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Upgraded my CPU and am very pleased


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Welp I have done ALL the configurations that are supposed to help with the performance.


Nothing has made a DENT in the Frame rate or performance.

At ilum I can FORGET about PVPing with ANY sort of worth.

I am going anywhere from the 20's to mid 30's on fps and this is without a battle even in progress. (At the time of all my testing nobody was even logged on to fight it was so late.)


My FPS at the imperial fleet were 40's-70's at best with an empty fleet late at about 3AM.


I am VERY both confused and pissed off given I have a GTX 560 with 2GB Ram.

I know its not the ti but it should not be performing less than HALF as good as some people are saying their's are on this thread.


Here is my setup:

HPE-112y HP computer

AMD Phenom II x 4 925 at 2.8Ghz



I have been considering a new computer as I said before so I might just pick now to do it.

I know jack though about building a gaming PC.

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It's not going away. You can't kill an idea, not even a bad one. :rolleyes:


Yeah but whatever goober first started this rumor over a decade ago was proven wrong QUICKLY by a flood of website rebuttals.


There was even a programmer that made a simple program that showed two rotating cubes on your screen. You could set the framerate of their rotation individually and see that you could notice the different even after 100 fps.

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AMD HD 7950 3GB Video,

AMD HD 7970 3GB Video,




Which one and why?

Rank em if ya want.


I'm looking at prebuilt Gaming PC's on http://www.cyberpowerpc.com ...

and the PC's I am looking at all are VERY close in price but with these differences in video cards.

(They also have other component differences of the PC's of course).


No clue if I am going to buy from this place or not.

I may end up going to a local shop and having a local shop build me one.



Need to know if this website's prices are good in comparison to other pre built systems.

I also need to know if these systems (the ones in that price range)..will run this game as smooth as you really possibly can.


My price range is about 1.3-1.7k

Edited by Mephistofilus
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Unless you game on a CRT still, yes refresh rate will be 60Hz...


And no need for it to be higher (sans 3D) human eyes are not that sensitive, which is why movies are generally 24-30FPS :D.


The new hobbit movie won't be. :eek:

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I was told by a tech customer support on the phone that my system was very capable of running this game


q6600@ 2.4gh


4 gig ddr2


geforce 460 1gb memory.


I have over the weeks gone through various issues from lag crash to desktop ,currently addressing screen freeze/lock and severely fluctuating fps on fleet anything from 70fps down to 5 then back up.


I asked Daniel,Matt and others if there is anything hardware wise I could do to resolve this and was told no.


I was told the developers are fully aware of the issues and that they will be releasing patches to address them in the near future ,but are currently working very hard to identify and resolve the issues and will get the patches out as soon as they are ready .


I am more than willing to upgrade hardware but they assure me that my current system should have no issues .


To be most helpful record a msinfo as soon as you can after an issue and e-mail it to them with a outline of what happened leading to this.


Best way is to press "windows button" and "r" together in the run screen that pops type msinfo32 go to file /export then save to desktop and attach to e-mail.


But dont spend money buying random pc bits when it's likely your current machine may run just fine when they eventually track down the culprits that cause the problems.

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Here's a site that shows the difference between 15-30-60 fps. Although some of the people here are right in saying that humans can notice a difference when going from 30 to 60 that difference is minimal at best, especially in this type of game.




That's true, one thing to consider though is that 60FPS whilst standing still or moving in one direction will never equal 60FPS when turning the camera sharply etc. This is why for PvP you do need to have a bit of slack.

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Wow I can not beleive that people still think its there pc. There have been hundreds of threads on this already. Its not your PC,its the games hero engine. There is no magical fix unless BW hires a guru on gaming engines these issues will remain.

Most peeps have Zero fps issues until they engage in combat with 15 to 20 peeps in the same area. If you do not understand this I have some property to sell you in Kansas!

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Yea I started playing this game on my Toshiba dual 2.0 gig laptop. Then. I moved. To my wife's. Dell. There. Was an improvement. Then I. Had to rent one cause she needed her. For. School. So I. Just. Bought a HP. Pv6 with the amd quad core turbo. The rented. One was a dual 2.3 which. Was. An. Improvement over. The. Other. Two but this new one rocks! Also I did notice that. This one doesn't. Heat up like. The other. Three.
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I was told by a tech customer support on the phone that my system was very capable of running this game


q6600@ 2.4gh


4 gig ddr2


geforce 460 1gb memory.


I have over the weeks gone through various issues from lag crash to desktop ,currently addressing screen freeze/lock and severely fluctuating fps on fleet anything from 70fps down to 5 then back up.


I asked Daniel,Matt and others if there is anything hardware wise I could do to resolve this and was told no.


I was told the developers are fully aware of the issues and that they will be releasing patches to address them in the near future ,but are currently working very hard to identify and resolve the issues and will get the patches out as soon as they are ready .


I am more than willing to upgrade hardware but they assure me that my current system should have no issues .


