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Server Population is GROWING!


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I really wanted this game to succeed. I've been posting in anger on these forums since yesterday because of the amount of money I wasted on my CE. I cannot believe I dropped 150 bucks plus subscription on a game that I'll only play for two months total. I wanted so badly for this to be a multi-year adventure, but given the state of my guild, my server, and my own rapidly-waning interest in performing the same daily grind (get on, get 3 WZ wins, get 30 kills in Ilum, log), that simply will not come to pass.


OP, I don't believe your numbers are any more firm than if I were to say: 'well, all of the planets on my server were dead yesterday even during primetime, so the game must be failing!' A snapshot look at population will not convince me that the game isn't floundering, or is doing well, for that matter.


I can only speak from personal experience (as can any of us), but my guild, which was one of the largest on my server, is down to about 50% of the active membership we had 3 weeks ago. And it's not due to natural attrition either -- my GM is absolutely anal about following up on people who leave and why. Those who have left our guild aren't quitting for competing organizations; they're ceasing playing. One day they'll be an extremely active member who is on for five hours an evening, and the next, *poof,* they've utterly vanished.


That's not a sign of a healthy MMO. For the first five or so years in WoW, when somebody who was extremely active suddenly quit your guild, chances are that they had a better offer elsewhere, and felt like your organization was holding them back. It's called poaching, and while it's hardly a wholesome activity, it's a sign of a healthy game -- that people feel like they can freely move between organizations in order to achieve better personal progression. So in WoW, they didn't disappear; they just disappeared from your guild. In my experience, in TOR when someone vanishes, they're just gone. They haven't fled to some high-end guild (why would they need to? Even the NM mode stuff is facerollable); they've just vanished.


So, yeah, OP? I don't believe your numbers. I think your efforts are the work of somebody who is desperate to see this game succeed, even if it means lying to yourself and to others. My server, Jung Ma, is one of the busiest in North America, and while it remains a strong shower, I can clearly see a drop-off even there. The fleets are less populated; the leveling planets are virtually empty; Ilum isn't as busy. You can slip on those rose colored-glasses if you want, but just because you tell yourself repeatedly that 'everything is fine' doesn't make it true.


You will probably find these are oceanic players going to play on oceanic servers.

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So I was thinking whilst playing that it's going to be funny when 1.2 launches. Tons of people will come back to try it out, and those who re-rolled on heavy servers like The Fatman will see crazy log in queues.


Who wants to bet these people will be on the forums complaining about server queues?

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So I was thinking whilst playing that it's going to be funny when 1.2 launches. Tons of people will come back to try it out, and those who re-rolled on heavy servers like The Fatman will see crazy log in queues.


Who wants to bet these people will be on the forums complaining about server queues?

LOL! Hopefully Bioware doesn't add more servers like they did at launch to placate the tempestuous early access whiners. Because that's how the current server population imbalance happened. Bioware ignores the griefers and everything will be just fine. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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I've been seeing this mistake for a while and it's began to seriously bug me.


Server cap has grown since launch. Servers then were all "heavy" and "very heavy" because servers held maybe half the people they do now. If you want a good look at server population, you can't look at the server list, because that's a percentage of the cap filled and not how many people are online. Say 5,000 people were on at launch, but the server capacity was about 8,000. That's a lot of people. Say 6,000 are on now, but the server cap is 20,000. That's more people, but the server will display a lesser status.


To get a good view of server pop, you have to go to Fleet or like areas where there are usually a lot of people and measure the changes, which some of you have been doing. But for those of you who have not, start doing that instead.

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LOL! Hopefully Bioware doesn't add more servers like they did at launch to placate the tempestuous early access whiners. Because that's how the current server population imbalance happened. Bioware ignores the griefers and everything will be just fine. :)


They really did shoot themselves in the foot there. Added too many servers too quickly. And I'm not sure why they added another two dozen at launch. People joining then should have filled in the less populated servers. Oh well....


My question for the next Q&A is going to be about the population issues.

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LOL! Hopefully Bioware doesn't add more servers like they did at launch to placate the tempestuous early access whiners. Because that's how the current server population imbalance happened. Bioware ignores the griefers and everything will be just fine. :)


The problem was they created it with guild access and staggered early access, it stopped people being able to spread.


4-6 hours queues every day on a server were insane.

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The problem was they created it with guild access and staggered early access, it stopped people being able to spread.


4-6 hours queues every day on a server were insane.


