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Server Population is GROWING!


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Yup, I hope it's a till 1.3 thing, but I fear it's something else altogether. :(


People said the same thing about 1.2, but that's when the biggest drop in subs actually occurred.


I think you had a large group of people like myself who were already bored but were hoping for something special out of 1.2, saw it, said stuff different day, and then unsubbed.


Off to D3 and hoping GW2 will keep my interest for awhile. I know I'll at least get my $$ worth out of both games as opposed to paying a sub to be bored with the same old MMO grind month after month.

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Reading trough the posts, the people that blindly defend this game may have a serious problem. It is not normal to be this blind. This game seems to have attracted a strange community.


That is why they get called Fanboys, no matter how bad things get they will blindly defend the game. The irony is it is these people that are partly responsible for the dire state of the gaming industry. If they stopped brown nosing so much and spoke the truth the developers may well have to listen and improve the game, but as long as the fan boys clap, publishers will continue to release sub standard games.

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That is why they get called Fanboys, no matter how bad things get they will blindly defend the game. The irony is it is these people that are partly responsible for the dire state of the gaming industry. If they stopped brown nosing so much and spoke the truth the developers may well have to listen and improve the game, but as long as the fan boys clap, publishers will continue to release sub standard games.


You might find that many of the truths we cling to depend on your point of view.


Just because you dont like it doesn't mean other people dont like it. I dont luke sports game but I would never suggest that all developers stop making sports games.


You are like that meme with the screaming kid saying "Stop likeing what I dont like"


If you dont like it fine move in other people do.


Btw you do realize you are a fanboy. You hate the game so much you must let everyone know they are wrong. The only thing more extreme then a fanboy that loves a game is one that hates it even more

Edited by jarjarloves
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you honestly think the reason we all left was ranked wzs, what add in new gear and ranks and suddenly the boring game is fun? we left because the game sucks was rushed has to many problems and lacks important features but the key factor is people leave from BORDOM.


Good point. I have absolutely zero interest in PVP in TOR. So it has nothing to do with myself not logging on much lately to play. It is very boring running dailies and standing in fleet trying to get a grp for a run. :(

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You might find that many of the truths we cling to depend on your point of view.


Just because you dont like it doesn't mean other people dont like it. I dont luke sports game but I would never suggest that all developers stop making sports games.


You are like that meme with the screaming kid saying "Stop likeing what I dont like"


If you dont like it fine move in other people do.


Btw you do realize you are a fanboy. You hate the game so much you must let everyone know they are wrong. The only thing more extreme then a fanboy that loves a game is one that hates it even more


I think you just proved his point.

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Good point. I have absolutely zero interest in PVP in TOR. So it has nothing to do with myself not logging on much lately to play. It is very boring running dailies and standing in fleet trying to get a grp for a run. :(


Diablo 3 is out in 3 days they about to lose alot more people, dead servers even more they took to long, diablo 3 will be a great game and people will play it for months specially since blizzard let those whom want to live of the game able too.

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Server populations as a whole are not growing. Though the 400,000 subs lost were between the end of December and the end of March and they were mostly the 30-day trial players and 1-month subbers, the game is certainly not growing for the time being. The only thing that can be said is that server populations have been stable for a couple months. To say that server populations are growing is to only look at the servers who have seen an increase and neglect the servers who have seen a decrease.


More has been lost than that, they just have fluffed up statistics by the free month subs they count subs that are still going even if players never log in anymore.

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Ah crap... well Diablo 3 in 6 days.


Diablo doesn't have much replay value though, unless you are just grinding dungeons for the SOLE reason of getting gear to sell on the Auction House.


It will be fun for the first couple of months, and admittedly, I will be playing it as well, along with TOR. There will likely be less of a TOR population once it hits, sure, but after the short 1-2 month "honeymoon" period, people will start coming back, if only to check out new content and transfer their characters, see how the game is doing.


Sometimes it's nice to take a breather from things, whether it's a game, your work, whatever. You come back with...I don't know what word to use here...a different attitude? Not hyped & excited like when a game is first released, but genuine interest that is not quite the "I can't WAIT to do this, hurry up and give it to me!!" feeling.

