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No Interrupts for Commandos


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So why is Commandos the only class in game that was no interrupt? The only interrupt is in teh Vanguard tree. Why? Its kinda of unfair for PVE since interrupts are a main focus. So im not going to have Dps Commandos in my HM FP party. They cant help interrupt. Bioware fix this.
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I would love for my Commando to have an interrupt for pvp, but my question is why leave out a good dps class because they don't have an interrupt? You have two tanks, even if one is dpsing a fight, that have interrupts, and probably at least two or three other dpsers with interrupts. How many do you need?
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I would love for my Commando to have an interrupt for pvp, but my question is why leave out a good dps class because they don't have an interrupt? You have two tanks, even if one is dpsing a fight, that have interrupts, and probably at least two or three other dpsers with interrupts. How many do you need?

You need to have two interrupts on HM Esseles to interrupt Ironfist's Headshot (9.5s cooldown).

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I would love for my Commando to have an interrupt for pvp, but my question is why leave out a good dps class because they don't have an interrupt? You have two tanks, even if one is dpsing a fight, that have interrupts, and probably at least two or three other dpsers with interrupts. How many do you need?


Note that the OP said "HM FP party" not "Operations Group."


Yes, in Ops the interrupts should be covered, but in Flashpoints bringing Commandos puts you at a disadvantage since fights are designed with the assumption of interrupts.

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I don't know i just don't get it. Why is the Commando class the only one in the game. I mean it seems like its broken. Why not put the interrupt in the Trooper skills, like very one else is. Like for Knights it is not in Guardian its in the Knight. Plus it means a Commando could ever solo a Healer if the healer knows how to play. Sad thing is I'm not even a Commando and i fell sick becasue of this. Such an unfair advantaged. Edited by Govudo
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I don't know i just don't get it. Why is the Commando class the only one in the game. I mean it seems like its broken. Why not put the interrupt in the Trooper skills, like very one else is. Like for Knights it is not in Guardian its in the Knight. Plus it means a Commando could ever solo a Healer if the healer knows how to play. Sad thing is I'm not even a Commando and i fell sick becasue of this. Such an unfair advantaged.


I think it was probably just a miscommunication between design teams.


If you look at the list of control abilities (CC, KB, Stun, Interrupt, etc), they are fairly balanced across the classes. I'm guessing one group was trying to make sure no class had EVERY option (although I think Sages do), and figured interrupt was the best to remove from Commandos, and no one bothered to pass it on to the fight design team that the assumption of interrupts was no longer a valid assumption. Or they did pass it on and figured that tanks have interrupts so it doesn't matter, and then proceeded to make fights that require more than one interrupt which renders any 2 Commando group non-viable.

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Commando's wishing they had something they don't get usually means they are trying to make up for someone else's short-comings. We don't need an interrupt.


Try this: Go run HM Esseles with two Commando DPS, then again with 2 non-Commando DPS. Come back and let us know how it went.

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Forgive my ignorance as I PVP 99% of the time but I just ran this with a PVe tank and healer with 2 gunnery commandos and we crushed it...we wiped on the last boss because me and the other mando didn't avoid the lighting or whatever but it sure seemed like ez mode to me....maybe the healer And tank took care of the interrupting?...what boss is he? The first one?
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Forgive my ignorance as I PVP 99% of the time but I just ran this with a PVe tank and healer with 2 gunnery commandos and we crushed it...we wiped on the last boss because me and the other mando didn't avoid the lighting or whatever but it sure seemed like ez mode to me....maybe the healer And tank took care of the interrupting?...what boss is he? The first one?

The second one. Was your healer a Sage by any chance? And how much HP does your tank have?

Edited by Soshla
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Forgive my ignorance as I PVP 99% of the time but I just ran this with a PVe tank and healer with 2 gunnery commandos and we crushed it...we wiped on the last boss because me and the other mando didn't avoid the lighting or whatever but it sure seemed like ez mode to me....maybe the healer And tank took care of the interrupting?...what boss is he? The first one?


Yeah, that "try this" was implicitly meant for withonor, since I know he is a Commando healer. I guess I should have increased the generalization and said "run this with 2 Commando DPS and a Commando Healer."


It requires 2 interrupts. The tank usually covers one, and, if a Healer has an interrupt and feels up to it they could cover the other.


Are the odds of a triple Commando run high? No, but they aren't astronomically low either.

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Tank was buff 20k+ healer was scoundrel.