To be most helpful record a msinfo as soon as you can after an issue and e-mail it to them with a outline of what happened leading to this.


Best way is to press "windows button" and "r" together in the run screen that pops type msinfo32 go to file /export then save to desktop and attach to e-mail.


But dont spend money buying random pc bits when it's likely your current machine may run just fine when they eventually track down the culprits that cause the problems.


If you would just bump the speed of the proc to 3.0/3.2 which is easily done on the type of cpu you have, you will notice a difference.


I assume you know what overclocking is but just in case, it's the process of forcing your hardware to go beyond their streamlined limits. Proceed with caution though because inexperienced overclocking might damage your pc. If you have a tech friend just tell him you want a boost to around 3.0/3.2 on the cpu ( again, easily done on the proc you have with proper cooling) and he'll know what to do. Although more come into play when oc-ing, i'm assuming you didn't cut corners at the motherboard/ram so be careful at the voltages and temperatures, don't set anything to auto if you decide to try this.


And again overclocking done wrong will damage without a doubt your pc, including the rest of the parts not just the cpu. It's an easy boost if done properly but might leave you without a pc for a while if you don't know what you're doing.

Edited by Shadit
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Yea I started playing this game on my Toshiba dual 2.0 gig laptop. Then. I moved. To my wife's. Dell. There. Was an improvement. Then I. Had to rent one cause she needed her. For. School. So I. Just. Bought a HP. Pv6 with the amd quad core turbo. The rented. One was a dual 2.3 which. Was. An. Improvement over. The. Other. Two but this new one rocks! Also I did notice that. This one doesn't. Heat up like. The other. Three.


That's. A lot. Of periods. I. Don't think I. Have ever. Seen something. Like that. Before.

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I had a 2.2GHz amd phenom x4 and upgraded to a i5 2500k. The i5 rofl stomps this game. I also have an msi 560ti twinfrozer2/oc. I have all graphics settings maxed out besides aa is on low and get 100+ fps besides in illums major battles I bog down to about 40fps which is completely payable. That is due to the servers not the "bad code".


ScreenShoot or it did not happen.

Show a picture of you running around in the fleet in peak time with 100fps, and runing around in ilum with 40 fps with 100 people there.

Or are you maybe on a ghost server where no one playes?


And remember this, what you say is "high" is not high. EA/BW removed High settings and renamed medium to high.


And can you open and close your inventory while moving without the game freezing downt o 1 fps?

Edited by Mamono
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Again peeps I would REALLY appreciate some help.


I am going to replace this PC.

I've been thinking about it for a while, and the horrible FPS, and not being able to pvp in the lvl 50 areas of this game, as well as not being able to win a one on one duel because the damn competition is skipping on me or ALWAYS seems to be faster than me made up my mind.


I'm NOT building my own.


I really need help shopping.

Im looking here:



My price range is anywhere from 1.5-2k.

Now if you notice they have PC's in a VERY close price range to each other here that are running different video cards.

It seems the main ones in my range are these:

AMD HD 7950 3GB Video,

AMD HD 7970 3GB Video,



2 x NVIDIA GTX580 1.5GB

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 3GB 16X PCIe Video Card


I need to know both which one of these video cards is the best and would run this game the best... and which of these PC's would be the best to go with this game based on its other build configurations.


I play this game more than any so I would like the PC to be suited to running it the best.

Also if you know of a better site with better prices I would of course be interested.

I have just heard good things about this place.


Thanks and again I REALLY need and would appreciate the help!

Edited by Mephistofilus
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I had a 2.2GHz amd phenom x4 and upgraded to a i5 2500k. The i5 rofl stomps this game. I also have an msi 560ti twinfrozer2/oc. I have all graphics settings maxed out besides aa is on low and get 100+ fps besides in illums major battles I bog down to about 40fps which is completely payable. That is due to the servers not the "bad code".


I did the same last week, upgraded from a phenom II x4 955 ( oc'd to 4ghz) to an i5 2500K and it does run this game very well, it's still bad coding on biowares part though, it just takes the brute strength of the sandybridges to make up for the poor optimization

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I did the same last week, upgraded from a phenom II x4 955 ( oc'd to 4ghz) to an i5 2500K and it does run this game very well, it's still bad coding on biowares part though, it just takes the brute strength of the sandybridges to make up for the poor optimization


Oh I'm. Not saying that the game dosnt need to be optimized. I'm sure it does.

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I have a i7 2600K, Geforce 570 GTX, 8 GB DDR3 1600 RAM, Kingston HyperX SATA3 240GB SSD and a 16Mb/s connection (and I am sitting on the DSL hub of my provider so I have around 50 to 70 ms latency without any signal loss)


and I get around 15 fps (depends on how much player avatars are in line of sight and how many skill effects have to be proceeded, sometimes there are more than 15fps, sometimes less) in Illum on a sunday in a full raid vs raid PvP battle on highest possible graphic settings.


