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Server Population is GROWING!


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/tissue anyone. My server is growing just fine and i meet a lot of new players daily. I agree with OP SWTOR is growing.


I love this game, but this is simply not true. Population is dwindling because people are waiting for 1.2. Look through my post history, Im no fan boi or advocate of SWTOR doom. I really enjoy this game. But I do not enjoy playing on Swiftsure that once had 2hr queues to sitting 2hrs in Fleet unable to form a full HM FP group and eventually logging off.



If anyone wants to complain SWTOR is a single player game, they are not far from the truth at this point. I just hope that 1.2 is the saving grace....

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Server population is dropping.

Server Population is growing.

Server population went to Cancun and got a case of the Tijuana Trots.


Who cares? Unless hard data is put forth by the people in charge, there simply is no way of knowing at this time whether or not the population is on the incline or decline. Both sides of the argument are being foolish in that regard.

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I wish I was getting paid to post factual information about the inner-workings of this game.


Alas, I'm just some poor schmuck who went full-idiot and bought a 6 Month subscription to a game I had no playing knowledge of. (In total, it costed me north of $200 for this game :) )




Okay so Butthurt that you bough a six month sub it is.


That pretty much invalidates all of your doom saying just so you know. Also hats off to the mods they are pretty damn tolerant for allowing someone to piss and moan for six months straight without banning them.

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...the people who have terrible population on their server?


You misunderstood what I was saying. The point is that there's no hard data. Yes you are probably on a low population server. I am too, but I have no information one way or the other to say whether or not the population is growing or dropping.


Both are nothing more than speculation.

Edited by Bluerodian
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Fleet used to only have about 50-60 republic players, but now during prime time has over 100!


As BW releases more copies of the game, more players log in.


Tis a good day.



ROFL its a joke right? good one

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Why won't you come to mine and help make it more populated then?


Because all my friends are on my server silly Those servers have no one no people no friends at least that is the kool Aide that's being served.

Edited by faymar
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Okay so Butthurt that you bough a six month sub it is.


That pretty much invalidates all of your doom saying just so you know. Also hats off to the mods they are pretty damn tolerant for allowing someone to piss and moan for six months straight without banning them.


Butthurt? Kind of crude. If you mean annoyed, yes, very much so. At myself, however, not EAWare, or SWTOR.


I'm the one who paid the money for this game without waiting and doing proper research. I ignored my logical brain, and dived in head-first. If I had known before hand there was a sharp rock at the point I dived in, I probably would not have done so.


Alas, such is the life of a foolish man with blind faith.




I don't bash this game, by the way. I simply type truths that are easily confirmable by simply playing this game. I find it no fault of my own that some people have a fanatical view point of the game, or the companies involved and take such things personally.


A little maturity and understanding would go a long way to making this Forum and much more enjoy place to come and discuss the games positives, or, as I'm sure you are shocked to know, it's negatives.

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Last night our fleet had well over a hundred people; just because it isn't happening on your server doesn't mean it isn't happening


I don't think anyone said that there wasn't any populated servers, just that the sparsely populated ones seem to greatly outnumber the highly populated ones.

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Butthurt? Kind of crude. If you mean annoyed, yes, very much so. At myself, however, not EAWare, or SWTOR.


I'm the one who paid the money for this game without waiting and doing proper research. I ignored my logical brain, and dived in head-first. If I had known before hand there was a sharp rock at the point I dived in, I probably would not have done so.


Alas, such is the life of a foolish man with blind faith.




I don't bash this game, by the way. I simply type truths that are easily confirmable by simply playing this game. I find it no fault of my own that some people have a fanatical view point of the game, or the companies involved and take such things personally.


A little maturity and understanding would go a long way to making this Forum and much more enjoy place to come and discuss the games positives, or, as I'm sure you are shocked to know, it's negatives.


Speaking of maturity....let me impart what I do when I have made a wrong choice in my purchase. I write the company I tell them why I am displeased and if it is appropriate why I will no longer be their customer then I leave. I don't hang out on their forums being an attention tramp, because if I did folks would think I A: didn't have a life or B: just wanted to cry over my bad choice.


Just sayin.

Edited by faymar
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You misunderstood what I was saying. The point is that there's no hard data. Yes you are probably on a low population server. I am too, but I have no information one way or the other to say whether or not the population is growing or dropping.


Both are nothing more than speculation.


Its not growing im on a top ten populated server and its down to under 90 people prime time on the fleet and lvl searches by planets is extremly low. its about a 60 to 70 percent burn off from what we had at the end of january.


sub retention despite what the spin is is ganna be very low come the may investors quarterly report.

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Today, it is 2 april, 2012.


90% of all servers displays ''LIGHT'', both north america and europe, and all 3 asia servers are also LIGHT.


These screenshots were taken a few weeks after launch, the server population is lowering, and its lowering fast.


SWTOR is a dying game and bioware is to blame for it. You have launched a game still in beta phase WITHOUT listening to the non fanboys for improvement.


My previous 2 servers have died out, I am now playing on a server everyone moved to, it is one of the only servers not LIGHT at the moment , it is FULL with a 15 minute wait time. This is due everyone moving to the 1 server that isnt dead.


If you read this bioware, you currently have 1 server that is running decently, just 1.


