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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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My last post here, but I thought it bore repeating:

The lifting of alignment restrictions on crystals is coming into the game. I will stand by my statement that they are making the right decision for the player base. If someone feels that the simple act of removing restrictions on crystals is SW losing its iconic feel, then what about LS Sith Warriors? What about Dark Jedi? Those would be changing iconic status as well in the scope of this kind of argument. The whole, "Why not just let everyone have lightsabers then!" statements are hyperbolic at best and ludicrous at worst. It's just a color guys. :rolleyes:


If someone has an issue with the crystals, simple answer. Stick to the colors you already use. I seriously don't understand(even after reading pages and pages of this) why the decision to allow everyone free access to crystals has to affect an individual player's gameplay. Remember, this is a roleplaying game and everyone should have as much customization as the devs will allow to create your game. There is no good reason not to other than, "But the movies didn't have it!" This is an excuse that is weak to begin with and if someone looks at it closely, it falls apart. If a player doesn't like it, they can ignore it. If they hate it, well, I can't help them there.

Edited by natashina
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This seems to be a part of their strategy.It's not only crystals.Via the legacy system it is also fraction specific races.

I don't like it at all and I think that removing the fraction/alignment requirements and limitations in any way damages the lore and story of the SW universe.

What are they thinking??

You can't just destroy the lore of SW like that and get away with it.

In the long run this will turn back on them.

They are disturbing the force.

Well the thing about Star Wars is that people can switch sides. Since we as players can't it begs to assume that someone defected and is now playing for the other team or their offspring is. Think about it. A Chiss realizes that the Empire wants him and his family dead. He defects to the Republic with plans and stolen secrets. His daughter, was 2 years at the time. She grew up in the Republic and believed in their ideals. So you're saying she can't join the Republic Army? We all know the Republic would NOT turn her away.


Might as well copy and paste what I said here, but it will be long lost in this thread sooner or later than if I had my own thread.


Yeah, I too dont like that the crystals have no side alignment. I think only true dark side players should have red crystals.




Darth vader had a red lightsaber before the lore was even thought up. When you see a red lightsaber you automatically think sith oh hes evil. Honestly I think its ridiculous that people go " well I wanna be who I want to be and as a light sided jedi I want to have a red lightsaber"


Note I only care about the red crystal. But blue crystal could only be used for light V players. I think this will definitely make identifying players better, like as soon as a republic player sees a red lightsaber, hes an evil sith, and will show no mercy in battle

I wonder if anyone ever noticed that in the movies the good guys shot red blaster bolts?

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If red isn't rationally iconic for the dark side and blue/green aren't iconic for light side one has to wonder why BW bothered putting in restrictions in the first play eh?


/end to the stupid arguments


People aren't wanting color crystal changes because they care about the lore or they care about the IP or anyything else. They only want it because they're that ridiculous kind of person that thrives on the internet where there are so few set standards and so few restrictions or restraints.


Internet people are ridiculous, rolling one Sith toon that gets a cool looking outfit with green accents is enough for some of these jerks to want to urinate all over the IP and lore just so they can run around with a green saber to match their outfit. No thought, no respect for the lore, no care about the intellectual property is going into their rationale no matter what kind of ridiculous excuses they are trying to justify it with.

Edited by Criosdh
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@Criosdh There is NOTHING in the Lore that says Green and Blue can ONLY BE USED by Light Side people and Red can ONLY BE USED by Dark Side people.


I always thought crystal color had more to do with "alignment" and strength with the force rather than political beliefs, but eh.


Actually, it doesn't have anything to do with Alignment, Lore Wise. As the Color of the Crystal/Blade doesn't give 2 Yoda's Butts about whether or not it's wielder is Good or Evil.

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Obi Wan used Ventress' red lightsaber in the 4th season finale of Star Wars the Clone wars.


This entire topic is now irrelevant, light sabers are still just weapons, no one gives a rats *** about which alignment you are, not even Star Wars.

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@Criosdh There is NOTHING in the Lore that says Green and Blue can ONLY BE USED by Light Side people and Red can ONLY BE USED by Dark Side people.


Absolutely correct; there are a handful of examples of people going against the grain, which would indicate it's not a set-in-stone situation.


However, as I said way back earlier in this thread, the lore did establish that there are traditional uses of the color crystals. What this does is set up a sort of expectation that a Jedi will use a certain color and that a Sith will use another color--whether or not there are hardline restrictions on use.


Imagine a Jedi igniting a red lightsaber in the Jedi Temple. That will turn heads and raise suspicions whether or not there's a rule that says Jedi can't use red crystals.


The same is true, though less likely to be an issue, for the Sith. Ignite a blue saber at the Academy on Korriban and you're going to draw attention to yourself--and likely not the kind of attention you want.


Colors have traditional meanings for the respective groups, and going against the grain should have consequences (major or minor, it doesn't matter). Be this is in the form of a meeting with your Master, or a swift kick in the shin from a youngling who may have looked up to you.


That said, provided such consequences can be found in your particular story experience, I have no problem with the restrictions being removed.

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Absolutely correct; there are a handful of examples of people going against the grain, which would indicate it's not a set-in-stone situation.


