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The State of PVP


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We all know PVP is not quite there yet however there are some things in PVP that are starting to get a little boring.


1. Pre mades, versus these groups you might as well not bother as a solo PVP er you can easily experience 10 losses in a row to these groups. This does not make for a good playing experience. Either prevent pre-mades from playing in PVP or give a premade option and an incentive for pre-mades to go up against others.


2. Stuns and Knockbacks make the PVP experience frustrating, the resolve function feels bugged. Every class has a knockback or stun this is retarded! Increase the resistance to stuns through PVP gear ? Expertise should reduce this possibly.


3. Rewards, the grind times as a solo player are far too long, 1000 of each commendation i think it was for a Battlemaster bag with only a chance of Battlemaster tokens! You must be joking. This tedious grind is killing PVP. Those newly turned Battlemasters have an impossible task. You should give gear at every 10/20 levels this should be obtained with reasonable time and should not be down to chance. 10 BM bags and no commendations and still counting it’s a joke and the worst reward system I have ever encountered. Remove the valor ranking system and give valor for warzones open PVP and allow player to spend that valor on PVP items. This would make it simple and reward players who achieve higher valor in warzones and such like.


4. Illum, far to big objectives are redundant the spawn rate of the armaments is a joke when you have 6 plus farming them. Remove the quest scale down illum and make it worthwhile to go there. Oh and sort that lag out for the love of god ! I would suggest that when gaining an objective you give players some commendations and valor and additional for defending these objectives. This might make it slightly more appealing.


5. Healing in PVP is also terrible, this is due to every class having stuns and knockbacks and also because the healers shield (sorcerer) is so poor that up against a well geared player it barely lasts a second. Buff shields through the PVP set bonus. Oh and the set bonus for All sets is that same ? why ?????? They should be far better and the noble sacrifice bonus lol what is that ????? Really come on if you expect players to grind for gear at least give them a better set bonus one that scales with the number of BM or Champ items a player has and not keep it static across all tears of gear.


6. It is good to see that you are finally recognising that the way in which medals are gained is unbalanced and that you are addressing that issue however limiting this to the first 4 medals is again a poor choice. Once players have gained these commendations there is no further incentive to play at their best other than the win. Medals should be worth far more and should be far more class specific. This would encourage players to adopt tactics/play classes as intended in warzones.


Although this is a rant regarding the current state of PVP i hope that over time these issues are addressed to for benefit of all players.

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The premade criticism really is valid here.


There are nights where "some" players you simply HATE as they are all with friends and winning hutball in less than 2 minutes.


THE GENERAL RULE OF PVP: if you have 2+ players with less than 15k hp unbuff... YOU WILL LOSE.


Yes, this is a TRUE FACT.


Also, a sith warrior that destroys everything while being healed... is OP.

Why can't my class be as powerful???


No, seriously the state of pvp will be GOING DOWNHILL very very fast if this does not change.

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THE GENERAL RULE OF PVP: if you have 2+ players with less than 15k hp unbuff... YOU WILL LOSE.


Yes, this is a TRUE FACT.



back when there was no lvl50 wz, i was against lvl50 premade. i'm the highest lvl at 31. before start we were joking about how we going to get crush. suddenly we sored 2 in the first minute and the lvl50 premades who own me in previous game crumbled.


and again we against famous BM premade when i'm only 250+ expertise(i have highest hp as merc). we started with 5. 1 leave when that premade emotes. down 2-0 and then we make a comeback and win. it worthy to note that 1 marauder and 1 sorc join later turn the tide of the match.


anything can happen in huttball!

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1. Usually you also have a premade on your team, they just might not be that good. Also, it doesn't seem to differentiate between a 2 man and a 4 man premade when queuing.


2. I like the stuns and knockbacks because it keeps the game interesting imo. But I may be the exception here.


3. The grind is well within reach for casual pvpers.


4. too much to say to post


5. As a sorc healer I disagree. I feel pvp healing is exactly where it should be. If I were any more powerful you wouldn't be able to 1v1 a healer on any class ever.


