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Server Population is GROWING!


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The forums. Where server populations come to whine die. Funny, I play loads and loads across 4 servers. I'm guilded on 2 of those. Everyone I speak to IN GAME, seems to have the complete difference of opinion to the nay-sayers and doom-mongers of these forums. It seems like most fiorum users get extreme pleasure from predicting the inevitible (according to them) death of this game.

However, to put things into perspective, the game is only a few months old and has a TON of potential and the company has the resources and time to make additions, alterations and removals as needed. On the forums, the talk is aboutthe death of the game. In game the talk is more positive with words like awesome, fun, potential and growth bandied around with poistive regularity.


Sorry to make the doom-mongers mad/crazy/upset, but I think the game has a TON of life left in her. Maybe BW is waiting for the naysayers to quit so they can work with a community that actually wants the game to survive and do well.:)

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take a look at this:




well, from what i gather there, from 06th of March -> 20th of March there is a serious decline on both European and NA servers (~ -5%; -5.24% for NA servers, -5.4% for European servers). The only region that is not doing so bad is the Aussies, with -0.14% (weird, considering that maintenance is right in their prime time - but give them some 2 months or even less and we'll start to see people leaving...).


this might not seem that much but given the right math one can clearly see that if this trend continues in just half an year there will be just half of the current population.


a 5% decline over a period of 2 weeks is a LOT. really... It means that that in 26 weeks the population will be 50% of what it is today if the trend stays the same (~ -5.3%)


btw, my opinion is that the population is dropping. you don't have to bee online at peak hours or whatever, you only have to check GTN. Don't see that much on it? Well, it's either a low population server of the population is dropping - both of which are bad.

Edited by Urdnaxela
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well, from what i gather there, from 06th of March -> 20th of March there is a serious decline on both European and NA servers (~ -5%; -5.24% for NA servers, -5.4% for European servers). The only region that is not doing so bad is the Aussies, with -0.14% (weird, considering that maintenance is right in their prime time - but give them some 2 months or even less and we'll start to see people leaving...).

If these were reliable statistics, you might have an argument.


btw, my opinion is that the population is dropping. you don't have to bee online at peak hours or whatever, you only have to check GTN. Don't see that much on it? Well, it's either a low population server of the population is dropping - both of which are bad.
Actually, there is a LOT on my GTN. So much that to price my materials competitively I have to spend several hours just running figures through my calculator to get a feel for the average price range; yes, the GTN is not only active, but it boasts a competitive market economy.
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But the 50% (umm how are you getting these numbers?) isn't on every server is it?


Well, a month before there used to be 60-80 ppl on republic fleet at Trayus Academy server( prime time)


Now there are usually 20


Ehhm that's a 75% decrease eh ?

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If these were reliable statistics, you might have an argument.


Actually, there is a LOT on my GTN. So much that to price my materials competitively I have to spend several hours just running figures through my calculator to get a feel for the average price range; yes, the GTN is not only active, but it boasts a competitive market economy.


"might"... if the statistics are reliable then i do have an argument. math doesn't lie.


as for GTN - great :) then you're on an active server... i play on two servers, one of wich is nearly dead and the other one is ok. the nearly dead server has a laughable GTN, imagine waiting 3-4 days for a 22 Advanced Resolve Augument to appear...

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"might"... if the statistics are reliable then i do have an argument. math doesn't lie.
Not really. If you'd mastered statistics you'd realize that math doesn't lie, but it often deceives.


EDIT For example, if you take the time to examine the population trends and activity over the past 30 and 60 days, you'll see that in the case of almost every server there's been relatively little change. Despite the population numbers they report, which incidentally is the least accurate information on the site due to the methods they use to obtain them, the data depicts a stable game with a very slight downward trend in player activity. Granted there are a few outliers; some servers show significant drops, while other depict notable increases, but that's expected in any statistical analysis.

Edited by HeavensAgent
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"might"... if the statistics are reliable then i do have an argument. math doesn't lie.


as for GTN - great :) then you're on an active server... i play on two servers, one of wich is nearly dead and the other one is ok. the nearly dead server has a laughable GTN, imagine waiting 3-4 days for a 22 Advanced Resolve Augument to appear...


Unless this comes from Bioware it isn't empirical evidence...just last Monday Daniel Erickson said the population was still growing on Google Plus; if he lies about things like that he is in violation of about five federal laws. The bottom line is the game is still doing well despite the largest organized smear camping in MMO history.

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Unless this comes from Bioware it isn't empirical evidence...just last Monday Daniel Erickson said the population was still growing on Google Plus; if he lies about things like that he is in violation of about five federal laws. The bottom line is the game is still doing well despite the largest organized smear camping in MMO history.


It's impossible to say, they'll be counting every free trial account made over the last few weekends (and it's quite legitimate for them to do so).


So real sub numbers are a subjective reality.

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You need to change the title to this game is so fail 1.2 better fix it or kiss your *** good bye BIOWARE


Population growing thats a joke and a half rofl only reason any numbers went up is they let the play for free *****es on they wont last.

