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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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- I think that I'm playing this game only because <star wars> name

- I'm playing in dead guild 1/32

- I'm selling ~ 3/75 items per day in GTM

- Every day - same quests.


~ Our people are dying, Senator. We must do something quickly to stop the Federation.

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I know they technically can't do a merger yet, much less a transfer. But, they can at least tell us what they will do about these low pop servers before everyone rerolls or quits. Rerolling is making the light servers even lighter. Some players still pop in part time, but they spend most of their play time on another server now.


Someone should ask this and answer this in the weekly Q&A, which is usually a bunch of garbage questions.

Edited by Kourage
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dont think their will ever be server merges the game was designed around rather small population servers. it seems alot of the game was designed around the fact that their programming cant handle lotsa people in the same place. is the same reason ilum was abandoned for now untill they can make the game run even medium battles on average rigs were stuck with the perception of low population servers and small instanced pvp wz's. (hope they can fix it though i like the pvp in this game its just missing a few things and a few bugs need to be worked out)
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Someone should ask this and answer this in the weekly Q&A, which is usually a bunch of garbage questions.


Every week we ask they just ignore and respond only stupid questions like barbie items or something like this

Edited by lordhaizen
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Having this problem now because many guilds left severs and re-rolled on other servers due to very long server queues. I think they created the problem with assigning guilds to servers at launch. They put too many players on the same server and we ended up with some servers being 70% sith 30% republic and all the other mess.
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Kinrath Spider is a ghost town pvp server. 50-60 ppl in fleet at peak, ive seen it less than 10 during late nights/early mornings.


No one ever leveling up on mid level planets. Just horrible horrible population to be 3 months in.


Other than pvp being Stun Wars, its the main complaint I have and has be rethinking resubbing next month

Edited by EERgasm
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One day someone will make a MMO and think ahead to the possibility that they will do server merges and make names unique across all servers.


That was always the biggest issue/hindrance with merges, people lose their names/guild names and lots of hassle to deal with that.


If they just started the game off with all names on all servers having to be unique, well much easier then.

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Server merges won't happen until it is too late for several reasons:


When a game announces they are merging servers, there is always the "game is fail" cry from the web, with all the 'negative publicity' that comes with it. Since this game is run by a COMPANY, and not actual players, they will not do anything that reflects bad on their game.


Pride. (Arrogance?) To close and merge servers would be to admit that many, many, many people did not like the game the Devs have created and have stopped playing and left. Part of this can be disbelief that everyone doesn't madly love the game the Devs created, and surely as soon as a few patches role out, the players will come back. (Although this could be classed under its own heading of Delusion)


Bad data. Because of the influx of asian gamers, coupled with the fact that many people have stopped playing but haven't unsubbed, or more likely, so many paid quarterly, gives the false impression of a game doing well. Those who's job it is to make sure the game is good enough for people to pay to play it want to keep their jobs. So, they hold up sub numbers instead of actual game time numbers as indication that all is well. Management, being the clueless bean counters they always are, except this and move on.



The population is so low it has reached the 'critical mass' of players. People leave, those that stay can't find others to group, Pvp, raid with, so some of them get frustrated and leave.


Those that stay can't find others to group, Pvp, raid with, so some of them get frustrated and leave.


those that stay can't find others to group, Pvp, raid with, so some of them get frustrated and leave.


Soon, you are left with nobody.


WAR is a perfect example of this. Game was either loved or hated, but it depended on a healthy server pop to work. The Devs, for the reasons above I'm sure, did not do server merges until it was too late.


BUT.. you know what happened when they did finally merge servers? Their subscriptions went UP for a time. People were excited to actually run into and fight other players, for a change. However, it was too late by then, the population had fallen to a point that even closing all but a few servers there were just not enough people left.


SWTOR is the same boat. It's population is falling like a rock, and the Devs, for their own reasons will fight tooth and nail against server merges until it is too late, and SWTOR becomes a marginal game like WAR.

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I don't think a server merge will do anything to help the core issue, which is population imbalance.


Right now my server has roughly somewhere between 2:1 and 3:1 imp:rep (closer to the 2:1 from what I can tell).. But.. If that were to merge with another server, the end result would be doubling the population while maintaining the current faction imbalance..


So the end result would be login queues for everybody, only to have republic players still login to 1/2 or less the population of the opposing faction.


Not a good solution at all.

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I don't think a server merge will do anything to help the core issue, which is population imbalance.


Right now my server has roughly somewhere between 2:1 and 3:1 imp:rep (closer to the 2:1 from what I can tell).. But.. If that were to merge with another server, the end result would be doubling the population while maintaining the current faction imbalance..


So the end result would be login queues for everybody, only to have republic players still login to 1/2 or less the population of the opposing faction.


Not a good solution at all.


The core issue is not imbalance it is general population. You have no idea.

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Server merges won't happen until it is too late for several reasons:


When a game announces they are merging servers, there is always the "game is fail" cry from the web, with all the 'negative publicity' that comes with it. Since this game is run by a COMPANY, and not actual players, they will not do anything that reflects bad on their game.