6. I don't even know where you are coming from here so maybe I am misunderstanding. As it is now the medals have nothing to do with winning the warzones. Chances are quite high that the guy with the most damage and the guy with the most heals were not working towards an objective. The ones who were have 1-3 medals when the game ends.

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back when there was no lvl50 wz, i was against lvl50 premade.


Ah those were the days. When we had a real legitimate reason to complain about level 50 premades.


Now? Lol. I solo q all the time and have no problem whatsoever with premades.


Just love how people complain about stuff they don't even understand as well. 1k 1k comms for a battlemaster bag..? That was never the case. I love how maybe taking a few weeks to get all your gear is considered "an impossible task" to.

Edited by Acindo
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Resolve is a design failure, they need to go back to drawing board.


Bioware mythic put in a better system in warhammer which they own, its time to go with an established and much better system.


Way too much hard cc, dumbs down pvp too much.

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1. Usually you also have a premade on your team, they just might not be that good. Also, it doesn't seem to differentiate between a 2 man and a 4 man premade when queuing.


2. I like the stuns and knockbacks because it keeps the game interesting imo. But I may be the exception here.


3. The grind is well within reach for casual pvpers.


4. too much to say to post


5. As a sorc healer I disagree. I feel pvp healing is exactly where it should be. If I were any more powerful you wouldn't be able to 1v1 a healer on any class ever.


6. I don't even know where you are coming from here so maybe I am misunderstanding. As it is now the medals have nothing to do with winning the warzones. Chances are quite high that the guy with the most damage and the guy with the most heals were not working towards an objective. The ones who were have 1-3 medals when the game ends.


As a gunslinger in the pre-50 warzones I'm racking up about 5-7 medals a game and I'm very objective orientated. My main thing to do is a craptonne of damage, while flash grenading groups of players forcing them to use their CC breaks prematurely. Taking out healers, sometimes even just playing distraction tactics i.e. annoy enough of the opposing team so they lose focus of what they're supposed to be doing. I'm playing the game, looking at damage/healing scores is not a metric for how well you played the game. Even low medal scores... The scoreboard conveys less than what you could have observed during the course of the game.

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As a gunslinger in the pre-50 warzones I'm racking up about 5-7 medals a game and I'm very objective orientated. My main thing to do is a craptonne of damage, while flash grenading groups of players forcing them to use their CC breaks prematurely. Taking out healers, sometimes even just playing distraction tactics i.e. annoy enough of the opposing team so they lose focus of what they're supposed to be doing. I'm playing the game, looking at damage/healing scores is not a metric for how well you played the game. Even low medal scores... The scoreboard conveys less than what you could have observed during the course of the game.


I'm the person who grabs the ball. I am the person who goes left in civil war and right in voidstar.

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Resolve is a design failure, they need to go back to drawing board.


Bioware mythic put in a better system in warhammer which they own, its time to go with an established and much better system.


Way too much hard cc, dumbs down pvp too much.


^ This ^



Sadly, they won't.


they have ignored every question about it. The Mythic designers (the ones running pvp in this game) are just bad designers.


too much CC + bad mitigation mechanic + Small maps with low respawn times = trash pvp.

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its ok guys the legacy is coming you wont need premades or pvp at all. Just think how glorious your pureblood sith smuggler will be!! Yes thats right lets get more toons to lvl 50 and still not have endgame. Your legacy awaits!!
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ya first off I have to say something about your problem with stuns and knock backs. TOO BAD! get over it and move on, they aren't going anywhere. And if you just take some time to learn to pvp better you won't have a big issue with them. seriously.


Grind solo being too long? it should take a good amount of time to get that gear. otherwise everyone would have it way too quick. Its supposed to be a grind, thats what makes it worth it.


you're even complaining about premades? I mean have you ever played another MMO with pvp? Ofcourse there is going to be premade,and yes they are going to win against pugs more times than not. thats because they are using teamwork, and your team isn't. You deserve to lose. plan and simple. go make your own premade team, join a guild that has one. or just move on and deal with it. This is in every MMO.


