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Server Population is GROWING!


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So apparently you are an accountant that lives vicariously through a cartoon character, and bases enough pride in that accomplishment to utilize it as a means of disparaging others that are not as "good" as you are?


No offense, but that strikes me as being out of character for both an adult and a professional. It may be true, but just seems a bit odd to me. However, I can accept that as everyone has the right to do or be as they seek to be, and I seek not to judge or reprove but to understand as a means of identifying the type of player we are seeing.


It does tend to demonstrate my point and why I love the game and you hate it. I was a Marine Corps Sgt., am a black belt, fought in the ring, raised a family, run a business etc. I've had all the challenges that I need in real life. I don't need a game to bolster my sense of self worth and could not even imagine myself putting down another because I'm better at playing my keyboard. I don't even want a game that presents and extreme challenge. I'm more into how fun it is. ;p


I think, overall, that is the difference between the hard core and, lets call it the "soft core" gamer. The hard core gamer seems to gain some sense of self worth from the game while the casual does not. Both are fine. I don't really have a concern that others be like me or that I be like them. The point is that this game, this genre seems to be tuned now to the casual that sees finishing a raid as nothing more then fun with friends, like having a beer and watching a movie, not boasting that they can drink more then everyone in the room.


I dunno, just where I see these games going.


So very true. I have given myself a lot of real life goals and challenges...I don't need, nor do I want, an online game to be a Herculean task. I want it to be fun.


Truth is, even this game isn't casual enough for most people to play. I have a friend who loves Star Wars, but won't play MMOs, even this one, because they take up too much time.

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I don't really understand what all the fuss is about.


Every game goes through this process, it isn't something to be ashamed of and it certainly isn't surprising.


The game launches and there is a huge influx of players. This game in particular had a much higher influx than normal because of it's release window (everybody on vacation) and it's IP.


Shortly thereafter, you see a decrease in traffic, for a number of reasons.

1. people go back to work, have less time to play

2. content locusts finish all there is to do, unsub and make a rage post on forums

3. people that had deluded themselves into thinking the game was something it wasn't unsub and make a rage post on forums (and continue posting it every day till their game time runs out)



After that, the game's population starts the stabilize and then hopefully grow again. That's the stage we're at now. Bioware has been incredibly smart in their approach to mask this process.


Game launches, everyone and their mother plays. Game population starts to decline, Bioware releases game in Asia to combat it. Population starts to stabilize so Bioware releases 1.2 to bring people back.


This essentially keeps the subs at a constant level throughout the growing pains, giving the impression that there was no drop, but we all know there has been. That's not a sign of failure, it's just a natural occurrence in MMO's.




Patch 1.2 and 1.3 are for the most part, features they intended to be in at launch plus pre-planned new content (WZ's, FP's and Ops). We all know this. It's what the developers had been telling us since beta. These features were meant to be in at launch. They weren't for whatever reason, but that isn't a sign of failure, it's a sign that Bioware knows how to prioritize. We ALL wanted the game released as soon as possible. We ALL wanted it earlier than they released it. So some features had to be bumped.


After 1.2 and 1.3 hit we'll be left with an incredibly polished game that will be able to support a very healthy population. There's no doubt in my mind that it will continue to grow from here on out.

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I don't really understand what all the fuss is about.


Every game goes through this process, it isn't something to be ashamed of and it certainly isn't surprising.


What has changed is the behavior of participants in player communities and the threshold for what is acceptable in internet forums.

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What has changed is the behavior of participants in player communities and the threshold for what is acceptable in internet forums.


The old EQ1 forum was pretty much the same as this, worse in most ways really.

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Bondar Crystal server population is growing every day, our guild has over 500 active members usually all on at once. My other toons on Thana Vesh and ICE BREAKER are in 600 person active guilds. People are all doom and gloom the server populations are huge. I would say on these servers we usually have about 800 people on the fleet at once during primetime. I just did a /who level 50 and got 3000 results on bondar crystal. Wow talk about alot of people. Edited by Icysunx
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What has changed is the behavior of participants in player communities and the threshold for what is acceptable in internet forums.


I feel like that's just a nice way of saying that the average IQ of the MMO populace is plummeting.


Edit: and I tried to play my republic alt on Fatman last night after we couldn't get enough guildies together to raid on my main server and there was a 30 minute queue. It was 370 people long.

Edited by KrittaB
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Bondar Crystal server population is growing every day, our guild has over 500 active members usually all on at once. My other toons on Thana Vesh and ICE BREAKER are in 600 person active guilds. People are all doom and gloom the server populations are huge. I would say on these servers we usually have about 800 people on the fleet at once during primetime. I just did a /who level 50 and got 3000 results on bondar crystal. Wow talk about alot of people.


At least this QQ showed some creativity.

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I feel like that's just a nice way of saying that the average IQ of the MMO populace is plummeting.


