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Server Population is GROWING!


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The server population is at an all time high, every time I log on massive que's and I only need wait a few minutes to be pugged into any raid I wish. If anything, there is not enough room to breathe with how many are logging in.



























(can I be reported for lying? I just wanted to fit in)

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Yes, certainly it's growing....



Where can I get the new invisible character types too ?


Just stop hating and you will see all the new people! To contribute I play one of the highest populated EU servers Lord Calypho, and I've been there since early access. Fleet numbers on the imperial side have gone from 250 to barely over 100 during primetime. Republic fleet fluctuates between 2/3 to 1/2 of the imperial numbers.

Edited by Zilkin
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Sulius Shipyard [PVE-UK]


I did the last of my Balmorra missions last night (level 33-36) there was a maximum 11-12 players on line during the time I was on 8pm-10:30pm BST.


I then travelled to my next quest hub of Quesh (level 36-39) and there was 4 players.


I havent been to fleet since i went from Alderaan to Balmorra but that was late evening as above on a weekend and there was 35 people on the Fleet.


The game as a whole has lost subscribers, some servers may be growing as people do free trails or migrate from other servers or play alts, but most servers are loosing players with the biggest dip in the first billing cycle.


Personally have not done a flashpoint in months and usually drop Heroic 4+ quests when i get them due to difficulties in getting enough interested players to group (not always easy with a busier server).


They need to offer transfers as soon as possible and no I wont reroll, I dont have the spare time to start from scratch.

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Sulius Shipyard [PVE-UK]


I did the last of my Balmorra missions last night (level 33-36) there was a maximum 11-12 players on line during the time I was on 8pm-10:30pm BST.


I then travelled to my next quest hub of Quesh (level 36-39) and there was 4 players.


I havent been to fleet since i went from Alderaan to Balmorra but that was late evening as above on a weekend and there was 35 people on the Fleet.


The game as a whole has lost subscribers, some servers may be growing as people do free trails or migrate from other servers or play alts, but most servers are loosing players with the biggest dip in the first billing cycle.


Personally have not done a flashpoint in months and usually drop Heroic 4+ quests when i get them due to difficulties in getting enough interested players to group (not always easy with a busier server).


They need to offer transfers as soon as possible and no I wont reroll, I dont have the spare time to start from scratch.



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Sulius Shipyard [PVE-UK]


I did the last of my Balmorra missions last night (level 33-36) there was a maximum 11-12 players on line during the time I was on 8pm-10:30pm BST.


I then travelled to my next quest hub of Quesh (level 36-39) and there was 4 players.


I havent been to fleet since i went from Alderaan to Balmorra but that was late evening as above on a weekend and there was 35 people on the Fleet.


The game as a whole has lost subscribers, some servers may be growing as people do free trails or migrate from other servers or play alts, but most servers are loosing players with the biggest dip in the first billing cycle.


Personally have not done a flashpoint in months and usually drop Heroic 4+ quests when i get them due to difficulties in getting enough interested players to group (not always easy with a busier server).


They need to offer transfers as soon as possible and no I wont reroll, I dont have the spare time to start from scratch.


^This too


Some servers may be growing due to NEW players reading the forums on dead or dying servers and choosing more popular ones. Meanwhile players like myself who have been playing since pre-launch on servers that are now like ghost towns are really feeling the effect of low population. IF I hadn't invested almost 4 months of my time levelling toons and spending hours gathering and crafting, reverse engineering, buying new schematics, reverse engineering again to the stage where between my wife and I we have one of every crafting profession at max level with as many useful schematics as is needed so far, IF that wasn't the case I would be rerolling and starting from scratch on a higher population server. But as it stands, with the amount of time and effort put in rerolling isn't an option.



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Sulius Shipyard [PVE-UK]


I did the last of my Balmorra missions last night (level 33-36) there was a maximum 11-12 players on line during the time I was on 8pm-10:30pm BST.


I then travelled to my next quest hub of Quesh (level 36-39) and there was 4 players.


I havent been to fleet since i went from Alderaan to Balmorra but that was late evening as above on a weekend and there was 35 people on the Fleet.


The game as a whole has lost subscribers, some servers may be growing as people do free trails or migrate from other servers or play alts, but most servers are loosing players with the biggest dip in the first billing cycle.