Those 3 were the biggest problems I had with your post. Its like someone who wants to raid complaining that guild with enough 50s to raid shouldn't be allowed because they can get through the content easier than your pug for a operation. or the boss interputs your casting or makes you have to move from one spot too often. its supposed to be challenging. step up your game or play something else.


just my opinion

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at least they don't let us do double premades within the same guild, we have a hutball game and their is only two guilds in the game, both were mixed with the other guild -.-, would have been more fun if they just let the same guild premade play together sheesh. and yes they purposely do it cause i know double premades always try to get together, why wouldn't we? so we timed to click the button at the same time, doubt in that 1/8 of a second they pressed it.


lol, too slow to get bm gear? i find it quite nice considering i already got full bm + rakata and haven nothing else to do, someone in my guild even has 2 bm sets cause they just keep accumulating tokens (he is a conqueror now and was a 69 before the easy valor update.) he had his bad luck, he dealt with it, now he has nothing to do.


to be precise you only need what 14-20 bm tokens? and thats if you don't play smart and mix rakata with your bm gear. (expertise gets weaker past 10% so better getting stats)

main hand - 3

off hand - 3

helmet - 2

chest - 2

gloves - 2

legs - 2

boots - 2

bracers - 1

belt - 1

relic - 1

relic - 1

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Healing in pvp is terrible? Is that why healers are unkillable? Is that why I've watched healers have 3-5 players stomping them and they still have time to do /laugh?


Interrupts should block the entire healing pool, not just one ability.


1 stun should fill the resolve bar completely. Tired of being chained stunned to death.


pvp in this game is a joke.

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problem is its not the players its a broken game mechanic. You could be luke skywalker,vader it dont matter youll still get chainstunned. So telling someone to get over a broken game mechanic doesnt solve the issue...



ya first off I have to say something about your problem with stuns and knock backs. TOO BAD! get over it and move on, they aren't going anywhere. And if you just take some time to learn to pvp better you won't have a big issue with them. seriously.


Grind solo being too long? it should take a good amount of time to get that gear. otherwise everyone would have it way too quick. Its supposed to be a grind, thats what makes it worth it.


you're even complaining about premades? I mean have you ever played another MMO with pvp? Ofcourse there is going to be premade,and yes they are going to win against pugs more times than not. thats because they are using teamwork, and your team isn't. You deserve to lose. plan and simple. go make your own premade team, join a guild that has one. or just move on and deal with it. This is in every MMO.


Those 3 were the biggest problems I had with your post. Its like someone who wants to raid complaining that guild with enough 50s to raid shouldn't be allowed because they can get through the content easier than your pug for a operation. or the boss interputs your casting or makes you have to move from one spot too often. its supposed to be challenging. step up your game or play something else.


just my opinion

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i think before people start calling pvp a joke.they should actually get some knowledge about classes in pvp and actually play mmorpgs with a good pvp system


chances are,the people complaining


1.have came from world of warcrafts epic lulz pvp


2.have no clue how certain classes work in pvp.getting stun locked by that operative isnt really something new and exciting,hello and welcome to rogue types in pvp

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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God so much crying about pvp & premades, get some friends for Christ sake or a guild to pvp with or go play a different game lol, this games PVP isn't for everyone, its for good players haha who understand objective based pvp & understand when solo queuing you probably will come up against premades.
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Healing in pvp is terrible? Is that why healers are unkillable? Is that why I've watched healers have 3-5 players stomping them and they still have time to do /laugh?


Interrupts should block the entire healing pool, not just one ability.


1 stun should fill the resolve bar completely. Tired of being chained stunned to death.


pvp in this game is a joke.