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When this thread first launched, way back when.... server populations were in fact growing.


Over time, that has changed. Server transfers will fix the server populations issues (as it did in Rifts case). Once transfers are live and server populations move up (with some of the dead light ones being fully vacated and retired), most people won't give a rats backside what the total subscription base is. And in point fact, it really does not matter as long as the servers have decent levels of active player population on them,

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When this thread first launched, way back when.... server populations were in fact growing.


This was started after the 1.7m statement, which meant total subs had dropped a bit ~100,000, with an additional turn over of ??? to 400,000 at the time versus 2.2m sales.



Server mergers al la Rift will help a lot, they probably should have been underway 3 months ago though. :(

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Some people really think that *all* mmo's go through this drop off (massive drop off) in players playing after 6 months of release?


Sorry but that isnt true. WOW started with 250k subs and was at 5m after 1 year.


Swtor is a mega fail game and it has so many design flaws that it cant be fixed.


The only reason 1.3m subs at the end of april was because people got a free month and most people stopped loggin in then unsubbed after 1.2 (the supposed jesus patch which epic failed) didnt deliver the overhyped transition of the game they had (foolishly obv) hoped for.

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Some people really think that *all* mmo's go through this drop off (massive drop off) in players playing after 6 months of release?


Sorry but that isnt true. WOW started with 250k subs and was at 5m after 1 year.


Swtor is a mega fail game and it has so many design flaws that it cant be fixed.


The only reason 1.3m subs at the end of april was because people got a free month and most people stopped loggin in then unsubbed after 1.2 (the supposed jesus patch which epic failed) didnt deliver the overhyped transition of the game they had (foolishly obv) hoped for.


Before you embarrass yourself further please research the history of WoW's population, also actually listen to the investor call the free month didn't have anything to do with the numbers.

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Before you embarrass yourself further please research the history of WoW's population, also actually listen to the investor call the free month didn't have anything to do with the numbers.


I played WoW ON RELEASE. These two games have nothing in common. WoW was a *********** revelation. SWTOR is just a soulless clone.

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Before you embarrass yourself further please research the history of WoW's population, also actually listen to the investor call the free month didn't have anything to do with the numbers.


I suggest you do research on wow. They had 5m subs about 1 yr and 3 weeks after release which was widely reported in the press and can be googled to this day.

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I played WoW ON RELEASE. These two games have nothing in common. WoW was a *********** revelation. SWTOR is just a soulless clone.


... and I played WoW for free, growing bored with it.


It has elves. Okay.


It has dwarves. Neat.


It has dragons. Yawn.


What it doesn't have is Star Wars. So, I couldn't remain interested.


Oh, and my wife didn't want to play WoW with me, because she has no interest in playing online D&D nerd stuff - and yes, she did try it but it failed to generate interest. She does like Star Wars, so she plays this game online, cooperatively with me.


You can keep your dwarves, elves and dragons.

Edited by GreySix
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I re-rolled on The Harbinger server a few weeks ago. From my investigation of this server it had the highest West Coast population.


The Harbinger on Torstatus


Even this server is now declining steeply. You may notice it on the fleet. There used to be over 100 people consistently and now it can drop down significantly at times.


So "Server Population is GROWING!" ? :confused:


Same here. I rerolled on The Harbinger around early April because it was the only west coast server that seemed to be consistently heavily populated. Now it's dropping like a rock. This was my second reroll, I will not do it again.

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... and I played WoW for free, growing bored with it.


It has elves. Okay.


It has dwarves. Neat.


It has dragons. Yawn.


What it doesn't have is Star Wars. So, I couldn't remain interested.


Oh, and my wife didn't want to play WoW with me, because she has no interest in playing online D&D nerd stuff - and yes, she did try it but it failed to generate interest. She does like Star Wars, so she plays this game online, cooperatively with me.


You can keep your dwarves, elves and dragons.



Lightsabers aren't enough alone, ask SWG. :(

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