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Economic Changes in Patch 1.1.5


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First off, I am NOT a Hater. I think Bioware did a great job bringing us something we can love as much as KOTOR.


But if we are going on about what we'd "just love" to have in game, I'd really like to see the "Maurader" class from the miniature game. I know the name is already taken, but in the mini game, you had a pistol in one hand, and a melee weapon in another. You could choose a two handed melee and pistol, or lightsaber and pistol.


I'd love to see a class like this in game, something that's balanced both at range and melee, but not uber in either.

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I am 10 days into the game now and I read there removing Speeders and making limited time items, *** Really come on. If this is how you’re running this game Ill delete my account with paid 80 days game time on. And say F##k you.


I am a new player with one low level character and no credits and I’m being penalized already.


They're lowering the cost of low-level speeder licenses, and removing restrictions on color crystals, and you're being penalized? I paid full cost for my Level I and II licenses, and now I'll be buying my Level III license after they *raise* the cost. So, yeah, about "penalized"?


"You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means."


Also, how is not having access to something you never had in the first place any kind of penalty? All MMOs change content, and rules, over time. Only rarely is it even "grandfathered" in; most of the time, if they change the rules, everyone just gets reset. Are you upset that you don't have access to the same talents that a WoW player had when the game launched in 2005? Or that housing in UO is much more restricted now than it was in 1998?


Whence comes this attitude that you're entitled to have the game freeze in place, just so no other player can say they experienced something you didn't, or has a Bright Shiny you don't have? Guess what, buddy -- despite what Mummy and Daddy told you, you're NOT a special snowflake and you're NOT entitled to everything anyone else has, just because you want it. If you think you're entitled to things just because you want them.

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They aren't removing all speeders. Just certain ones from the vendors.


In my opinion, the ones that are being removed are butt ugly and way too big anyhow.


The items that are limited are end game stuff anyhow. And when they remove them, hopefully something else will be for sale in their place. Thus creating a variance in what people own.


It's also possible these speeders will make their way into schematics and you'll be buying them from crafters instead.


Collectors and investors may want to take note that the previous limitations governing the resale of some vehicles seem to have been lifted and are encouraged to use the opportunity to purchase these legacy vehicles while they are still available.


My hope is that this also means the crafted speeders will no longer be BoP as well so you can actually sell them.


I freely admit this is all hope and speculation though.

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Think before you post.


Thanks for trying to clear it up a bit for me Tarka but I do still feel it’s unjust that new comers are not gona be able to get these speeders, this kind of stuff really puts me of playing. I would like the option to obtain these speeders myself. And maybe on future characters also... Why in the hell would they want to remove them just seems like madness

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It's also possible these speeders will make their way into schematics and you'll be buying them from crafters instead.


Well, from one perspective, that would be a good thing in my opinion. It would indeed be a step towards a player driven economy in some respects.


My hope is that this also means the crafted speeders will no longer be BoP as well so you can actually sell them.


I freely admit this is all hope and speculation though.


Agreed. I've never understood the need to make certain craftable items BoP. Crafters don't need additional "perks" when they, in theory, should be able to make items at raw cost (thus lower than the sellable price). In my opinion ALL craftable items should be BoE. No exceptions.

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Thanks for trying to clear it up a bit for me Tarka but I do still feel it’s unjust that new comers are not gona be able to get these speeders, this kind of stuff really puts me of playing. I would like the option to obtain these speeders myself. And maybe on future characters also... Why in the hell would they want to remove them just seems like madness


Iirc, these speeders are not actually available to newcomers (i.e. those below 50) now anyhow. So there isn't much change.


Besides, if you saw how big they were, you may be turned off them anyhow.

Imagine driving around the Fleet in something the size of a Jedi Starfighter. But about 2 feet off the ground.


But, like someone said above, it's possible that a crafting profession MAY end up being able to reverse engineer the items that are bought from the "limited supply" vendors and thus, in theory, they could end up being cheaper and more easily obtainable than they are now.

Edited by Tarka
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Thanks for the update! I really like the rumor stories:) I assume this means that us Cybertech crafters may be able to craft and sell speeders (perhaps even the ones you are taking off the market) to other players in 1.2.
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/facepalm. Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough.....


Heavy reliance on moddable items is the anti-thesis to a player driven economy. Here's why:


Once you've bought a moddable item, you never need to buy another. Ever again.

You just keep slotting in bigger and better "modifications". Which, from a non-crafter point of view is great. But it creates a limited or finite "supply and demand" situation. One can cannot be renewed without making items with more and more slots in them to further "boost" the potency of said items.


