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Wanna meet me in game? Ahto City.


Completed it all ages ago, so long ago, no one in my guild logs on to raid anymore cos it's boring.


Got all titles as well, it's easy.


Again, I will meet you in game on Ahto City.


This is interesting and got me to thinking.


Seems to me that if you did all that back then, you were doing it wrong. ;p I can understand your frustration now. Seems you were trying to play a casual game, hard core. Ats sort of like killing a fly with a bazooka and ran out of flies. ;p


My guild and I took our time leveling. Enjoyed the game, crafting, Etc. We are now doing flashpoints and raiding. We are working on alts now too. We should be completing current content just in time for the next release.


Seems like a shooter like "Call of duty" is more in line with your tastes. Maybe something with no leveling, no story line, no casual play at all but log on, shoot, build gear. That's what my son likes. He's more fast paced.

Edited by Blackardin
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This is interesting and got me to thinking.


Seems to me that if you did all that back then, you were doing it wrong. ;p I can understand your frustration now. Seems you were trying to play a casual game, hard core. Ats sort of like killing a fly with a bazooka and ran out of flies. ;p


My guild and I took our time leveling. Enjoyed the game, crafting, Etc. We are now doing flashpoints and raiding. We are working on alts now too. We should be completing current content just in time for the next release.


Seems like a shooter like "Call of duty" is more in line with your tastes. Maybe something with no leveling, no story line, no casual play at all but log on, shoot, build gear. That's what my son likes. He's more fast paced.


True but the devs are aware of this, and will make nightmare mode exactly that, a nightmare.

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This is interesting and got me to thinking.


Seems to me that if you did all that back then, you were doing it wrong. ;p I can understand your frustration now. Seems you were trying to play a casual game, hard core. Ats sort of like killing a fly with a bazooka and ran out of flies. ;p


My guild and I took our time leveling. Enjoyed the game, crafting, Etc. We are now doing flashpoints and raiding. We should be completing current content just in time for the next release.


Seems like a shooter like "Call of duty" is more in line with your tastes. Maybe something with no leveling, no story line, no casual play at all but log on, shoot, build gear. That's what my son likes. He's more fast paced.


Prefer Battlefield 3 thanks.


Yes, I expected it to be harder, I am in a 2 night a week raiding guild, we ended up just raiding 1 night because of easy content.


I cleared all FPs easily first time, I haven't been back. I would actually like to go back as I did enjoy them, but my server is dead and my guild only logged on for raids, which they don't even log on for anymore, so doing guild FPs wasn't an option.


Story mode raids also provide better gear than the FPs, even though the FPs are harder.


I am a great gamer, maybe the best, and I also play with great gamers, I carry most of them though.


The usual chat in a raid is this, when a healer dies, people just say it's fine, we have Tekko, he is 4 healers rolled into one. I still can't heal dumb mistakes though ;)


My only frustration in this game is, at lvl 50, there is not a lot to do, I expected great things, 1-50 was great, but end game is far too easy and limited. Patch 1.2 is not adding much end game at all.

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From someone who has done nightmare on 8 and 16 man, both easy, but 8 man is harder.


Go away.


So are you seriously expecting Bioware to change the game for you alone?


Newsflash: No MMO will be sucessful catering only to the jobless/play all day/ uber hardcore players.


Many guilds in my server havent even killed SOA on normal. Maybe this game isnt for you? Good luck finding the one that is though.

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So are you seriously expecting Bioware to change the game for you alone?


Newsflash: No MMO will be sucessful catering only to the jobless/play all day/ uber hardcore players.


Many guilds in my server havent even killed SOA on normal. Maybe this game isnt for you? Good luck finding the one that is though.


I'm a full time well paid accountant thanks.


I clear end game in a matter of hours, it's far too easy.


Any pug can clear SOA normal easy, I solo heal it for starters, I solo heal Hardmode.

Edited by Averran
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Troll count in this thread and their negativity is troublesome.


I think what we have is a lack of understanding that the days of the hard core MMORPG are over. Wow was a flash in the pan. Fun game, got alot of people to play, but pretty much a dinosaur. It did allow for the defining of a demographic that would produce maximum return for moderate effort.


In short, the casual gamer that has both the income and the longevity, that will not blow through content in a week, not rage quit, but utilize the game as a distraction from life and well afford to both pay for the game and merchandizing. They are not fond of addons to the absurdum, not interested in min/maxing, studying, spending more time preparing to raid then actually raiding. They do not have a never ending thirst for more and more content to blow through, and they definitely do not want to have to make a choice of friends over accomplishment.


