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Help! Can I upgrade my existing account to Collectors?


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I have an existing account with 2 50's and wanted to upgrade to collector's.


I have it but afraid to open if if the C.E. code is strictly to a new account registration as my brother believes it is.


I dont want to risk trying myself only to find out I wasted 160$ for just a statue.



Any confirmations?

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I do believe you can enter the code in the code redemption site while logged into your account and have it applied to your current account. However, I'm not 100% sure on this.


I would recommend posting in this forum: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=11


one of the CS reps should be able to give you a definitive answer rather quickly on that question.

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Can't find the post right now, but you can add the CE code to your current account and get the in-game perks that go along with it. However, the 30 days free that come with it are for new accounts only, so you would not receive that.
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