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Server Population is GROWING!


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Go to Game Informer magazine website and listen to the MMO pod cast.


The guys at Game Informer have all stopped playing already.


I didn't re-sub after my first 30 days. I re-subbed about 2 weeks ago, just to see if the game played any better now that the initial rush is over.


With out making a big to do about it, I got my founder title and I have re cancelled. Might come check things out again in a few months or in the fall, might not.


So a group of console kiddies quit OMG t3h doomzorz!!!!


Game informer has always been slaves to what the meta critic Trolls say. Meanwhile the guys at Gamebreaker, Massivley, IGN , Escapist etc etc are all still playing and still enjoying it.


Folks should leave or stay for their own reasons not what some half baked d00ds on a podcast say.

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idk about only 10 servers, but transfers/mergers will be here soon, that is if this arrogant group can admit its needed.


The arrogance is mostly coming from those complaining about dying servers, especially since the devs have clearly announced server transfers.

Edited by Kthx
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So a group of console kiddies quit OMG t3h doomzorz!!!!


Game informer has always been slaves to what the meta critic Trolls say. Meanwhile the guys at Gamebreaker, Massivley, IGN , Escapist etc etc are all still playing and still enjoying it.


Folks should leave or stay for their own reasons not what some half baked d00ds on a podcast say.



Hmmm, I just read over on Massively the WRUP (What are you playing). Only one of them even mention "playing a little SWTOR".


But, I'm sure you are right. They must have all just forgotten to mention it.

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Apparently the game population is no different than the stock exchange. They get spooked easily.


The only mistake BioWare made was letting you see the amount of people who are playing on a given world at a given time in the upper left hand corner of your screen as a constant reminder. WoW didn't make that mistake. You had to look for that information if you wanted to find it, not have it permanently stamped on your screen while you play.


I remember a few years ago when I played WoW, there were dozens of times when I would be the ONLY person in the zone I was in. Heck even in the Barrens I remember plenty of times when only 5 people were playing, sometimes on rare occasions, even less. I never once thought it was because the game was failing.


So it's weird to me that people here are so hyper alert to every population flux as though they think the game will drop out from under them if they have anything less than a "healthy" amount of people in the zone with them.


The mind boggles.


This post sums it up fairly well indeed.

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The arrogance is mostly coming from those complaining about dying servers, especially since the devs have clearly announced server transfers.


You mean server tranfers announced last year because servers used to have queues? How about those servers that have less than 80 players at off hours searching 1-50? I'm not paying to fix a problem that has plagued every single MMO to date with too many launch servers.

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Hmmm, I just read over on Massively the WRUP (What are you playing). Only one of them even mention "playing a little SWTOR".


But, I'm sure you are right. They must have all just forgotten to mention it.


Only one person mentioned on WURP th3 doomzorz!!!!


I like you, your'e silly.


Larry, Jeremy, Patrick, Matt and Eliot are still all playing...but I'll let them know that they need to update folks daily on their status.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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"Server Population is GROWING!"


Well that might be a bad joke...Niman server at peak time have on fleet around 5/6 wen people ends some rare WZ then we have around 12 to 18 people on fleet TOP.


If you consider Free 7 Days trial and weekend's then i don't even know what to Think.





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Only one person mentioned on WURP th3 doomzorz!!!!


I like you, your'e silly.


Larry, Jeremy, Patrick, Matt and Eliot are still all playing...but I'll let them know that they need to update folks daily on their status.



IGN hasn't run an article on SWTOR since Feb 24. That is over a month.


You are right :) I am silly.

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On the topic of the game -growing-, I think it's safe to say that it is in fact growing, but not with the momentum it was before, and just because people are not logging on as much right now does not mean they've canceled their subscription to the game. It's sort of a 'growth' period right now, many people waiting to see what BioWare will be offering with upcoming content and updates before they make a final decision. I know people who are doing this, many, actually but are all keeping their sub up for the time being. It's 15 dollars per month, and so many people have already invested lot's of time over the years supporting this game before it came out, and now that it's out have invested lot's of time in the live game.





We have to remember that the game has only been out just over 3 months. To say it's "dying" or "growing" is really a matter of perspective. Some servers are packed, some aren't. Since we have no cold-hard numbers, there's no telling.


If anything, I think BW might have over-compensated while preparing for launch day with the amount of servers put online. I'd like to see them allow guilds to apply for server transfers then merge the lower-pop ones together.


It's also important to remember that MMO's grow/die off slowly, it's never an overnight process. It's pretty safe to say TOR is in its "Vanilla" stage. If BW pays attention to their player base and plays their cards right, they'll have a successful game on their hands.

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We have to remember that the game has only been out just over 3 months. To say it's "dying" or "growing" is really a matter of perspective. Some servers are packed, some aren't. Since we have no cold-hard numbers, there's no telling.


If anything, I think BW might have over-compensated while preparing for launch day with the amount of servers put online. I'd like to see them allow guilds to apply for server transfers then merge the lower-pop ones together.


It's also important to remember that MMO's grow/die off slowly, it's never an overnight process. It's pretty safe to say TOR is in its "Vanilla" stage. If BW pays attention to their player base and plays their cards right, they'll have a successful game on their hands.


The world is growing. A 14 year old that just got their first new cell phone, does not mean they should have a 1990 model, does it? No, they will probably want an I-Phone or Android. Because the same as world is advancing, so is the gaming business. They had plenty of examples to go and improve, yet they did not do so.

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"STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > General Discussion

Server Population is GROWING!"




Bantha Podo !

I lol'd!

On a side note, my server had a total of 4, read it, 4(!!!) 50s online from 21:00 to 22:00. About 40 on the entire server. And this is empire side we're talking about...

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I lol'd!

On a side note, my server had a total of 4, read it, 4(!!!) 50s online from 21:00 to 22:00. About 40 on the entire server. And this is empire side we're talking about...


That sux man :(


Too bad we will all just ignore your post, talk about how our servers have 300+ in the fleet, therefore indicating all servers are fine!

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