In short, their goal is fun and accomplishment, not tedium and challenge. They seem to want to log on, spend time with friends, raid something, kill something, get a shiny, log off to their family.


That is the target demographic that the MMORPG industry seems to be zeroing in on. To my personal delight, this game is the future of the genre. Embrace the horror. ;p

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I'm a full time well paid accountant thanks.


I clear end game in a matter of hours, it's far too easy. Sorry you suck.


I cleared all FPs easily first time, I haven't been back. I would actually like to go back as I did enjoy them, but my server is dead and my guild only logged on for raids, which they don't even log on for anymore, so doing guild FPs wasn't an option


So apparently you are an accountant that lives vicariously through a cartoon character, and bases enough pride in that accomplishment to utilize it as a means of disparaging others that are not as "good" as you are?


No offense, but that strikes me as being out of character for both an adult and a professional. It may be true, but just seems a bit odd to me. However, I can accept that as everyone has the right to do or be as they seek to be, and I seek not to judge or reprove but to understand as a means of identifying the type of player we are seeing.


It does tend to demonstrate my point and why I love the game and you hate it. I was a Marine Corps Sgt., am a black belt, fought in the ring, raised a family, run a business etc. I've had all the challenges that I need in real life. I don't need a game to bolster my sense of self worth and could not even imagine myself putting down another because I'm better at playing my keyboard. I don't even want a game that presents and extreme challenge. I'm more into how fun it is. ;p


I think, overall, that is the difference between the hard core and, lets call it the "soft core" gamer. The hard core gamer seems to gain some sense of self worth from the game while the casual does not. Both are fine. I don't really have a concern that others be like me or that I be like them. The point is that this game, this genre seems to be tuned now to the casual that sees finishing a raid as nothing more then fun with friends, like having a beer and watching a movie, not boasting that they can drink more then everyone in the room.


I dunno, just where I see these games going.

Edited by Blackardin
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It'll be interesting to see how the haters react if the rumors of increased sub numbers prove true. They won't be able to wrap their minds around the concept of server statuses remaining unchanged while sub numbers increase.


Honestly? WoW have had QQers since lauch saying WoW is dead/dying. That MMO lost more than currently sub total of this game and people say it's dying. Any wonder others boo hoo when they see a few un sub cause the game has nothing to offer at 50?


Listen the issue is people log on play content til end game then log til patch/expansion. Until a mothly patcxh is established where something is added that people want EVERY Patch people will come and go.


Until I heard 1.2 is ramping out starting next week I might have unsubbed. People will come back for the patch then leave again. It's hard for ANY newish MMO to get a break because of the WoWtude developed and allowed by WoW mentality.


If SWTOR is to thrive it needs more content faster. It can't be better gear or they are just screwing themselves into a corner like WoW is. It needs to release in small portions pets/mounts/collectables plus scematics for imporved enhancments.ext even if it's just +5 better than the best and require insane mats people will go for them. Let it be a weekly and have them drop from raid bosses and pvp daliy weekly quests.


What I'd like to see? Scematics that converts reg white/green/blue/epics in orange gear. Might strip their stats but alows them to become Mod oranges. Have it for up to 5, then ever 5 levels after range. This should keep people busy til big patches.


Also Have some PvE elements in some PvP areas or open pvp areas like Tat. Mix it up a bit and offer greater rewards for doing it.


Just a few suggestions.


Thing is this. What is happening is normal in wow and here. Just here has ALOT less subs thus the change is much more apparent. I know I am not panning on going back to wow unless this becomes free to play. I like this game tho I might unsub til new content like others do from time to time if it becomes nessesary.

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Prefer Battlefield 3 thanks.


Yes, I expected it to be harder, I am in a 2 night a week raiding guild, we ended up just raiding 1 night because of easy content.


I cleared all FPs easily first time, I haven't been back. I would actually like to go back as I did enjoy them, but my server is dead and my guild only logged on for raids, which they don't even log on for anymore, so doing guild FPs wasn't an option.


Story mode raids also provide better gear than the FPs, even though the FPs are harder.


I am a great gamer, maybe the best, and I also play with great gamers, I carry most of them though.


The usual chat in a raid is this, when a healer dies, people just say it's fine, we have Tekko, he is 4 healers rolled into one. I still can't heal dumb mistakes though ;)


My only frustration in this game is, at lvl 50, there is not a lot to do, I expected great things, 1-50 was great, but end game is far too easy and limited. Patch 1.2 is not adding much end game at all.


