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Gs/snipers, 100% useless for competitive play


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Leth/df gets good damage, better mobility. But if only one or your poison/bleed effects gets dispelled in your rotation you will loose all your burst and be 100% useless for the whole wz. Ops/assas can clean dots. Mercos & ops dispell them. And people

use them in group pvp. Plus it will lose the ONLY utility it offered, annoying nondispelling comps for tagging objectives (see next patchnotes).



Leth spec does good damage and do better doing wz because its aoe aoe aoe aoea aoe dot dot dot dot

i play MM since beta and last week i tried for the FIRST time Lethality and guess what.....top 3 in EVERY wz for a week with more than 330-360k dmg everytime

always top dmg cause its not hard spam aoe skills agains 6-8 enemies all the time..thats how u top dmg with lethality.


MM need fix/boost dmg is broken and we are free kills for every melee that focus on us


hell even in pve now ppl avoid snipers.....

Edited by Maniigoldo
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I think you guys haven't seen properly played GS.


We have 2 in our guilds, that would rock your world - assist train, they wreck people.


Huttball, the center is always ours.


ye ye sure..if they arent been focused its easy me too i can control the mid like that and make tons of medals

but against a good team or premade forget it.


jug/guard marau/sent or sin/shad ops/scounds will wtfroflpwm a sniper/GS with eaze

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ye ye sure..if they arent been focused its easy me too i can control the mid like that and make tons of medals

but against a good team or premade forget it.


jug/guard marau/sent or sin/shad ops/scounds will wtfroflpwm a sniper/GS with eaze


Why are you replying to this thread like it's brand new when it's actually over a month old (and complaining about things that were largely fixed/improved in 1.2)?

Edited by Dzhokhar
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With the current state of the game, serious pvp groups will NEVER take this ac, class is alrdeay the least played by far and will be 100% dead once rated wzs come out.


I'll start with facts : the ac had so many bugs it was nearly unplayed for the 1st month post release. A lot of bugs persist, the 2 most known being the cover root bug and the unkown effect cover bug. We can't cover on ledges, on some places and we can't cover while rooted. Huge on gameplay, still no fix.



People spec either MM/SS or leth/df(or hybrids with pts eng/sabo) for pvp.


All MM/ss are weapon damage, and thus being negated by ALL armor/defense/shield mechanics. Someone takes the ball and pops defensive cds, even if he's a dpser, and guess what ? Nearly completely IMMUNE to all YOUR damage. Marau with saber ward ? Enjoy being chain deflected, my record being 7 chained deflections. Sorcs and mercenaries will hit. Even without defensive cds you get a LOT of deflections, playing against a lot of assassins ? Yup you'll

be useless and do no damage at all but others ranged classes will do just fine. Why would be penalised this way ? because of your godlike dps in pvp ? Lol no we don't top dmg chart in wzs.


Leth/df gets good damage, better mobility. But if only one or your poison/bleed effects gets dispelled in your rotation you will loose all your burst and be 100% useless for the whole wz. Ops/assas can clean dots. Mercos & ops dispell them. And people

use them in group pvp. Plus it will lose the ONLY utility it offered, annoying nondispelling comps for tagging objectives (see next patchnotes).


I remember listening devs talking about snipers/gs in previews for swtor, they said we were a very strong class for defending positions. Ho god the liars. Fact is, gs are the WORST class ever for defending, first, we have no defensive cds, shield probe is laughable at best (1.5K+ dmg absorbed ? really ?) and evasion SUCKS, all acs minus snipers mainly use power or tech abilities, and all bypass evasion, hell even marauders are more effective than SS gs against evasion. Meaning our ONLY defensive tools are our hps and our armor, which are laughable too. You cant' defend turrets or doors because there are objects EVERYWHERE. See a sniper ? go behind the turret and tag, he'll need to reposition himself and will be a free hk. Or you could send a stealth class to trishot him too. In group pvp it's the same, turret and get losed, move and get trained. Op opens on you, maraura charges you and you are instantly below 10%, sorcs bubble sprint away, mercs tank a minimum, you die.