SO if we interrupt one of your DPS abilities you cant do anything for 5 seconds either, lol what a fail idea on your part, maybe if there was different schools of healing, but simply stopping us using any of our healing skills for 4-5 seconds is insane, pretty sure we are there to heal you haha

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God so much crying about pvp & premades, get some friends for Christ sake or a guild to pvp with or go play a different game lol, this games PVP isn't for everyone, its for good players haha who understand objective based pvp & understand when solo queuing you probably will come up against premades.


The entire point is that shouldn't happen, plain and simple. If you premade you should only be queued against other premades.

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We all know PVP is not quite there yet however there are some things in PVP that are starting to get a little boring.


1. Pre mades, versus these groups you might as well not bother as a solo PVP er you can easily experience 10 losses in a row to these groups. This does not make for a good playing experience. Either prevent pre-mades from playing in PVP or give a premade option and an incentive for pre-mades to go up against others.


2. Stuns and Knockbacks make the PVP experience frustrating, the resolve function feels bugged. Every class has a knockback or stun this is retarded! Increase the resistance to stuns through PVP gear ? Expertise should reduce this possibly.


3. Rewards, the grind times as a solo player are far too long, 1000 of each commendation i think it was for a Battlemaster bag with only a chance of Battlemaster tokens! You must be joking. This tedious grind is killing PVP. Those newly turned Battlemasters have an impossible task. You should give gear at every 10/20 levels this should be obtained with reasonable time and should not be down to chance. 10 BM bags and no commendations and still counting it’s a joke and the worst reward system I have ever encountered. Remove the valor ranking system and give valor for warzones open PVP and allow player to spend that valor on PVP items. This would make it simple and reward players who achieve higher valor in warzones and such like.


4. Illum, far to big objectives are redundant the spawn rate of the armaments is a joke when you have 6 plus farming them. Remove the quest scale down illum and make it worthwhile to go there. Oh and sort that lag out for the love of god ! I would suggest that when gaining an objective you give players some commendations and valor and additional for defending these objectives. This might make it slightly more appealing.


5. Healing in PVP is also terrible, this is due to every class having stuns and knockbacks and also because the healers shield (sorcerer) is so poor that up against a well geared player it barely lasts a second. Buff shields through the PVP set bonus. Oh and the set bonus for All sets is that same ? why ?????? They should be far better and the noble sacrifice bonus lol what is that ????? Really come on if you expect players to grind for gear at least give them a better set bonus one that scales with the number of BM or Champ items a player has and not keep it static across all tears of gear.


6. It is good to see that you are finally recognising that the way in which medals are gained is unbalanced and that you are addressing that issue however limiting this to the first 4 medals is again a poor choice. Once players have gained these commendations there is no further incentive to play at their best other than the win. Medals should be worth far more and should be far more class specific. This would encourage players to adopt tactics/play classes as intended in warzones.


Although this is a rant regarding the current state of PVP i hope that over time these issues are addressed to for benefit of all players.


i agree with you down till you started complaining about the sorce/sage sheild/bubble lol thats one of the reasons those class's are OP. the reason they proberly break quickly is some 1 button wonder spammer is on you. or powertechs rail shot spec which is OP as hell or maurauders which are also do insane damage. alot of the abilitys on some class's need tonig down badly.

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The premade criticism really is valid here.


There are nights where "some" players you simply HATE as they are all with friends and winning hutball in less than 2 minutes.


THE GENERAL RULE OF PVP: if you have 2+ players with less than 15k hp unbuff... YOU WILL LOSE.


Yes, this is a TRUE FACT.


Also, a sith warrior that destroys everything while being healed... is OP.

Why can't my class be as powerful???


No, seriously the state of pvp will be GOING DOWNHILL very very fast if this does not change.


What if there are no other premades...they just don't do wzs?


QQ about premades? ****

Edited by Regurgitate
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The entire point is that shouldn't happen, plain and simple. If you premade you should only be queued against other premades.


Exactly this. I have to agree with this, putting pre made's against regular joe, is just nuts, and he will loose very often to the pre made. Not a fair game experience, or balanced, just nice facerolling for joe.

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