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Community Q&A: March 2nd 2012


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BW addressed this issue already but people just won't accept the answer.




I wouldn't expect new companions for another 6 months.


Stephen Reid stated otherwise shortly afterwards, all versions of SGRA implementation were on the table, no idea what is on that table now though.

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Another week with no answers on SGRA despite it being the most asked question each week. I highly doubt the guild summit is going to provide any answers about them, or provide any interesting information about anything for that matter, so it looks like we'll have to wait even longer.


When I heard SGRA wont going to be in the game at launch I was pretty peeved. I figured though that it would be a top priority for BW and that we'd see them implemented in the first content patch. 1.1 came around and we got nothing. That's ok I thought, surely the next content patch will have them. Well 1.2 is right on the horizon and we know they're not coming with it. I thought SGRA arcs would be implemented within a month of release, two at the most. At this rate though it looks like they'll never be implemented.


BioWare, if you don't want to add them just come out and say it. Stop just ignoring the questions and deleting any posts that dare mention it.


The lack of information on them and the fact they might not be implemented is seriously making me consider whether I want to keep subscribing to the game.

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Stephen Reid stated otherwise shortly afterwards, all versions of SGRA implementation were on the table, no idea what is on that table now though.



Do you have a link to this comment by chance ?

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I really don't understand Bioware's thinking at all.


Basically you are saying that the min/max'er will HAVE To ABANDON their top tier pve look.


CHOICE is one thing, what you are setting up is a person wearing the top tier pve look will be viewed as stupid while the person looking EXACTLY like a lvl 30 is smart.


You are FORCING a path instead of creating CHOICE.

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To be fair though, I've never seen these type of community Q&A for any game or from any developer actually answer the questions that are hot topics for the community. They inevitably end up just being promo's for the next patch or reiterate things that have already been answered. As much as we want our important questions answered (not just the SGRA people here either) they never get answered in a format like this.
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I really don't understand Bioware's thinking at all.


Basically you are saying that the min/max'er will HAVE To ABANDON their top tier pve look.


CHOICE is one thing, what you are setting up is a person wearing the top tier pve look will be viewed as stupid while the person looking EXACTLY like a lvl 30 is smart.


You are FORCING a path instead of creating CHOICE.


They said they are implementing incentives to go without crit crafted orange gear. Should prolly read the Q and A before posting.

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They said they are implementing incentives to go without crit crafted orange gear. Should prolly read the Q and A before posting.



I will ignore the jab. I have read the Q + A very carefully. The incentives you talk about are in future patch, likely not 1.2.


My comment pertains to 1.2 and sans "incentives" the gear issue is in an incomplete state that poses a serious problem.


I don't know how much money it costs to develop end game tier looks but this system is essentially throwing that money down the tube. People will WANT to get rid of the look as soon as possible as anyone SEEN with that look will be considered an inferior player.

Edited by Uncommonname
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I will ignore the jab. I have read the Q + A very carefully. The incentives you talk about are in future patch, likely not 1.2.


My comment pertains to 1.2 and sans "incentives" the gear issue is in an incomplete state that poses a serious problem.


I don't know how much money it costs to develop end game tier looks but this system is essentially throwing that money down the tube. People will WANT to get rid of the look as soon as possible as anyone SEEN with that look will be considered an inferior player.


I personally hate the current end game looks for Sage most out of all of the classes. So me being able to change that look is very welcomed.

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Do you have a link to this comment by chance ?


I could go look for the comment, but that would involve diving into the SGRA thread and it's four incarnations, suffice to say, look for it and you will find it, you'll probably realise why so many people are aggravated by it.

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"Remove mods from purple gear"


Can we get a clarification on this? Is it only end game PvP/Pve gear we will be able to remove the mods from or will it be ALL Purple gear, including crafted items? If so will this be applied retroactively to all ready cri-crafted purples?

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I personally hate the current end game looks for Sage most out of all of the classes. So me being able to change that look is very welcomed.


The CHOICE to change the look is welcomed. This is NOT a choice. Anyone staying in the sage look starting in 1.2 will be looked down upon.


Anyone wearing the next tier of gear will be looked down upon.


I am all for giving armor crafters some special benefit but this (at least on the information given) does not seem that great. One person in a guild will bite the bullet and go synthweaving and one person in the guild will bite the bullet and go armor mech.