Good job on ruining a promising game (This game looked promising because you bragged about it so furiously)


Sincerely, someone who is about to unsubscribe once he finds a better game to waste time on.


Low populations in the middle of the afternoon on a Monday. When people (normal people, anyway) are at work or school!


Say it isn't so. :rolleyes:


How many does "Light" mean? What's that, you don't know? Hmmm....interesting.

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Last night our fleet had well over a hundred people; just because it isn't happening on your server doesn't mean it isn't happening


Should i reverse your reply? no need


Lets agree SOME servers are dead, and people there doesnt deserve to loose the time they have spent.

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I really don't understand the "My server is fine, you are all wrong comments"


I'm perfectly willing to accept that you might have a great server.



Judging by the sheer number of server threads, though, at least some people are having problems.


Basing anything on the number of complaint threads on an MMO forum is dubious at best, flat out ignornant at worst.

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Should i reverse your reply? no need


Lets agree SOME servers are dead, and people there doesnt deserve to loose the time they have spent.

To be honest, that fact is NOT in dispute, however I firmly believe that the subject matter of this thread is TRUE.


Overall Server Population IS growing.

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Speaking of maturity....let me impart what I do when I have made a wrong choice in my purchase. I write the company I tell them why I am displeased and if it is appropriate why I will no longer be their customer then I leave. I don't hang out on their forums being an attention tramp, because if I did folks would think I A: didn't have a life or B: just wanted to cry over my bad choice.


Just sayin.


I have already provided Bioware with my feedback as to why I unsubscribed.


And I care not for what others think of me, and I say that with all respect. My life is mine and mine alone, as their life is theirs. I wish not to judge them, nor assume anything about them, but I care not if they wish to judge me, or make assumptions about mine.

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I have already provided Bioware with my feedback as to why I unsubscribed.


And I care not for what others think of me, and I say that with all respect. My life is mine and mine alone, as their life is theirs. I wish not to judge them, nor assume anything about them, but I care not if they wish to judge me, or make assumptions about mine.


uh huh...Oh by the by BioWare is refunding unused time if you cancel and call there Customer service...it's been quite known for awhile now...so you're here just to bash the game.


Thanks for playing.

Edited by faymar
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listen folks, i am a Star Wars nut. i have action figures lining my walls, two lightsabers (combat ready, Ultrasabers.com) the books, EVERYTHING.


i LOVE this game, i consider myself a fan boi.




server mergers and character xfers are inevitable. with all the new mmos coming out and the negative feedback this game is receiving (however unfounded they may be), we are currently seeing a "level out" of game population and if anything it is getting smaller.


that doesnt mean game INTEREST is lowering, no in fact i talked to 3 people today on my route at work that are simply on the fence.


WoW didnt get 10 million subscribers in it's first 6 months. these things take time. Swtor will be around for a long time, but right now, well, right now, bioware needs to think about character transfers at the very least.


coming from a fan boi, the game population is waning. i have faith in this game though, there really isnt anything like it on the market atm, whether you want to admit it or not, so yeah, can we end this pointless debate?

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uh huh...Oh by the by BioWare is refunding unused time if you cancel and call there Customer service...it's been quite known for awhile now...so you're here just to bash the game.


Thanks for playing.


I actually did not know this.


My sincerest thanks for the information.

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listen folks, i am a Star Wars nut. i have action figures lining my walls, two lightsabers (combat ready, Ultrasabers.com) the books, EVERYTHING.


i LOVE this game, i consider myself a fan boi.




server mergers and character xfers are inevitable. with all the new mmos coming out and the negative feedback this game is receiving (however unfounded they may be), we are currently seeing a "level out" of game population and if anything it is getting smaller.


that doesnt mean game INTEREST is lowering, no in fact i talked to 3 people today on my route at work that are simply on the fence.


WoW didnt get 10 million subscribers in it's first 6 months. these things take time. Swtor will be around for a long time, but right now, well, right now, bioware needs to think about character transfers at the very least.


coming from a fan boi, the game population is waning. i have faith in this game though, there really isnt anything like it on the market atm, whether you want to admit it or not, so yeah, can we end this pointless debate?


Transfers are inevitable server mergers not so much due to duplicate names both primary and legacy.

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listen folks, i am a Star Wars nut. i have action figures lining my walls, two lightsabers (combat ready, Ultrasabers.com) the books, EVERYTHING.


i LOVE this game, i consider myself a fan boi.




server mergers and character xfers are inevitable. with all the new mmos coming out and the negative feedback this game is receiving (however unfounded they may be), we are currently seeing a "level out" of game population and if anything it is getting smaller.


that doesnt mean game INTEREST is lowering, no in fact i talked to 3 people today on my route at work that are simply on the fence.


WoW didnt get 10 million subscribers in it's first 6 months. these things take time. Swtor will be around for a long time, but right now, well, right now, bioware needs to think about character transfers at the very least.


coming from a fan boi, the game population is waning. i have faith in this game though, there really isnt anything like it on the market atm, whether you want to admit it or not, so yeah, can we end this pointless debate?


Paid server transfers are inevitable. Server mergers will not come until this game is truly dying, if Bioware knows what is good for them.


I've been saying it all over these forums. Server mergers do nothing but provide bad publicity, much more than low pop servers will ever give them.

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