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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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It seems to me that after Christmas, not many people have been on any server. Like certain servers have a STANDARD population at the peak hours when everyone is on. I am almost glad that not all the servers are over crowded becase then you dont have to wait 2 hours to login. We need to remember that alot of people have work and can't play so every sever does have plenty of players using that server, but not all of them are always on. Maybe since it takes forever to get a PVP match going for servers with low population they will put in a new Warzone that is meant for smaller servers. There are still plenty of people playing WOW still, so give it a few more months and we may have some more players on the servers.


I'm definitely one of the casual players, I have noticed that there are less light servers so it does seem there is a slight increase in subs.

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This game is almost totally dead, moved to the most populated swtor server in the world and i still cant get teams for flashpoints after 4 hours of spamming chat in the fleet. This game is about to die. Which is a shame because i liked a lot of it. but epic fail with having no lfg tool or server transfers.
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This game is great, the idea is nice, and if it were to fail its not because of the game, but because of the developer's pride that kills it, hahahaha...


they just refuse the see the problem and they expect people to re roll on another server, so if i do that and i restart all my legacy system, what if that server went dead again? what happened then? i restart again???

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This game is great, the idea is nice, and if it were to fail its not because of the game, but because of the developer's pride that kills it, hahahaha...


they just refuse the see the problem and they expect people to re roll on another server, so if i do that and i restart all my legacy system, what if that server went dead again? what happened then? i restart again???


I did a paid transfer back in WoW when Warsong US became BRsong. My destination server Smolderthorn US fell apart due to stability issues during an expansion, it sucked that I wasted money on transfers :( It's a risk you have to take.

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Yeah, i get that point, but here, you have legacy system, so if you need to start again you have to stick with that server for your legacy to build up, and also i don't mind paying for a transfer, just as long as i don't have to pay for another 3 months worth of sub to get my character up to speed again.


Yeah, BW are you listening??? i buy your game to play it, not to go in to the game and wait for stuff to happen, i do that all the time in work, and i get paid for it!

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Everyone who plays this game knows its dieing..Merge servers now before they are a ghost town cut the 100+ down to 45 tops...The only server that has a population worth a damn PvP wise is The Fatman because everyone got tired of 20-40 people on the fleets and nobody in the world so they rerolled onto The Fatman...right now 8pm primetime friday night only 21 people on the fleet.......a whoppin 1-2 people on in guilds this doesn't feel like an mmo, defintely not one worth paying for. Edited by warkat
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Starting to think all EA cares about is keeping people on SWTOR until the Secret World comes out.


There is no other explaination for how Bioware flat out doesnt care that the population is dropping.


I mean I wouldnt say the game is dying, but Bioware doesnt even care enough to acknowledge that for example


Iron Citadel


Was a heavy server before, and is now a light server (standard).


Is this an actual MMO or just something to make money for a few months and pack it in?

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I also find the low population being a huge problem. It's hard to get a group for anything since on the fleet there aren't much people. As of now while I'm writing this message there are 11 people on the Imperial Fleet and only option is to go level a fresh character I made in an active server. It feels dull though to just start everything from the beginning :( I want my old characters there too.
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I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of character slots or scared of losing their guild. The credit buys a decicreds worth, GTNs are going bust, merchants keep a blaster under the counter. Black Sun are running wild in the empty streets and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it!!


We know the population is light, and our server is unfit to play on, and we sit watching our holos while some galactic newscaster tells us that today we have a new warzone and new legacy options, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad - worse than bad. They're empty. It's like everything everywhere is getting empty, so we don't go out anymore.


We sit in our ship, and slowly the galaxy we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, 'Please, at least leave us alone in our ship. Let me have my legacy mailbox and my legacy GTN and my class powers and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.'


Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot - I don't want you to write to your developer because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the depopulation and the Hutts and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, 'I'm a paying subscriber, goddammit, My life has VALUE!'


So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, 'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!' I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell - 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!'

Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!... You've got to say, 'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!'


Then we'll figure out what to do about the servers and the drop in players. But first get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell




You are my new favorite person

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This is just ridiculous.... For the love of Jawa's PLEASE MERGE THE SERVERS!!!!


These are YOUR paying customers trying to reach out!! PAY ATTENTION!!!!





And may the force be with you.



.... Always

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At first I didn't think I needed to post here, but I think I will follow suit now.


I made an alt on one of the more well-known and populated servers just to see what kind of difference there was. Finding groups, getting warzones, selling items, etc., was so much easier on one of one server I tested (Republic side).


I beg BW to make this a high priority. If not server merges - server transfers. The quality of gaming on this populated server im trying out is nuts. I can't bear releveling my character and regaining War Hero, full Rakata/BM again though.


I will gladly pay for this service if that is the only option. I WANT to play this game more than I do... but it's hard to muster the people.


Thanks in advance for your consideration.

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I too joined the heaviest populated eu server and compared it to the one my main was on and the game experienced was hugely improved. Rather than a quiet, inactive server with small guild communities, which take finding players for end game content impossible, it was a dream. 100+ in each planet instead of 3-4 and 30-50 in fleet.


Something really has to be done on this matter ASAP. It's killing everyone's enthusiasm and making it impossible to progress.....

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so...instead of finding one of the DOZENS of servers that have tons of people on them...you're just gonna unsub?



that makes no sense.


Not everyone is willing to start from scratch and leave their favorite toons behind.

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so...instead of finding one of the DOZENS of servers that have tons of people on them...you're just gonna unsub?



that makes no sense.


only fools will re-roll an alt for that reason,

BW should fix this low population problem ASAP.

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so...instead of finding one of the DOZENS of servers that have tons of people on them...you're just gonna unsub?



that makes no sense.


Not everyone is willing to roll over and present their backside to EAware.

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