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Punishing the solo player


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I have to be honest. I disagree with the difficulty and wish it was a bit harder.


I now have a 50 Guardian, 50 Mercenary, and a 50 Operative and I soloed all of my quests with the exception of heroic quests that you are not meant to solo anyways.


You can 100% level to max without a group.

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I've yet to encounter a class quest that I couldn't complete on my own with my companions.


The only exception to this was the final quest before you get your ship for the Smuggler class, and it was in the Open Beta weekend and I hadn't yet learned how to efficiently play the Gunslinger advanced class.

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Every class should be soloable , i give it to you that some have a MUCH harder time than others , but are still soloable.


Gear you + companion and yeah , will be hard , but possible.


Well less the heroics , forget those ones.

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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


Lol, I soloed every class quest, i did not even know you could bring another player into your class quest areas until later in the leveling process.


You're doing it wrong.

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Basically, if my Shadow can do the solo missions in the class arc without a single stim, and rarely needing a medpack, then why shouldn't my Sniper be able to do so?


You can still do them solo, why does it matter if you use have to use consumables or not? It's not like your credits are going to hop out of your pocket and run away, you may as well spend them on something.

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99% of the time people have trouble with a class quest boss fight is because - they are not interupting something the boss is doing that results in a nuke of some sort.


Pay attention to the fight. Use your INTERUPTS. ALL classes can solo ALL their class quest boss fights (and any of them for that matter).

Edited by FooBard
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99% of the time people have trouble with a class quest boss fight is because - they are not interupting something the boss is doing that results in a nuke of some sort.


Pay attention to the fight. Use your interupts. All classes can solo all their class quest boss fights (and any of them for that matter).




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Tanks and healers will find soloing easy compare to the dps side of it, healer or tank it hard to pick what companions you'll need if you fail the first time try to remember how the boss works. Look out for the aoe's (area of effect) as meny old wow players will tell you DON'T STAND IN THE FIRE.


As for the people who like soloing it's an mmo (massively multiplayer online) team up make friends if you need help it's most likely they will too.


ps. it's missions now guys not quests:rod_grin_p:

Edited by Nover
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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


If you are having trouble with doing your class quests on your own you must not be geared enough/ arent using stims med packs. Also stuns knock backs and interrupts always help oh yeah and the famous don't stand in poop tip helps as well. your class quest is ment to be done alone if you cant do it alone it might just be your skills need some sharpening. Gear from the GTN that are green and to your level will help you. Keep you and your companion gear at all times.

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99% of the time people have trouble with a class quest boss fight is because - they are not interupting something the boss is doing that results in a nuke of some sort.


Pay attention to the fight. Use your INTERUPTS. ALL classes can solo ALL their class quest boss fights (and any of them for that matter).


that's what I told my wife who died for the 4th time to her class quest on tatooine. She was 3 levels higher than recommended and this mob did this large area PBAOE that basically gibbed her droid with up to date parts, motors etc... then he proceeds to decimate her toon (DW jedi) extremely quickly. She blew everything and still died on a mob lower level than she was. Her gear is pretty up to date and one of the mob pbaoe dropped her to 50% instantly.


So I had to log in my 50 to kill him.


On my 50 Vanguard as i was leveling her, there were definitely some very strangely tuned mobs. For example, some elites can't be interrupted and they don't even have channel or cast bars but they are obviously channeling/casting. You just have to suck up the damage and hope you don't die. Those giant walker droids in the elite variant tend to be completely uninterruptible when they launch their rather overpowered launchers on you...which surprised me because the Walker droid boss in the flashpoint before you free revan is nearly completely interruptible.

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Good. This is an MMO and the worst thing these games ever did was give incentives for solo play.


LOL - just because you need to rely on other people to get through a game, doesn't mean everyone else should have to drag your negative contribution self all the way through the content so you can continue grinding gear while hiding behind the team. :cool:


Need more solo play options just to avoid this sort of thing, then a game could truly be about how good the player is rather than how well a person can leech off others.


I suggest making solo only content - so people cannot bring others into these instances with them at all, and balance content to one player - make it hard enough so the leeches discover how crap they actually are, and reward the good players really well for getting though it. Tier it just like raid content.

Edited by lollie
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I find that if I do all the space dailies and PVP dailies as well as all the world quests, I am way overlevelled for the world I am in. I really don't understand how you could have so much difficulty unless you were just doing Class Quests and nothing else. The end does get a bit rough though solo, but compared to other games I have played this one is actually fairly soloable.
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LOL - just because you need to rely on other people to get through a game, doesn't mean everyone else should have to drag your negative contribution self all the way through the content so you can continue grinding gear while hiding behind the team. :cool:


Need more solo play options just to avoid this sort of thing, then a game could truly be about how good the player is rather than how well a person can leech off others.


I suggest making solo only content - so people cannot bring others into these instances with them at all, and balance content to one player - make it hard enough so the leeches discover how crap they actually are, and reward the good players really well for getting though it. Tier it just like raid content.


I would love this but allow us to bring 3 companions to form a group, i've been banging this drum for the last 2 months with plenty of support but BW arent interested. Instead they want us to keep rolling alts till were comotose from boredom, meh I said i'll give this game 6 months but not a day more. With the guild summit announcements and 1.2 Swtor is resembling Wow in space more & more every month.

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seriously? i soloed the whole 1-50 as an op, pretty much soloed 1-50 as a jugg, and have a 27 BH that ive soloed.... the class Qs arnt hard. not to be an ***, but it may just be you.


Some parts are harder than Normal at least on the republic side. I have 2 50's and tho i soloed 95% of it there a few part in the JK story that are hard, same with the sage story line so far the trooper (commando) is easy mode.

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So far I have always done all class stories with ~3 levels below the mobs I needed to kill.


Obviously first lvl50 as Vanguard was easy, tank specced with healer. Though I tried almost impossible in Chapter 2, trying to kill last boss on The Gauntlet at lvl36. Sadly it didn't work but it proved that 4-5 levels below the mob is the cruical point where most of your hits/shots miss or get deflected/resisted.

So I heard people were complaining about Guardian not being able to kill anything so I tested it. Rolled completelly dps specced guardin 1-50 with 99% using Kira (did only one class story boss with healer) and managed to do every chapter 3 levels below, which means I finished class story at lvl47, same as with other classes.


Commando of course was easy mode with Elara but also Jugg dps specced proved to be pretty easy with same class story rush, but I must admit I had to use healer in more encounters than on Guardian.


Smuggler finished chapter 2 at 38, Assassin finished chapter 1 at 28-29, etc.


Anyway, all class story content is doable 3 levels below mobs without healer companion (in most cases). Sometimes it just takes few tries to see all the mechanics involved and of course sometimes it takes you to play smart. Use you interupts, LoS some nasty abilites, use your CDs at the right time and use your companions right.

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Ive actually gotten to some of my class quests where im overlevelled on my Sentinel & I still get whupped by the mobs.


All my other classes (I play all 8 AC's on Rep) can mow through their content no problem, just not the Sentinel.


I *think* its because Sentinels used to wear Heavy Armour, and when they changed it late in the game beta, they simply didnt reflect that change in the boss fights.


The fights are desiened for Sentinels in Heavy Armour, as they wear now wear Medium they take more dmage than they should.

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