I understand that you feel your rig should be able to pull off that scenario at the "highest possible graphic settings," but it's important to realize what a petty complaint this is. On my i5 with 560gtx, I tweak my graphics settings to low for huge Ilum battles and only rarely drop to 25fps. It's very playable.


The point is: a lot of these threads are giving people the wrong impression (I know this because I had the wrong impression before upgrading) --- i.e. that ToR Ilum is going to be a slideshow no matter what you do with your comp. But now I know that's just not true, and that, in fact, even relatively inexpensive ($700) upgrades can make large open world PvP very viable.


These threads need to stop misleading people into thinking ToR WZ and open world are unplayable, when in fact it's just that some people consider anything under 60fps with highest possible settings to be "lag fest".


You could have the best cpu on the planet and your fps will still come to a crawl with more than 20 peeps in any zone fighting one another. So save your money folks its not your pc unless of course its from 2004 like this game graphics.


This is flat-out untrue. Misinformation.

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Yeah, I too gotta build me a new PC.


SWTOR is different than any other game I have played, in that it requires a great processor in addition to a wonderful video card. Don't skimp on the CPU.

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I understand that you feel your rig should be able to pull off that scenario at the "highest possible graphic settings," but it's important to realize what a petty complaint this is. On my i5 with 560gtx, I tweak my graphics settings to low for huge Ilum battles and only rarely drop to 25fps. It's very playable.


The point is: a lot of these threads are giving people the wrong impression (I know this because I had the wrong impression before upgrading) --- i.e. that ToR Ilum is going to be a slideshow no matter what you do with your comp. But now I know that's just not true, and that, in fact, even relatively inexpensive ($700) upgrades can make large open world PvP very viable.


These threads need to stop misleading people into thinking ToR WZ and open world are unplayable, when in fact it's just that some people consider anything under 60fps with highest possible settings to be "lag fest".




This is flat-out untrue. Misinformation.




could up post a video of this magical experience you have on ilum with your processor?


heres mine.

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Which PC would you go with for this game?

Rate in order and why.. (yes I'm shopping and need help)


• Intel® Core™ i7-3820 Processor

• 16GB PC1600 Corsair Vengeance

• AMD HD 7950 3GB Video

• Gigabyte X79 USB3 & SATA3 MB


• 2TB SATA3 7200 RPM HD

• LG 12X Blu-Ray Rewriter


• Intel® Core™ i7-3930K Processor

• 8GB PC1600 Corsair Vengeance

• NVIDIA GTX570 1.2GB Video

• Gigabyte X79 USB3 & SATA3 MB

• Intel 120GB SSD

• 2TB SATA3 7200 RPM HD

• LG 12X Blu-Ray Combo Drive


• Intel® Core™ i7-2600K Processor

• 8GB PC1600 Corsair Vengeance

• 2 x NVIDIA GTX580 1.5GB Video

• Asus Z68 USB3 & SATA3 MB


• 2TB SATA3 7200 RPM HD

• LG 12X Blu-Ray Rewriter

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Again peeps I would REALLY appreciate some help.


I am going to replace this PC.

I've been thinking about it for a while, and the horrible FPS, and not being able to pvp in the lvl 50 areas of this game, as well as not being able to win a one on one duel because the damn competition is skipping on me or ALWAYS seems to be faster than me made up my mind.


I'm NOT building my own.


I really need help shopping.

Im looking here:



My price range is anywhere from 1.5-2k.

Now if you notice they have PC's in a VERY close price range to each other here that are running different video cards.

It seems the main ones in my range are these:

AMD HD 7950 3GB Video,

AMD HD 7970 3GB Video,



2 x NVIDIA GTX580 1.5GB

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 3GB 16X PCIe Video Card


I need to know both which one of these video cards is the best and would run this game the best... and which of these PC's would be the best to go with this game based on its other build configurations.


I play this game more than any so I would like the PC to be suited to running it the best.

Also if you know of a better site with better prices I would of course be interested.

I have just heard good things about this place.


Thanks and again I REALLY need and would appreciate the help!


First off, I would always recomend building your own. Computers are great in that as a general rule "if it fits in the hole, it goes there." That said, here's some answers.


If you don't play any other games, I would go with nVidia. This game seems (to me at least) to handle nVidia cards better. If you player other games that handle better with ATI, the choice is up to you. As a personal preference (and professional) I have always preferred nVidia unless I specificly needed ATI for a specific program.


The 560ti is going to be the best performance for the price (typically), in my opinion. It may not be the BEST card, but it is ONE of the best.


There is absolutely no reason to get 2x nVidia or ATI (that would be SLI and Crossfire respectively, I believe) in this game, unless you are absolutely trying to squeek out every drop of performance.


That said, the other system specs mater, too. Doesn't matter if your vid card rocks if your computer can't keep up.


REply to above post: I wouldn't by any of those computers specificly for this game. THey are all way too much machine. If you do other stuff, to, then yay. Otherwise, you can spend half the money and not notice a change in the game's performance.

Edited by origamikitsune
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