However, as I said way back earlier in this thread, the lore did establish that there are traditional uses of the color crystals. What this does is set up a sort of expectation that a Jedi will use a certain color and that a Sith will use another color--whether or not there are hardline restrictions on use.


Imagine a Jedi igniting a red lightsaber in the Jedi Temple. That will turn heads and raise suspicions whether or not there's a rule that says Jedi can't use red crystals.


The same is true, though less likely to be an issue, for the Sith. Ignite a blue saber at the Academy on Korriban and you're going to draw attention to yourself--and likely not the kind of attention you want.


Colors have traditional meanings for the respective groups, and going against the grain should have consequences (major or minor, it doesn't matter). Be this is in the form of a meeting with your Master, or a swift kick in the shin from a youngling who may have looked up to you.


That said, provided such consequence in the story, I have no problem with the restrictions being removed.


Except, as always Traditions change and are meant to be broken on occasion. And I don't believe that the Color would draw attention so much as activating it in the Temple would. Though, it would depend on where it was being activated.


Also, Red/Blue/Green can mean many different things and as such there are valid reasons for a Sith to wield Blue &/or Green Lightsaber(s) and for a Jedi to wield a Red Lightsaber or two.


Oh and there won't be any consequences in the Story as none of the NPC's in the Temple on Tython even react to the Player when they activate their Lightsaber in the main lobby

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However, as I said way back earlier in this thread, the lore did establish that there are traditional uses of the color crystals.


Which IMO is why the restrictions where such a bad idea.


If I want to play a dark side Jedi or Light side Sith, I can't use my traditional colors because of the alignment restrictions.


If Bioware had restricted it to Blue/Green for Republic and Red for Empire, I would of had less of an issue with it myself.

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Which IMO is why the restrictions where such a bad idea.


If I want to play a dark side Jedi or Light side Sith, I can't use my traditional colors because of the alignment restrictions.


If Bioware had restricted it to Blue/Green for Republic and Red for Empire, I would of had less of an issue with it myself.


Yeah, but even then, there would be problems with having Blue/Green for the Republic and Red for the Sith Empire as Exar Kun as a Sith Lord, trained by a Freedon Nadd, who was trained by Naga Sadow would continue to use his Blue Lightsaber even after modifying it into a Double-bladed Lightsaber (how he did it without destroying it or the key components inside amazes me), and Freedon Nadd as a Sith used a Bronze Lightsaber and Naga Sadow didn't use any Lightsaber as he and the other Sith during the Golden Age of the Sith/Great Hyperspace War didn't use any Lightsabers but instead used Sith Warblades.


And as person mentioned above, Asajj Ventress wasn't ever a Sith nor is she a Jedi (not anymore anyways) continues to use the Twin Crimson Lightsabers that Dooku gave her, which she then gave 1 to Kenobi as he didn't have his Blue Lightsaber after it was Ninja Looted by Maul & his brother. Luke crafted & gave Leia a Crimson Lightsaber who would use it on various occasions.


Lastly, Darth Krayt after resurrection dual wielded Red and Emerald Lightsabers, and he was a Sith.


There are at least 1 Force Using Organization that actually had a Lightsaber Color that specifically represented them, and that was the Imperial Knights as the identifying Lightsaber Color for the Imperial Knights was Silver

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Yeah, but even then, there would be problems...


I agree, any restriction is an issue. Our characters are movers and shakers, not just common grunts or even common jedi/sith. But if there had to be a restriction doing it based on faction would of made more sense then doing it based on alignment.

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I wonder if anyone ever noticed that in the movies the good guys shot red blaster bolts?


Only in space. From what I remember, the imperial blaster carbines were red, and the rebel ones (at least on endor) were green. (at least, whenever I picture Leia shooting the guy in the walker, it's a green bolt. Possible I'm misremembering)

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Only in space. From what I remember, the imperial blaster carbines were red, and the rebel ones (at least on endor) were green. (at least, whenever I picture Leia shooting the guy in the walker, it's a green bolt. Possible I'm misremembering)

You are... EVERYONE in the OT fired red (or red-orange) blaster bolts from their pistols/rifles.


Only in the PT do you get green & blue (green from Naboo weapons, blue from clone rifles)


Yes, our characters ARE movers & shakers, the best of the best. All our character stories pretty much tell us so. Doesn't matter if there's 70 Jedi Knights or Sith Warriors on the Fleet at once... THEIR stories tell them they're the best, so they get to break/bend/ignore the 'rules' of traditional colors too, if they even really mattered in the first place. Someone put it very well when they said that basically, there's ONE Jedi Knight player character. ONE Sith Inquisitor. ONE leader of Havoc Squad. There maybe dozens or hundreds of VERSIONS of them, but they're all one story, one character, so looking at it that way, having an 'off' color isn't unusual at all.


There's just a disconnect your brain needs to learn, if the color thing bothers you. Did every Jedi Knight on the Fleet kill Darth Angral & his son? No, YOU did! So they couldn't possibly have killed 'em! Except they they did. You're not the hero of the game and everyone else is playing run-of-the-mill grunts... you're playing in a world of heroes. All the other players are heroes, too (or diabolical villains, doesn't really matter).

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