Here's our answer as to why you managed without interrupts. Your tank likely outgears the instance. A group who is prepared to start doing heroics would be using a tank at around 16-7k HP, which about what the interrupted ability hits for. It's clearly designed to 1-shot people who are starting out.

Edited by Soshla
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Let's get to WoW play as quick as possible!


I know getting a group together randomly isn't great, but you can't expect the game to be balanced around three commandos in a group.


Be responsible with group making, be patient. You don't have to take the first available person right away.

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Tank takes an interrupt, second DPS takes the other? Being able to run double commandos in a hard mode is just going to make things easier with the current bug that lets demo round get increased damage from other people's grav round vortices.


I'm not saying I wouldn't love to have an interrupt, but if you're wiping its not going to be solely based on the lack of interrupts and if it is that was poor party composition to begin with.

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You're missing the point, even if I care running instance with 2commandos as DPS (my friends are shadow tank + commando dps, and I'm commando DPS aswell).

The point is :

commando is the ONLY class in the whole game with no interrupt.


There is nothing else to argue about, it sound obvious to me they made a mistake about it.

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So. No Bres, unlike the other two healing classes. No interrupt, unlike the other two healing classes. Middle of the road aoe healing and single target heals that are good, but not as good as Sage/Sorc single targets.


But hey, at least there's all that cool looking heavy armor, am I right?

Edited by Achraya
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Cryo nade is good enough for me hehe


Let's talk again when you encounter your first boss which is immune to many effects, which includes the cryo grenade.


Also as a "sidenote" on the team planing and a group with too many commandos being a coicidence: there are trooper-only guilds around. The whole concept of the game indicates that a trooper-only group could do well and, indeed, up to high level flashpoints that's true.


Then you suddenly are in trouble: you leveled your trooper, along with your friends. Cryo grenade, concussive force, concussive round and (when skilled gunnery) stock strike were your interrupts and you did well, both in PvE and PvP. Then you find yourself against a boss mob with hard hitting (one-shot-kill) ability and immunity to all effects which would move him around or incapacitate him. Thus only an official interrupt ability would do the job, which you don't have.


Sorry, the game gives the impression that an all-trooper group could do the job (just like an all-jedi group can do anything) and then turns things around at the very top end.


This is just bad design. Which btw also can be found in other aspects, it's just (mostly due to UI shortages) not as obvious to most players. Would the game actually show us what kind of effect different debuffs are, the abilities to cleanse effects would be in greater focus. Currently Sages can not remove tech effects, but they are the only healers who can cleanse away force effects. So i guess to be on the save side, we should always have both a Sage and another healer in our group?


Up to now, debuff cleansing is of limited importance in this game, so people don't complain about that yet. The tooltip of debuffs doesn't tell you if it's tech, force, physical or mental and some apparently are not removeable at all. Thus by now, if your cleanse doesn't remove a debuff, you guess that it can't be removed at all.


With new content on the way, i am rather sure that the game will also discriminate against either Sages or non-Sages pretty soon. When significant debuffs start to decimate groups and only cleansing can save them, people will figure out if Sages or Non-Sages can clean them and the other kind of healer won't be welcome in the corresponding flashpoints any more.


Time will tell, if developers realize that the games where they copied this /fail from remedied the problem a few years ago, or if they manage to fix it before creating a mess with the debuff problematic, too. Up to then, we'll be stuck with this bad design.


Anyways, currently the interrupt topic needs to be fixed. Most people here would like to have a dedicated interrupt ability. This is reasonable from a PvE perspective, but would make us one of the few classes with "complete" offensive toolset in PvP. Thus perhaps the more reasonable fix would be to actually change the "immune to any CC" buff of the boss mobs in question. Simply allow a freeze to actually affect those mobs, albeit only for like a tenth of a second. This should break the cast of the insta-death ability but wouldn't affect other mobility or damage output of the boss in any significant way.

Edited by Sylow
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Try this: Go run HM Esseles with two Commando DPS, then again with 2 non-Commando DPS. Come back and let us know how it went.


This is what frustrates me right here.


Having 1 of your DPS in HM Esseles be Commando means the other cannot be.


Similarly, HM Karraga second boss fight ideally needs two interrupt mechanics Sorno. What happens if your guild wants to bring 4 commando DPS?


I'm sure interrupts will continue to be a part of future encounters. It's just silly that we're the only DPS class without a way to do it.

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