They will provide the gear to the rest of their guild and then the look of the next raid gear will disappear from that guild.


I am all for creating design choices that promote choice, this is not choice.

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Great LFG is hard enough but with evryone sitting in their spaceship its going to be much worse.



They NEED an LFG chat channel. They are working on an actual LFG system but a chat channel would be a simple thing to put in in the mean time. (and should have been in at launch)

Edited by DarthZaul
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The CHOICE to change the look is welcomed. This is NOT a choice. Anyone staying in the sage look starting in 1.2 will be looked down upon.


Anyone wearing the next tier of gear will be looked down upon.


I am all for giving armor crafters some special benefit but this (at least on the information given) does not seem that great. One person in a guild will bite the bullet and go synthweaving and one person in the guild will bite the bullet and go armor mech.


They will provide the gear to the rest of their guild and then the look of the next raid gear will disappear from that guild.


I am all for creating design choices that promote choice, this is not choice.


Or you do what I did, bite the bullet, grind two alts to level 10, grind to 400 of both Armor/Synth and then just let the alts rot.

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To the SGRA people, imagine how us space combat people feel.


You all at least have had official replies and an answer. You will get it. No eta.


Our questions have been ignored since pre-launch and counting.

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If BioWare isn't saying anything about same sex romances, it could be because:


1. There is no new information available at this time

2. They're maliciously holding information back to enrage paying customers, because that's totally something a for-profit organization does




3. That the issue is not an important item for the vast majority of actual players, and they'd prefer to add features that 90% of the player base was more concerned about than adding things that 10% had as their major priority.


90% because it was mentioned last week that almost 10% of the questions submitted were for that topic..

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Or you do what I did, bite the bullet, grind two alts to level 10, grind to 400 of both Armor/Synth and then just let the alts rot.



Agreed. Which again promotes a horrible design. It is great that they are setting it up so you don't have to wear the end tier raid gear if you don't want to. However, penalizing players who do is counter intuitive to a genre that survives on looking (and thus feeling) more powerful with each iterative update.

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Evilvision - Any chance of getting the ability to lock our camera angle? I probably spend 20% of my time during PvP adjusting this when I should be well.... PvP-ing.


Damion Schubert: The ability to turn off smart camera is in Game Update 1.2 (this is what makes the camera swing behind you when you start to move).


All I can say is its about damn time, praise jeebus.

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When they said


Emannuel Lusinchi (Technical Design Director): Yes, for Game Update 1.2, this is correct. Crafted gear is, in theory, superior to endgame gear obtained in other ways. However, it is worth pointing out that putting together crit crafted gear, including item modifications, requires more effort, not less. Now, the reason I specifically mention Game Update 1.2 is that we will introduce new mechanics in a future update that, without diminishing the usefulness of crit crafted items, will bring some interesting changes and that’s all I will say about that!





Gives me the feeling a crew skill will be able to craft or add augment slots to their gear. Like the belt buckle and Socket bracer/gloves from WoW

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When they said


Emannuel Lusinchi (Technical Design Director): Yes, for Game Update 1.2, this is correct. Crafted gear is, in theory, superior to endgame gear obtained in other ways. However, it is worth pointing out that putting together crit crafted gear, including item modifications, requires more effort, not less. Now, the reason I specifically mention Game Update 1.2 is that we will introduce new mechanics in a future update that, without diminishing the usefulness of crit crafted items, will bring some interesting changes and that’s all I will say about that!





Gives me the feeling a crew skill will be able to craft or add augment slots to their gear. Like the belt buckle and Socket bracer/gloves from WoW


They will need to make it so the item is already BOP or I (and many others) will abuse the hell out of this by trading stuff to alts.

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Agreed. Which again promotes a horrible design. It is great that they are setting it up so you don't have to wear the end tier raid gear if you don't want to. However, penalizing players who do is counter intuitive to a genre that survives on looking (and thus feeling) more powerful with each iterative update.


Umm, people feel powerful when they "pwn noobs" not when they look a specific way. At least from my opinion. Only those who equate "haha, I am wearing this and you aren't! See my epeen size!!" with image feel this way.


I think people will love looking like a level 20 and being massively powerful. The glee of surprising people like that will matter more I think.

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