Edit: and I tried to play my republic alt on Fatman last night after we couldn't get enough guildies together to raid on my main server and there was a 30 minute queue. It was 370 people long.


And its just going to get worse.

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What has changed is the behavior of participants in player communities and the threshold for what is acceptable in internet forums.
Instant texts. Instant emails. Instant access with 857,942 channels to surf and there's STILL nothing on worth watching ... In this day and age of shoot first ask questions later who’s screwing who promiscuity disguised as prime time soap operas and pointless reality TV shows, why should virtual social interaction be any different?


We live in a society where an entire family meal can be ordered from a computer and delivered piping hot to one’s front door in less than half an hour. Want a movie with that? The flick of your choosing is just a few remote clicks away and can be ready for viewing within seconds. It’s called immediate gratification and a lifestyle expectation that unfortunately has etched itself into society as self entitlement.


Welcome to the machine. ;)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Instant texts. Instant emails. Instant access with 857,942 channels to surf ... In this day and age of shoot first ask questions later who’s screwing who promiscuity disguised as prime time soap operas and pointless reality TV shows, why should virtual social interaction be any different?


We live in a society where an entire family meal can be ordered from a computer and delivered piping hot to one’s front door in less than half an hour. Want a movie with that? The flick of your choosing is just a few remote clicks away and can be ready for viewing within seconds. It’s called immediate gratification and a lifestyle expectation that unfortunately has etched itself into society as self entitlement.


Welcome to the machine. ;)



Why was it worse in 1999 then? :confused:

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Did you ever visit verants EQ1 boards? This place is like a Kindergarden in comparrison.
This place and pretty much everywhere else tbh. Fortunately I come here (to the forums) merely to engage in levely discussion, check the boards for dev updates and occasionally try to inject some common sense to balance all the griefing for new arrivals. But this is just a forum. In game the community is way more mature and sociable, and that's where it really matters. Edited by GalacticKegger
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In game the community is way more mature and sociable, and that's where it really matters.


Even on swtor.com, when you step into the sub-forums, the commuity is much better. The General Discussions forum adds extra entertainment value to my subscription when I can't play. :)

Edited by Kthx
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Fleet used to only have about 50-60 republic players, but now during prime time has over 100!


As BW releases more copies of the game, more players log in.


Tis a good day.




I added these screenshots from the thread: NA Server Status 9:48 EST: Population Thriving!


That thread was created on February 18, 2012.













95 pct of servers are dead and low pop.

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Even on swtor.com, when you step into the sub-forums, the commuity is much better. The General Discussions forum adds extra entertainment value to my subscription when I can't play. :)


Unfortunately when a game goes after WoW, it ends up with part of it's community :(

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95 pct of servers are dead and low pop.


On Saturday at 8 pm edt when I last checked, 10% of servers were heavy or very heavy, 64% were standard, and 26% were light. You can make up facts if you want, but it doesn't exactly do wonders for your credibility.

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On Saturday at 8 pm edt when I last checked, 10% of servers were heavy or very heavy, 64% were standard, and 26% were light. You can make up facts if you want, but it doesn't exactly do wonders for your credibility.


on sat at 8pm cst(china) 95% servers r light,

only asia servers r heavy,

but the ping is terrible to asia servers.

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This place and pretty much everywhere else tbh. Fortunately I come here (to the forums) merely to engage in levely discussion, check the boards for dev updates and occasionally try to inject some common sense to balance all the griefing for new arrivals. But this is just a forum. In game the community is way more mature and sociable, and that's where it really matters.



Still seems about the same as 1999 and EQ1 to me. Things are much more stringently moderated here (and these days) though.

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One thing people seem to not pay attention to is the fact that "Standard" isnt like..... half full.


It goes




Very Heavy



And Standard can still mean a total of 350 ppl on the entire SERVER. With 17 planets, and assume 15 people BOTH republic and imperial combined on each planet (for arguments sake starter planets have 15 of their own faction), thats 255 ppl. Which means fleet only has about 95 combined between both fleets. Which is ~43 ppl on each fleet.


Rough estimates, but does anyone seriously consider that "standard" for an mmo?


And while I can only speak from experience on my personal server, we have ONLY been bleeding people since maybe end of jan. We had ~190 peak hours on imp fleet, now we hit on average maybe 90. And while I am sure a small handful of servers ARE increases in population due to people re-rolling from their servers with low populations, thats certainly not common. Hell, I have 95 people on fleet during peak hours and even I am thinking about rerolling. And with so many servers in much worse state........ of course some servers are gonna start to balloon from the influx of people abandoning dead/dieing servers.

Edited by Blaise
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EU right now has 3 servers with a wait time.

5 are heavy, and only around 10 are light. The majority standard.


Not to shabby.


You still have hope, don't you, Azzras?


I won't take it away from you. It's good to have hope.

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