Cover should be a core mechanic for a class, not a gimping mechanic . It gives us 20% bonus RANGED defense, and it only works against our mirror only if he's specced MM/SS, what a crap. Cover has a huge delay after activation if you want to remove it. See someong aoeing after deploying cover ? your character will herderp mini for 1 whole second. Yup. Gets a small delay upon activation to actually DO stuff. Want to snipe ? Wait 0.3s for the animation, spam your bind and pray. Sometimes cover pulse does not work on melee targets with no resolve, implying you're not already rooted and you can use your tools.


Entrench/hunker down and ballistic shield/scrambling field SUCK SO MUCH. See a sorc ? Pop entrench, he sprints behind pillar. Don't pop entrench ? Get bumped/stunned and no matched ? If you poped entrench and try to reposition yourself ?

Well you can't, you lost the buff, will be rooted and won't be able to cover. Same with ballistic shield, ****** range, the bonus is crap and if you don't have entrench to back it up, you won't last more than 2s in cover. It's a pve ability. Remove it completely and give us our reusable defensive cd (less than 2mn cd, like other classes).



Our ccs and utility are awesome...some snipers think, until they realise they have the only melee stun, the ranged class with THE melee stun rofl. Plus legshot can be deflected and has a huge delay. Want to root soemone ? Too bad he'll already be behind the fire/pillar or beating your healer. Want to stun someone ? Go melee lawl. Operatives get the same ccs, do more consistant damage, kill healers more effectively, techdispell, assist heal the ball carrier, aren't gimped vs defense mechanics, will do more damage in wz. They can stealth for passes. They can vanish if they see a switch on them. They can los and heal themselves. They can heal on the run if specced for heals. They too can orbital strike for area denials too and frag stuff. And you actually SEE some people complaining about operatives utility in wz, and they are still 10 times better than snipers for nearly everything. Facts.



If you get the squishiest class in the game, you should get the most utility with ccs or the most damage of the acs in pvp. And we have nothing. Melee stun. Others ranged are better for offense, for defense, they don't have bugs or ****** INCONSISTENT MECHANICS which were not betatested, they can either force or tech dispell, they can offheal a ballcarrier if needed. A sorc can sprint/pull/bubble with no efforts and no cast times. A sorc can stun from range, a sorc does not need to spend talents to snare someone. A sorc will do more consistent monotarget damage and a ****ton more of aoe damage. Snipers would be needed if they killed stuff faster, but they don't.


your saying snipers and gunslingers are useless ?


are you joking or being serious ?



if your joking then phew


if your not joking then stop crying and learn to play your class they are far from useless.


lol so many idiots on here that just needs to learn there class once you do you will realise how good and effective gunslingers and snipers actualy are lol

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The OP makes a lot of good points, but I think we have to wait and see until rated comes out.


I don't think people give good snipers / gunslingers the credit they deserve. The ability to place a giant AOE from cover and not get interrupted on maps like voidstar, civil war, and Novare coast is a HUGE advantage, almost a NECESSARY one.


Remember, if you are getting LoS'd, they aren't doing damage to you either, so you are staying alive. I personally think in rated on maps that AREN'T huttball, the slinger/ sniper will need to be guarded. Good teams will be peeling scoundrels / operatives so they become less effective.


Not to mention in rated those classes will be going for healers (if they are smart), so your healer just needs to stay in your LoS and you can pick off anyone attacking him.


I can't tell you how many times my vigilance guardian has dropped to a sniper while I focused down a healer. The sniper will need to be neutralized in rated play but teams can make that a ***** if they play around him properly.

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dunno how you play your sniper/gunslinger but i did a match yesterday in all pve gear ppl at start was complaining to me that i should buy recrute gear i shut them up when i came out top dmg most kills and only 1 dead can only imagin if i actualy botherd gearing her on a dead server with 15 reps on fleet at prime
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In order to keep the forums tidy and conversations in one place please use this thread to discuss the topic of Snipers. This thread is quite old, from before the recent patch and was necrod with a bump post, we will be closing this current thread. Thank You.

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