Personally have not done a flashpoint in months and usually drop Heroic 4+ quests when i get them due to difficulties in getting enough interested players to group (not always easy with a busier server).


They need to offer transfers as soon as possible and no I wont reroll, I dont have the spare time to start from scratch.



Here is the flaw in your logic, no offense intended.


What you and many others are describing as lost subscribers is incorrect. If what you say is true and I have no reason to believe it isn't you cannot accurately call it a loss in subscribers because this is something you cannot possibly know.


What yourself and many others are describing is a drop in server activity.


That is where the majority of haters and Chicken Littles are utterly failing in their assertion that the game is dying. Are server pops down? Yes on some servers but they are up on others . There are also many many people who simply aren't logging on.


Now I understand why a person on a light pop server might look around and make an assumption that the game is losing subs but that person needs to understand that this is exactly that, an assumption.


We simply don't know that the drop off in activity=a drop in subs. We can assume some of the players who aren't logging on are canceled subs because that makes sense. We cannot pretend to know to what degree and we have no way of knowing how many of those are being replaced by new subs.


We will know the state of subs when they provide us with those numbers and don't be surprised if those numbers actually hold steady or fall very little because they added an entire region after the last official sub report.


Long story short, stop confusing subscription loss with drop off in activity, they are two different things.

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We simply don't know that the drop off in activity=a drop in subs.


There's two outcomes to that:


Either SWTOR is the first MMORPG to have people pay and not play (in large numbers)


Or subs are probably dropping a bit.


However we do know that Bioware ran WAR for 20 months before SWTOR went Live though. :csw_yoda:

Edited by Goretzu
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Here is the flaw in your logic, no offense intended.


What you and many others are describing as lost subscribers is incorrect. If what you say is true and I have no reason to believe it isn't you cannot accurately call it a loss in subscribers because this is something you cannot possibly know.


What yourself and many others are describing is a drop in server activity.


That is where the majority of haters and Chicken Littles are utterly failing in their assertion that the game is dying. Are server pops down? Yes on some servers but they are up on others . There are also many many people who simply aren't logging on.


Now I understand why a person on a light pop server might look around and make an assumption that the game is losing subs but that person needs to understand that this is exactly that, an assumption.


We simply don't know that the drop off in activity=a drop in subs. We can assume some of the players who aren't logging on are canceled subs because that makes sense. We cannot pretend to know to what degree and we have no way of knowing how many of those are being replaced by new subs.


We will know the state of subs when they provide us with those numbers and don't be surprised if those numbers actually hold steady or fall very little because they added an entire region after the last official sub report.


Long story short, stop confusing subscription loss with drop off in activity, they are two different things.


Here is the flaw in your logic, people don't care whether the empty servers are due to people logging in less or from less people being subscribed they just want well populated servers.

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Here is the flaw in your logic, no offense intended.
no, from the player's perspective, there's no functional difference between loss of subscribers and loss of people logging in even though they continue to subscribe.


What you're doing here in your post is arguing semantics, and it really doesn't add anything to the discussion/

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Out of my guild of 78, only I and a couple others have been online in the last week.


Really booming.



Like I said in another thread, there were only 3389 X-fire TOR players yesterday.


While not definitive, it was the lowest player count since the launch of the game(which was 12,000 players).



This type evidence with all of the anecdotal evidence that's everywhere you look in the forums, SWTOR is rapidly losing active players.


1.2 might help some, but I fear they may have already passed the point of no return.

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^This too


Some servers may be growing due to NEW players reading the forums on dead or dying servers and choosing more popular ones. Meanwhile players like myself who have been playing since pre-launch on servers that are now like ghost towns are really feeling the effect of low population. IF I hadn't invested almost 4 months of my time levelling toons and spending hours gathering and crafting, reverse engineering, buying new schematics, reverse engineering again to the stage where between my wife and I we have one of every crafting profession at max level with as many useful schematics as is needed so far, IF that wasn't the case I would be rerolling and starting from scratch on a higher population server. But as it stands, with the amount of time and effort put in rerolling isn't an option.




Sorry but if you did not realise server pop dropping all time in these 4 months and still you continued with what you were doing i feel like it suits you right for being in your situation!