Edited by Brasen
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It's impossible to say, they'll be counting every free trial account made over the last few weekends (and it's quite legitimate for them to do so).


So real sub numbers are a subjective reality.


No they have already said in their last investor call definition of a sub is someone who is on their 30 day trial or someone who is currently subbing. Free trials and invite a friend doesn't count.


It also amazes me how thick and how much in denial the haters are. They will do anything short of selling their own Mom to prove SWTOR is failing.

Edited by faymar
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You need to change the title to this game is so fail 1.2 better fix it or kiss your *** good bye BIOWARE


Population growing thats a joke and a half rofl only reason any numbers went up is they let the play for free *****es on they wont last.


Swearing doesn't make you look intelligent. And the game is no where near failing, sounds a lot more like you are just butt hurt for some reason. :rolleyes:

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No they have already said in their last investor call definition of a sub is someone who is on their 30 day trial or someone who is currently subbing. Free trials and invite a friend doesn't count.


It also amazes me how think and how much in denial the haters are. They will do anything short of selling their own Mom to prove SWTOR is failing.




I don't think they said that (for a start they didn't have free trials running then), but it's standard for MMORPG's to count free trials in their sub numbers.



It is worth pointing out that there is no way to obtain irrefutable accurate information on subscribers. Only the companies responsible for the games have access to the statistics and their interpretation of an active account may be different from yours. The majority count anyone who is paying for a subscription, anyone in a free trial period or anyone who has been active on an account within the last month. They make no distinction for users with multiple accounts so they will be counted separately. Clearly the figures will not be representative of the number of users you can expect to find online within a game world at any given time – that number will be much lower.
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"might"... if the statistics are reliable then i do have an argument. math doesn't lie.


Your math lies. The "overall change" number on torstatus.net is not percentage change. It is the change in server load totaled across all servers, where 1 = light, 2 = standard, 3 = heavy, 4 = very heavy, and 5 = full.


Again, the number you cite has nothing to do with percentage change.

Edited by Kthx
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you want to see actual live stats monitor that shows you real population not bs inflated or false info.


there are only 3 live servers with population sustaining worth a ****!


"This site is in not endorsed by or affiliated with LucasArts, BioWare, or Electronic Arts"


And even if it is accurate which I am not saying it is, the numbers are pretty stable

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My server population has really boomed too. I think Republic side has grown a lot more than Sith tho. Sith seem quite out numbered over here.


Right and this is why; MOP is already a big let down...also people are finally getting to Beta GW2 and many of them are disenchanted (My husband for one... seriously he is crushed) TSW is proving to have the same issues as every other Funcom MMO they are already trying to do a 199.00 lifetime cash grab. So people are looking around and seeing that comparatively TOR is their best bet.


Fanboys from other MMO's are going to rail and scream against what I am saying but it's the truth.

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I'd be curious to see what a screenshot from the last 3 days looked like, rather than screenshots that are over a month old.


Yes, if you right click them and go to properties, you can see they range in dates from Feb 2nd to Feb 13th. That's pretty misleading...


For the sake of arguement too, people need to consider whether we're talking about Asia Pacific, NA, or European servers.

If you look at the trends on Asia Pacific, things look pretty healthy, however if you seperate out just NA servers and look at the trend (using torstatus) you can see a steady increase in light pop servers. (this isn't a good thing)


Also, when the Devs commented that the game was growing in subs, is that including the Asia Pacific sub numbers? I would like to see how just NA is doing... Of course they'll never admit to the game doing sub-par... it's their job to promote the game too. They sort of have a vested interest.

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I don't think they said that (for a start they didn't have free trials running then), but it's standard for MMORPG's to count free trials in their sub numbers.


Go back and listen to the call they were very specific

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If the population is growing how then there are fewer than 7 people on the alot of the planets the low and med levels? Flash points are dam near impossible to do because there are 20 peps at the space station. Don't get me wrong having a level 50 go through and pretty much mow over evrything is just not that fun!! Finding groups to do heroics is almost the same. All I have seen is a steady decrease in the last few weeks I hope this is not going to be short lived game.
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Go back and listen to the call they were very specific


I have as far as I can see they didn't say it, if they did then it'll be easy enough for you to link it.


The last statement was before they started to run free trials, but the next one will almost certainly count them, like every MMORPG does.

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If the population is growing how then there are fewer than 7 people on the alot of the planets the low and med levels? Flash points are dam near impossible to do because there are 20 peps at the space station. Don't get me wrong having a level 50 go through and pretty much mow over evrything is just not that fun!! Finding groups to do heroics is almost the same. All I have seen is a steady decrease in the last few weeks I hope this is not going to be short lived game.


Are you talking about the Zone number in the upper left hand corner?


My guild was hanging out in the dealers Den on Courscant last night there was around forty of us and the Zone indicator said there was nine in the Zone.....that indicator isn't working several people have already pointed this out.

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