In short, they completely destroy the need to ever buy items with "fixed" stats. The devs may as well take those items out of the economy, make EVERYTHING customisable, and have an economy / itemisation system that focuses mainly on "modification" items such as crystals, scopes, armour mods, modication mods and enhancements.


Furthermore, the ability to re-use mods means that part of the economy too has a finite lifespan. People can just hoard the mods that apply to them, and never have to buy more.


Ask youself, why is Biochem regarded as the best crafting prof to take? The answer is because players cannot do to stims etc what they can do to armour and weapons. Once a stim is used up, it's gone. The player then has to buy more.


THAT is the core of a "supply and demand" scenario for an economy:

Items are used up, creating a demand for more.


Well it depends how they handle augments, you can still create supply and demend even with moddable armor, all you need do is tier augments and the augment slots, that way you will always need to "upgrade" when a new tier of augments are released even if you are happy with keeping the same look.


They're also adding new schems to the game, who's to say that those wont be better than moddable peices/raid drops?


There are also item slots that you cant craft moddable peices for (wrist hands belts boots), so if the new schems are BiS for those or very close too there will be demand for those as they can be crafted with an augment slot and have a limited life span

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/facepalm. Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough.....


Heavy reliance on moddable items is the anti-thesis to a player driven economy. Here's why:


Pretty much, yeah, but don't expect it to change -- other than niche games like EVE, which you mention, players refuse to allow anything to be destroyed, ruined, or removed from their grasp. Hell, look at how upset some mor^h^h6H players are in this thread that items they *never even owned* might be removed at some indeterminate future date.


In short, they completely destroy the need to ever buy items with "fixed" stats (i.e. the non-customisable gear). The devs may as well take those items out of the economy, make EVERYTHING customisable, and have an economy / itemisation system that focuses mainly on "modification" items mentioned above.


Furthermore, the ability to re-use mods means that part of the economy too has a finite lifespan. People can just hoard the mods that apply to them, and never have to buy more.


I can think of partial solutions:

a)The best possible modded gear is marginally less powerful than the best possible dropped gear of the same level.


b)Allow crafters to add "non-removable" augments to dropped gear, so no matter what you get, a crafter can bolster it.


c)Create attributes/powers that are useful but only on crafted gear. There aren't many (any?) procs in the game now -- how about letting crafters make armor that can form a defensive shield, or blasters that sometimes do fire damage, or whatever?


d)Let crafters RE the "skins" of dropped gear, and reskin crafted items with it.


e)Let crafters sell repair kits, OR, have crafted armor cost half as much to repair.


Ultimately, though, I think you're correct -- as soon as I realized modded gear could be upgraded forever, I wondered how the hell you'd have a crafting economy, especially with the mods being dirt-cheap thanks to commendations. Really, orange gear should have been statless, and used in a "wardrobe" or "appearance" tab. Main gear should be partially moddable, and mods should be linked to gear level -- no purple mods in green gear, for instance.


At this point, though, that would be shutting the airlock door after the air has escaped.

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There are also item slots that you cant craft moddable peices for (wrist hands belts boots), so if the new schems are BiS for those or very close too there will be demand for those as they can be crafted with an augment slot and have a limited life span


I'm confused. I have Full mod-able gloves, boots, (and on my knight) wrists. The wrist doesn't have a enhancement slot, but it has the other 2.


i have yet to see a orange belt, but that doesn't mean it's not out there. So what exactly are you talking about.

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Thanks for the update! I really like the rumor stories:) I assume this means that us Cybertech crafters may be able to craft and sell speeders (perhaps even the ones you are taking off the market) to other players in 1.2.



I really, really hope so.






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Well it depends how they handle augments, you can still create supply and demend even with moddable armor, all you need do is tier augments and the augment slots, that way you will always need to "upgrade" when a new tier of augments are released even if you are happy with keeping the same look.


what you are describing is a way to actually limit the lifespan of a moddable item. I agree with that concept, it does indeed create a "supply and demand" situation...but one specific for customisable items only. Not for items in general.


hey're also adding new schems to the game, who's to say that those wont be better than moddable peices/raid drops?


If bioware were to show me proof of that, I'd be happier. But have they? No. That is why I'm skeptical. All words about moving towards a "player driven economy", no actual proof as to how it will be accomplished given the current situation of crafting in the game.


The entire system needs fixing, not just part of it. And when you have a large portion of items which have no actual finite lifespan, that means that the economy and crafting systems ALSO have a finite lifespan. Resulting in parts of the economy ultimately spiralling out of control because the prices are not being kept in check by supply and demand.