Should have Played EQ when they had 80 man runs. Regardless EverQuest still has the hardest hardcore raids still. You looking to work for your gear play that or your all talk.

Tired of all these wannabes crying for hardcor content yet won't actually go where that content is.

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I'm a full time well paid accountant thanks.


I clear end game in a matter of hours, it's far too easy.


Any pug can clear SOA normal easy, I solo heal it for starters, I solo heal Hardmode.



Oh yeah me too but I did it blindfolded! Holy cow and I can log on my friend's acc er my acocunt and show you how awesoem I am too!!! *waves flag* I am soo hardcore woot!


Why does people think their good and can prove anything? Especially when they won't play EQ where the hardcor goes for hardcore entertainment.

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So apparently you are an accountant that lives vicariously through a cartoon character, and bases enough pride in that accomplishment to utilize it as a means of disparaging others that are not as "good" as you are?


No offense, but that strikes me as being out of character for both an adult and a professional. It may be true, but just seems a bit odd to me. However, I can accept that as everyone has the right to do or be as they seek to be, and I seek not to judge or reprove but to understand as a means of identifying the type of player we are seeing.


It does tend to demonstrate my point and why I love the game and you hate it. I was a Marine Corps Sgt., am a black belt, fought in the ring, raised a family, run a business etc. I've had all the challenges that I need in real life. I don't need a game to bolster my sense of self worth and could not even imagine myself putting down another because I'm better at playing my keyboard. I don't even want a game that presents and extreme challenge. I'm more into how fun it is. ;p


I think, overall, that is the difference between the hard core and, lets call it the "soft core" gamer. The hard core gamer seems to gain some sense of self worth from the game while the casual does not. Both are fine. I don't really have a concern that others be like me or that I be like them. The point is that this game, this genre seems to be tuned now to the casual that sees finishing a raid as nothing more then fun with friends, like having a beer and watching a movie, not boasting that they can drink more then everyone in the room.


I dunno, just where I see these games going.




I wuv you man =)

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So apparently you are an accountant that lives vicariously through a cartoon character, and bases enough pride in that accomplishment to utilize it as a means of disparaging others that are not as "good" as you are?


No offense, but that strikes me as being out of character for both an adult and a professional. It may be true, but just seems a bit odd to me. However, I can accept that as everyone has the right to do or be as they seek to be, and I seek not to judge or reprove but to understand as a means of identifying the type of player we are seeing.


It does tend to demonstrate my point and why I love the game and you hate it. I was a Marine Corps Sgt., am a black belt, fought in the ring, raised a family, run a business etc. I've had all the challenges that I need in real life. I don't need a game to bolster my sense of self worth and could not even imagine myself putting down another because I'm better at playing my keyboard. I don't even want a game that presents and extreme challenge. I'm more into how fun it is. ;p


I think, overall, that is the difference between the hard core and, lets call it the "soft core" gamer. The hard core gamer seems to gain some sense of self worth from the game while the casual does not. Both are fine. I don't really have a concern that others be like me or that I be like them. The point is that this game, this genre seems to be tuned now to the casual that sees finishing a raid as nothing more then fun with friends, like having a beer and watching a movie, not boasting that they can drink more then everyone in the room.


I dunno, just where I see these games going.

Cheers and well met. I think another prerequisite for being a "hard core" gamer is making gaming the priority - i.e. scheduling life around a game instead of the other way around. I have zero problems with someone bellying up next to me and crying in their beer as that can sometimes be good for the soul. What I take exception to are the ones who belly up, cry in their beer, and when no one embraces them on a personal level draws an MP and starts hosing the room down.


I'm on Mask of Nihilus & the PTS and would mix it up with you and yours anytime. The only easy day was yesterday - Class 101.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'm a full time well paid accountant thanks.


I clear end game in a matter of hours, it's far too easy.


Any pug can clear SOA normal easy, I solo heal it for starters, I solo heal Hardmode.


See both of you are assuming things that aren't correct. he is assuming that because you are very good at the game and your class that you are a jobless basement dweller, and you are assuming that since it's uber easy for you, it's uber easy for everyone and that just isn't the case.


They have already said they are going to make modes that were significantly harder but making the game stupid hard across the board would be a huge mistake. Blizzard tried that and it was an unmitigated disaster that they they even admit cost them tons of subs.