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Sorry but if you did not realise server pop dropping all time in these 4 months and still you continued with what you were doing i feel like it suits you right for being in your situation!


Your solution : Blame server pop issues on the player.

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Your solution : Blame server pop issues on the player.


No i never said that but read again what he said




Get it... so that means he either





If its number 1 its his fault like i said if its number 2 he should NOT play the game anyway

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No i never said that but read again what he said




Get it... so that means he either





If its number 1 its his fault like i said if its number 2 he should NOT play the game anyway


Okay, restated :


Blame the player for picking the wrong server and/or call him ignorant or stupid, and therefore shouldn't be playing.


How about this instead:


Bioware created a situation where server populations are not balanced. No one other than Bioware/EA runs the game and/or makes decisions about how to allocate server assets, etc.


Therefore, Bioware should remedy the situation they created. Until they do, these types of posts are going to continue, and quite frankly, they should.


The whole server imbalance situation plainly shows how little planning went into this launch, other than the marketing side.

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Okay, restated :


Blame the player for picking the wrong server and/or call him ignorant or stupid, and therefore shouldn't be playing.


How about this instead:


Bioware created a situation where server populations are not balanced. No one other than Bioware/EA runs the game and/or makes decisions about how to allocate server assets, etc.


Therefore, Bioware should remedy the situation they created. Until they do, these types of posts are going to continue, and quite frankly, they should.


The whole server imbalance situation plainly shows how little planning went into this launch, other than the marketing side.


Again wrong... I blame him... well i claim that its only HIS FAULT for CONTINUING TO STAY on SAME SERVER after obvious population PROBLEMS started to EMERGE...


If he saw and realised that in the end of January he would only have to relvl 1 char to 50 with maybe 3 proffesions/skills whatever.


Now after 4 months i understand its hard...


Server transfers are coming but the question is if its better to wait for them for 4+ months(since i personally DO NOT believe they would come before 1.3) or is it better to lvl another char to 50 and get more experience and knowledge of class which is good for every player for either PvP or PvE

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Again wrong... I blame him... well i claim that its only HIS FAULT for CONTINUING TO STAY on SAME SERVER after obvious population PROBLEMS started to EMERGE...


If he saw and realised that in the end of January he would only have to relvl 1 char to 50 with maybe 3 proffesions/skills whatever.


Now after 4 months i understand its hard...


Server transfers are coming but the question is if its better to wait for them for 4+ months(since i personally DO NOT believe they would come before 1.3) or is it better to lvl another char to 50 and get more experience and knowledge of class which is good for every player for either PvP or PvE


its better to not have to start all over which is why people are quitting why is this hard for you to understand. people like me who take 3 months to reach the level cap because of busy work schedules dont want to start all over and watch as new content rolls out I should be enjoying instead becomes out dated and irrelevant by the time i get there. leveling in this game gets boring just as quick as any other MMO i am not an altoholic and i hate leveling. I like raiding if its gonna take me another 4 months to become ready to raid then i will just quit

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Curiosity has nothing to do with speculation. They are two ends of a stick.. Speculation presumes a process of thought in making a calculated decision with the possibility of benefiting from that calculated thought process. Curiosity is simply a question and answer process that forms the basis of all human progression ie I wonder where this road goes. Follow road, discover it goes to the railway station. Result is the building of a cognitive map and a natural process in the development of memory and map building. Speculation is a further process related to using what you know to make judgements about that which you are inquisitive about. The cat was curious because it was simply using its inquisitive mind and no doubt ventured too far into the dark which when building maps can result in chaos and confusion. In such events you are less likely to make reasoned decisions as there is a predominance of unknowns clouding your judgement. And so the cat most likely fell victim to an event that it could not control. Too curious.


And so in speculating numbers you are simply taking what you know and making a calculated judgement. If you are curious about numbers then you are processing the information with a view to better understanding what is presented to you. The consequence of both are quite different. The first infers that you are trying to evaluate a likely outcome based on data that you utilise in making the judgement. The second requires an outcome a simple question and answer. Is the population rising... answer from the question is yes then from that point the person views the numbers as rising. When speculating, the person speculating looks at evidence before them and then makes a valued decision and normally then uses that information for purpose.