EU had a server with a 20min cue yesterday, but of course this game is dying and all.

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EU had a server with a 20min cue yesterday, but of course this game is dying and all.


Only time I have ever had a que on my server was shortly after the game launched and that was back in Dec. Have not had a single que sence then. Noone should say the game is dying, but it is not as healthy as it could be. Your should not assume your experence on your server is typical when the evidence points out it is not. There a lot of servers listed as low on the North American ones. :cool:

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Only time I have ever had a que on my server was shortly after the game launched and that was back in Dec. Have not had a single que sence then. Noone should say the game is dying, but it is not as healthy as it could be. Your should not assume your experence on your server is typical when the evidence points out it is not. There a lot of servers listed as low on the North American ones. :cool:


I'm not as healthy as I should be.




On that note, this weekend we only saw around 6-8 light servers in NA, and less than that in EU. Most were standard with quite a few heavy/very heavy...and the one EU server that was full w/ cue.


Take what you will from that.

Edited by Azzras
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Our guild have around 80 subscribers and 1 month ago we had 3 raid grps going and 25-30 people online every night, now we have 1 raid and the people attending are only only online during the raid. 5-7 people are online at night now, and the fleet as a dessert. This game is going down hill faster then a speeding bullet. and as with most patches that promise the world 1.2 will see people rush back to see what the fuss is about and then leave again.
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For the 50th time,


1. Server designation has little to no meaning. "Standard" servers are labeled as such with as little as 500 people total, and go as high as 1800, and probably 2000.

There is a world of difference between 500 and 1800/2000.

2. Weekend pass artificially inflates these terrible designations, but only in the starter zones. I was on my PC most of the weekend. Fleet never got above 100 (hovered around 60/70, I personally never saw it higher then 76)

3. The 2-3 servers labeled as "Heavy" "Very Heavy "or "Full" are the reroll servers.

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My server was around 50 all weekend....ridiculous! 5min to get into pvp, if I dont h WV e guld members on I cant get in a group. We need server mergers desperately. When I first started we were at no less than 100 during regular hours...this was great, enough ppl to always get a group for HM,, short wait for pvp, yet no server login wait. Pls BW the biggest issue now is server population, this is making the game not Finn for those of us that actually serious about this game.
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My server was around 50 all weekend....ridiculous! 5min to get into pvp, if I dont h WV e guld members on I cant get in a group. We need server mergers desperately. When I first started we were at no less than 100 during regular hours...this was great, enough ppl to always get a group for HM,, short wait for pvp, yet no server login wait. Pls BW the biggest issue now is server population, this is making the game not Finn for those of us that actually serious about this game.


Ok now, 5 whole minutes?

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I'm not as healthy as I should be.




On that note, this weekend we only saw around 6-8 light servers in NA, and less than that in EU. Most were standard with quite a few heavy/very heavy...and the one EU server that was full w/ cue.


Take what you will from that.


I would love if your post was true, I really would. But 8 of the PVP servers in EU are constantly light, with no WZ going or anything. And it was NO different this weekend...

I love this game, but they need to adress the problems. On my server it's almost 2 weeks since the last 50 WZ popped...

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I'm not as healthy as I should be.




On that note, this weekend we only saw around 6-8 light servers in NA, and less than that in EU. Most were standard with quite a few heavy/very heavy...and the one EU server that was full w/ cue.


Take what you will from that.


The major reason you saw those increases was this was the play for free weekend. Offer something free and people will flock to get it. :cool:

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The problem was they created it with guild access and staggered early access, it stopped people being able to spread.


4-6 hours queues every day on a server were insane.

They had it fixed and under control wthin three weeks. Better to lose a few up front than give griefers ammunition to poison their community for the next 6 months. Shoulda stuck to their guns. Edited by GalacticKegger
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They had it fixed and under control wthin three weeks. Better to lose a few up front than give griefers ammunition to poison their community for the next 6 months. Shoulda stuck to their guns.


It was going well into January with queues.


The sensible thing would have been to have got rid of the pointless staggered access (which people kept saying and saying and saying was going to avoid all this - and instead if anything made everything worse), and put some work into setting up server merges.

Edited by Goretzu
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Think the games doing fine myself. The server I was put on is still doing well (I log there every now and then) and the new server I'm on has queues every night.


The problem is they have too many useless servers. They added way too many when people were whining about having to wait to play. They add some. People complain there's no one on.


If they merged a few servers or just got rid of some completely some servers wouldn't feel so empty.

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