There are also item slots that you cant craft moddable peices for (wrist hands belts boots), so if the new schems are BiS for those or very close too there will be demand for those as they can be crafted with an augment slot and have a limited life span


So long as items for those slots DON'T become customisable as well, then there's a chance that the part of the economy may remain in check.


But the problem comes when you have items which are completely modifiable taking up a large portion of the economy along side items which are hardly customisable. The former will always win out.

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I'm confused. I have Full mod-able gloves, boots, (and on my knight) wrists. The wrist doesn't have a enhancement slot, but it has the other 2.


i have yet to see a orange belt, but that doesn't mean it's not out there. So what exactly are you talking about.


Implants and Earpieces really I think there are no orange. Orange for wrists and belt are VERY RARE.


Also I have never seen an Orange Secondary Weapon, not talking about dual wielders, but like focuses, scatterguns, vibroknives etc.

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I'm confused. I have Full mod-able gloves, boots, (and on my knight) wrists. The wrist doesn't have a enhancement slot, but it has the other 2.


i have yet to see a orange belt, but that doesn't mean it's not out there. So what exactly are you talking about.


I have an orange belt...but it is strictly for IA medium armor. I forget what it is called. scorpion something. I plan on putting it on the AH. anyone know how much I can get for it? i imagine a ton of money. MAYBE ENOUGH TO GET A FREAKING WHITE CRYSTAL!!!

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I'm confused. I have Full mod-able gloves, boots, (and on my knight) wrists. The wrist doesn't have a enhancement slot, but it has the other 2.


i have yet to see a orange belt, but that doesn't mean it's not out there. So what exactly are you talking about.


You can get moddable gloves etc but not through crafting and as crafted peices will be the only ones that can have augments they will always be better than the non crafted "orange" pieces

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YAY, for new content. Thanks Bioware. Keep the new stuff rolling out.


Maybe I need to go and reread the post but I don't really see any new content you speak of. cept the color of white for the crystals. When will we get another zone or more mini pet compansions, something worthwhile that makes the players want to keep trying for.

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If bioware were to show me proof of that, I'd be happier. But have they? No. That is why I'm skeptical. All words about moving towards a "player driven economy", no actual proof as to how it will be accomplished given the current situation of crafting in the game.


I'm clinging all my hope on this one small section of a sentence..



extension of Crew Skill gameplay, such as item creation and research, into the Elder-Game content

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Implants and Earpieces really I think there are no orange. Orange for wrists and belt are VERY RARE.


Also I have never seen an Orange Secondary Weapon, not talking about dual wielders, but like focuses, scatterguns, vibroknives etc.


Well seriously then...how much should I ask for on the AH for this orange belt I have for an imperial agent? I want to get the most bang for my buck. I am only level 40, so all these awesome crystals and such are out of my reach.....of course I AM artifice so I assume I will be able to make them eventually, but I WANT TWO WHITE CRYSTALS FOR MY SABERS DADGUMIT.


How much is an Orange Imperial Agent Belt worth? I tried it on (control left click alt) or whatever it is and it looks very cool. If I could use it, I would just keep thats how slick it looks. It is called something like T0-05 (or something like that i think) Scorpion belt. Something like that. I am at work so I can't log on and look.

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I'm clinging all my hope on this one small section of a sentence..


Yeah, I saw that sentence. But one thing has me confused.......creation and research.....isn't that supposed be what players are already doing? Is he referring to new mechanics, or just additional items being added to the existing systems?


After all, crafting is item creation and Reverse Engineering is research.

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Well seriously then...how much should I ask for on the AH for this orange belt I have for an imperial agent? I want to get the most bang for my buck. I am only level 40, so all these awesome crystals and such are out of my reach.....of course I AM artifice so I assume I will be able to make them eventually, but I WANT TWO WHITE CRYSTALS FOR MY SABERS DADGUMIT.


How much is an Orange Imperial Agent Belt worth? I tried it on (control left click alt) or whatever it is and it looks very cool. If I could use it, I would just keep thats how slick it looks. It is called something like T0-05 (or something like that i think) Scorpion belt. Something like that. I am at work so I can't log on and look.


I am Imp Agent. And on my server, I have been very tempted to buy the one that is on our GTN for 125k. To be fair, I have over 4 mil so I'm not exactly hurting for credits, I'm just cheap. I think if it was less than 100k I would buy it without thinking. Again, this is my server economy.

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