Speculation cannot equal fail as there is no mathematical equation that would satisfy that presumption, unless the speculation was structured to give a simple win or fail result. In this instance I would suggest that speculating about the numbers currently subscribing to this game would involve quite a detailed analysis of figures set against a time frame relative to known subscription dates. You could also add the trend data and activity records from population counts to better aid the process. No doubt the creators do this as part of their marketing research. We can only speculate. Being curious however is just human nature and most will be curious when it directly impinges on their life in some way.


PS I would suggest that most can speculate about numbers because they can make a reasoned assessment from the evidence of their own experiences.


PPS. What has that got to do with curiosity. Cus I specualte that numbers are dropping from the evidence of what I see in game. And, I am curious as to why the creators show the servers on Standard when in reality they cannot represent Standard unless the normal server status is a Low population. Just speculation mind you... and I don't think that kind of speculation ever did anyone any harm.


I am, by nature, a really nice person. Therefore, I will be as respectful and polite in my answer to Dekkau here.


Being intelligent, and you obviously are, is useful in building chains of logic which can bring to an explanatory reasoning and, sometimes, a rebuttal. However, the premises must be solid and correctly understood otherwise every reasoning based on such a flaw will be flawed too. One can be clever but must also pay attention to meaning in a message.


Your argument seems to be made of 2 points :


1. there is no link between curiosity and speculation


2. speculation does not equals to fail (and is not inherently vicious)


so, here is the break down :


The curiosity is what killed the cat is a saying. It supposes that being curious can, sometimes be dangerous. It is a saying. I used this to make somewhat of a pun, or play with an English expression. The meaning of the whole maneuver being to highlight that I attributed an effect to something DIFFERENT than what comes in the popular saying.


Your attempt to render me responsible for a link between speculation and curiosity is flawed as much as if you were to say that I made the same link in the following example :


"the fire destroyed the house"

"No, it is a flood that destroyed the house"


Does fire have anything to do or relates in any way to a flood? No, except for the fact that they both can be a reason for the destruction of the house; they are both contradicting, opposed by the context, objects or causes.


"the curiosity killed the cat"

"no, it is speculation that killed the cat.


As you can see, I make no link between those two things except replacing one by the other. However, just for the sake of argumentation I would posit that your reasoning would be flawed even if I traced a link, however.


I would posit that there are at least 2 significant reasons for speculation :


1. Trying to obtain ascertain a situation in order to make a logical decision by using what facts or signs, as incomplete as they are but being all that is readily available.


2. using the same kind of facts or sings as mentioned in 1. when proofs are not available in order to satisfy.... curiosity. As a matter of fact, I will posit here, without much fear of being wrong (pardon my speculation :) that many a speculating act is based on curiosity.


finally, about the second part of your argument I would say that the effect of speculation in easily included as a mathematical function or variation. In fact, in this very case, the subjet of debate is almost dichotomous. As what you have is either a. population increase, b. population decrease c. population is steady (variable that is so highly improbable that it gains much to be discarded). As you said yourself unless it was a win/fail situation...


population increase = win

population decrease = fail


the answer to that question has a finite answer which BW possess. The mere fact that the debate about servers population shows such a cleavage on these forums demonstrates that the so called perceptions based on the players experience are anything but clear as there is no consensus yet. You state that this kind of speculation poses no harm and I say: I have a few friends who refuse to come play with me here because of the negative impression they get about the status of the game judging by some topics in these forums.


If the conclusions of speculation can be said to be less than equal to truth then they are.. fail.


Also it is important not to mix speculation with inference, as the latter is an generalization of a sample to an entire population provided that some strict statistical rules must be applied to the sample. Also, even then, there is an error margin which can be a huge as 5%, like in many social sciences applications, for example.


I hope you see this as a polite and respectful explanation as it is how I intended it.


Everyone else, if you read that and thought it was a waste of your time, I am sorry. It wasn't meant for you, then :)

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Our server continues to grow a lot of brand new accounts...and they all ask the same question.


"Why is the in game community so nice but the forums are so terrible?"



I've noticed this too. In game, peeps are super nice, congenial. They're enjoying the hell out of this game.


You get to this echo chamber called general forums, and the reverberating negativity is deafening. Amazing what a few thousand (perhaps less) voices can do inside the echo chamber.

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