I think Bioware is playing it smart and doing the right thing by offering harder modes.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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So apparently you are an accountant that lives vicariously through a cartoon character, and bases enough pride in that accomplishment to utilize it as a means of disparaging others that are not as "good" as you are?


No offense, but that strikes me as being out of character for both an adult and a professional. It may be true, but just seems a bit odd to me. However, I can accept that as everyone has the right to do or be as they seek to be, and I seek not to judge or reprove but to understand as a means of identifying the type of player we are seeing.


It does tend to demonstrate my point and why I love the game and you hate it. I was a Marine Corps Sgt., am a black belt, fought in the ring, raised a family, run a business etc. I've had all the challenges that I need in real life. I don't need a game to bolster my sense of self worth and could not even imagine myself putting down another because I'm better at playing my keyboard. I don't even want a game that presents and extreme challenge. I'm more into how fun it is. ;p


I think, overall, that is the difference between the hard core and, lets call it the "soft core" gamer. The hard core gamer seems to gain some sense of self worth from the game while the casual does not. Both are fine. I don't really have a concern that others be like me or that I be like them. The point is that this game, this genre seems to be tuned now to the casual that sees finishing a raid as nothing more then fun with friends, like having a beer and watching a movie, not boasting that they can drink more then everyone in the room.


I dunno, just where I see these games going.


Well said kudos to you

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So apparently you are an accountant that lives vicariously through a cartoon character, and bases enough pride in that accomplishment to utilize it as a means of disparaging others that are not as "good" as you are?


No offense, but that strikes me as being out of character for both an adult and a professional. It may be true, but just seems a bit odd to me. However, I can accept that as everyone has the right to do or be as they seek to be, and I seek not to judge or reprove but to understand as a means of identifying the type of player we are seeing.


It does tend to demonstrate my point and why I love the game and you hate it. I was a Marine Corps Sgt., am a black belt, fought in the ring, raised a family, run a business etc. I've had all the challenges that I need in real life. I don't need a game to bolster my sense of self worth and could not even imagine myself putting down another because I'm better at playing my keyboard. I don't even want a game that presents and extreme challenge. I'm more into how fun it is. ;p


I think, overall, that is the difference between the hard core and, lets call it the "soft core" gamer. The hard core gamer seems to gain some sense of self worth from the game while the casual does not. Both are fine. I don't really have a concern that others be like me or that I be like them. The point is that this game, this genre seems to be tuned now to the casual that sees finishing a raid as nothing more then fun with friends, like having a beer and watching a movie, not boasting that they can drink more then everyone in the room.


I dunno, just where I see these games going.


Semper Fi ;) just an FYI. When debating various game aspects with "raiders" on these or any forums, one must understand the concept of "positional goods". That being that certain goods only have value to the owner based on the fact that others do not possess them. Or in layman terms, the "neiner neiner" concept.

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never had population problems, but some pple see a number on their planet and start losing their fun cause it would make them feel much better when they see a lot higher number.


I would think more people on a planet would allow more people to run group quests. I have always liked grouping up to tackle content and with low populations in areas such as it is now makes that difficult. When I leveled up my sentinel, sadly, I had to skip all group content after Alderaan because of low populations on the later planets and that really bugged me. I think I missed a lot of stuff because of that.

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I think what we have is a lack of understanding that the days of the hard core MMORPG are over. Wow was a flash in the pan. Fun game, got alot of people to play, but pretty much a dinosaur. It did allow for the defining of a demographic that would produce maximum return for moderate effort.


In short, the casual gamer that has both the income and the longevity, that will not blow through content in a week, not rage quit, but utilize the game as a distraction from life and well afford to both pay for the game and merchandizing. They are not fond of addons to the absurdum, not interested in min/maxing, studying, spending more time preparing to raid then actually raiding. They do not have a never ending thirst for more and more content to blow through, and they definitely do not want to have to make a choice of friends over accomplishment.


In short, their goal is fun and accomplishment, not tedium and challenge. They seem to want to log on, spend time with friends, raid something, kill something, get a shiny, log off to their family.


That is the target demographic that the MMORPG industry seems to be zeroing in on. To my personal delight, this game is the future of the genre. Embrace the horror. ;p




WoW was many things, but hardcore it was not.


Well the orginal R14 system was, but that's about it.

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Semper Fi ;) just an FYI. When debating various game aspects with "raiders" on these or any forums, one must understand the concept of "positional goods". That being that certain goods only have value to the owner based on the fact that others do not possess them. Or in layman terms, the "neiner neiner" concept.


LOl wow that is signature worthy. :D

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