Pride. (Arrogance?) To close and merge servers would be to admit that many, many, many people did not like the game the Devs have created and have stopped playing and left. Part of this can be disbelief that everyone doesn't madly love the game the Devs created, and surely as soon as a few patches role out, the players will come back. (Although this could be classed under its own heading of Delusion)


Bad data. Because of the influx of asian gamers, coupled with the fact that many people have stopped playing but haven't unsubbed, or more likely, so many paid quarterly, gives the false impression of a game doing well. Those who's job it is to make sure the game is good enough for people to pay to play it want to keep their jobs. So, they hold up sub numbers instead of actual game time numbers as indication that all is well. Management, being the clueless bean counters they always are, except this and move on.



The population is so low it has reached the 'critical mass' of players. People leave, those that stay can't find others to group, Pvp, raid with, so some of them get frustrated and leave.


Those that stay can't find others to group, Pvp, raid with, so some of them get frustrated and leave.


those that stay can't find others to group, Pvp, raid with, so some of them get frustrated and leave.


Soon, you are left with nobody.


WAR is a perfect example of this. Game was either loved or hated, but it depended on a healthy server pop to work. The Devs, for the reasons above I'm sure, did not do server merges until it was too late.


BUT.. you know what happened when they did finally merge servers? Their subscriptions went UP for a time. People were excited to actually run into and fight other players, for a change. However, it was too late by then, the population had fallen to a point that even closing all but a few servers there were just not enough people left.


SWTOR is the same boat. It's population is falling like a rock, and the Devs, for their own reasons will fight tooth and nail against server merges until it is too late, and SWTOR becomes a marginal game like WAR.


So BW/EA will let this game die a slow death rather than merge servers and make their customers happy, in the long run making more money?


Fail logic is fail..

Edited by _Zorth_
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I have played this mmo games since Lineage 1.. And im one of the few that lost WOW really fast.. The concept of this game is great and the story you play are great. But if you dont listen to the ppl who pay for playing the game, you will lose and alot of ppl will leave the game,, it's easyer to keep the players you have now and listen to them then it is to get new ppl in to play the game.. Server merge is a fact and now.. What most ppl want me included is a PVP game with a good story to play and things happens allso for the ppl at max lvl... The best thing i ever attented in a MMO game was a Castle Siege in Lineage 2.. Yoputube that and learn about FUN pvp.. But start with the server mage and for free to start with,,, the suggestion about free move for a month as someone wrote is a fantastic idea..
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I'd like to see a server merger. Corellian Run's Imperial fleet population during peak hours is around 150, which is just fine for trying to get players for Heroics, HMs and such, but PvP is almost always against other faction members or one of two Republic guilds. I'm getting rather tired of seeing the same smugglers and trooper medics ALL the time to be honest. I decided to create a Pub toon, to see if the disparity was lack of population, or lack of willing PvP participants. It turns out to be the prior. I've never seen their fleet population hit 100. If there's another server out there with a 2:1 Pub to Imp ratio, I would happily accept a merger.


And to comment on server mergers as an indication of a 'failing game', I disagree. During the first week or two we all suffered from long (1hr+) queue times and a number of new servers were brought online to help alleviate that. Unfortunately, now that people have returned to their normal routines where gaming is perhaps not the number one priority, the queues are gone. Since population balance was not something guarded against when the game was created, we have two options, either hope more players join the server under the opposing faction, or Bioware merges a server with ours. Those servers can always be brought back into service as the game grows down the road, as I am sure that it will.

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yes thank you i said this exact same thing to some people the other day. at the moment there are a load of servers who have hardly any population even during peek hours. I cant imagine it would be hard for bioware to take a look at the logs and say right if we merge this server and this server and this one and this one, not only will there be a decent amount of people online during peek hours, ...... but there will be a nice balance of empire to republic. this might not be possible with every server, ...... however the least it can do is get us a decent amount of people all on one server, so we can actually have the opportunity to experience the marvellous content that is available.


there is another benefit to this potential fix as well. you will be running a reduced number of servers............ doesn't that mean reduced overheads by the way of maintenance and what not. and also because there will be a decent number of people playing together, the hype will build back up about the game and potentially stem the diminishing population trend and turn it into a growing population.



I seriously urge you to take this suggestion and implement it as it would solve a lot of issues people currently have with the game. there is no point bringing in new content if people will never experience it because there are not enough players on the same server. and since you have not put in server transfers like most mmo's have, ...... this would be a viable alternative.

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yes thank you i said this exact same thing to some people the other day. at the moment there are a load of servers who have hardly any population even during peek hours. I cant imagine it would be hard for bioware to take a look at the logs and say right if we merge this server and this server and this one and this one, not only will there be a decent amount of people online during peek hours, ...... but there will be a nice balance of empire to republic. this might not be possible with every server, ...... however the least it can do is get us a decent amount of people all on one server, so we can actually have the opportunity to experience the marvellous content that is available.


there is another benefit to this potential fix as well. you will be running a reduced number of servers............ doesn't that mean reduced overheads by the way of maintenance and what not. and also because there will be a decent number of people playing together, the hype will build back up about the game and potentially stem the diminishing population trend and turn it into a growing population.



I seriously urge you to take this suggestion and implement it as it would solve a lot of issues people currently have with the game. there is no point bringing in new content if people will never experience it because there are not enough players on the same server. and since you have not put in server transfers like most mmo's have, ...... this would be a viable alternative.


agree and from this point looks like they preffer cash shop free game like warhammer for sure this game goes free without merge when players see new crew craft system and no one to sell GG

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