution but ofc BW will not do that because to early after release. Or what BW also can do is change server for free or for the first time you do it, thne pay for it. :rolleyes:


How long we have to wait for some improvements, playing like this more peeps will stop playing SWTOR.


CE VIP:d_mad:

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First off all i like this game, but not when i creat a new character and im the only one on that planet. That means that i cant do heroics or need help with some quest. The question is how long we have to wait for BW do something about that. Because it is no pleasure to lvl a new character. It should be more like the begin days or weeks when there was no problem finding a person to help ya out. Server merge is a solution but ofc BW will not do that because to early after release. Or what BW also can do is change server for free or for the first time you do it, thne pay for it. :rolleyes:


How long we have to wait for some improvements, playing like this more peeps will stop playing SWTOR.


CE VIP:d_mad:


Did you even bother to read what i just posted? They said hopefully late April for Asian/Pacific which means hopefully the rest of us a month or so later

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I too joined the heaviest populated eu server and compared it to the one my main was on and the game experienced was hugely improved. Rather than a quiet, inactive server with small guild communities, which take finding players for end game content impossible, it was a dream. 100+ in each planet instead of 3-4 and 30-50 in fleet.


Something really has to be done on this matter ASAP. It's killing everyone's enthusiasm and making it impossible to progress.....


Isn't it crazy? It sounds like you and I tried the same thing. There were *50* people on Tython, a starting planet, at 3:00 am server time last night (The Fatman). 50. That is amazing compared to my server (Hedarr Soong), nevermind the fact that it was far from a peak hour.


General chat was thriving... And while questing I ran by so many other players who needed help. I made friends.


I'm getting server envy now. For now, I'm going to stay the course with my server and pray BW opens transfers soon.

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