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Stop With the Dailies!


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Why are you copying the worst thing WoW ever added to their game?!


Every time I see a daily I want to throttle a kitten. It's infuriating that anybody could possibly think repeatable quests constitute enjoyable gameplay!


Now there's going to be crafting dailies and a new daily hub every patch to 1.5?!





Its an MMO....


I feel like im taking crazy pills after reading this guys post. Is he serious? And he even used caps lock to show he's really RAGING...



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OP is taking a lot of heat, but I can't help but agree with them. Dailies are a chore, that's pretty clear to see. The problem isn't the dailies themselves, but rather that they're the only real mechanic you have at end game asides from PvP (which in of itself requires dailies to achieve any progress in; 800 commendations takes forever for one bag) or Hardmode groups and OPs.


The latter of which are generally very hard to find, even if you have a guild that does them routinely. I've been trying to do HM Directive 7, Battle of Ilum and Fallen Emporer for ages, but no one does them. I don't know why that is and it's not really relevant, the end point is the endgame currently is pretty monotonous.


I have 60 daily commendations at the moment; I've spent 240 already on two Rakata implants. That's 300 quests done over and over because I really had nothing else to do but I wanted to play the game, but I am very rapidly getting sick of it. I mean what else is there? Grind valor or search in futility for HM groups (unless you like doing black talon HM over and over for a few paltry tionese crystals that you don't need)


It's just really... boring. This have been acknowledged by most everyone I've talked to; the game is really enjoyable up until you hit 50, at which point you earnestly probably ought to just stop playing. Everything beyond that is a pointless grind. You might argue most MMO's are like that, but even if they are they don't have to feel like a pointless grind. As others have said, give us something to work towards at least. As it stands I can do all my dailies, for PvE and PvP in the span of a few hours... and then I don't feel like doing anything but logging off for the day.


That surely isn't effective game design. It is in fact a mechanic I got very familiar and tired with in Free to Play Asian MMO's: which is one thing said games have always been heavily criticised for in the past; the monotonous quests. Problem is TOR's strength in quests (interesting dialogue, options and story) is really lost when you have to repeat them dozens of times, and you're left with the base mechanic... which is go kill X of X. Or find X object X times.

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Except the difference between flashpoints and dailies is that dailies are absolutely routine. You get the same task you did yesterday, you go to the same spot you did yesterday, you press the same buttons in the same order as yesterday with absolutely no surprises at all.


At least flashpoints have the benefit of different people coming with you, and changing the group dynamic while you do it.


So the only difference really between dailies and repeating HMs is the other people? Because HMs are almost as routine (occasionally you get a bad group and routine it is most def not).


Dailies exist for the people who can't dedicate the time to do HMs, OPs and still have a gear goal.


I'm one such person, I don't do HMs unless they are with my guild, I do dailies so I can gear out myself, companions if I want to, and as an excuse to out in a zone.


As a previous poster said, end game is ALL about creating a repetitive process to reach a goal, and devs just hope they can create new content fast enough to satisfy the middle paced folks. (There will always be people who outpace content creation, and those who will never catch up).


Gratz that you don't have to do dailies for your gear, you have better gear. New dailies, do them once, enjoy the story, and move on with your preferred gear grind.

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Where did I say to remove dailies and not replace them with something more entertaining?


Ok, what would you suggest? Hmmm?


Read what I posted earlier, it's not physically possible for MMO dev companies to churn out scripted content that has infinite variety at the rate at which players burn through content.


That's a fact.

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Besides Dr Greg Zeschuk, the co-founder of Bioware, has said that any game that breaks wow standards "is dumb". So you aren't going to persuade Bioware otherwise any time soon.


then he should divorce his wife and work for blizzard

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Its an MMO....


I feel like im taking crazy pills after reading this guys post. Is he serious? And he even used caps lock to show he's really RAGING...




It's a method of highlighting, not raging. Kind of like bold, italic, or underlining.

Edited by Gungan
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OP is taking a lot of heat, but I can't help but agree with them. Dailies are a chore, that's pretty clear to see. The problem isn't the dailies themselves, but rather that they're the only real mechanic you have at end game asides from PvP (which in of itself requires dailies to achieve any progress in; 800 commendations takes forever for one bag) or Hardmode groups and OPs.


The latter of which are generally very hard to find, even if you have a guild that does them routinely. I've been trying to do HM Directive 7, Battle of Ilum and Fallen Emporer for ages, but no one does them. I don't know why that is and it's not really relevant, the end point is the endgame currently is pretty monotonous.


I have 60 daily commendations at the moment; I've spent 240 already on two Rakata implants. That's 300 quests done over and over because I really had nothing else to do but I wanted to play the game, but I am very rapidly getting sick of it. I mean what else is there? Grind valor or search in futility for HM groups (unless you like doing black talon HM over and over for a few paltry tionese crystals that you don't need)


It's just really... boring. This have been acknowledged by most everyone I've talked to; the game is really enjoyable up until you hit 50, at which point you earnestly probably ought to just stop playing. Everything beyond that is a pointless grind. You might argue most MMO's are like that, but even if they are they don't have to feel like a pointless grind. As others have said, give us something to work towards at least. As it stands I can do all my dailies, for PvE and PvP in the span of a few hours... and then I don't feel like doing anything but logging off for the day.


That surely isn't effective game design. It is in fact a mechanic I got very familiar and tired with in Free to Play Asian MMO's: which is one thing said games have always been heavily criticised for in the past; the monotonous quests. Problem is TOR's strength in quests (interesting dialogue, options and story) is really lost when you have to repeat them dozens of times, and you're left with the base mechanic... which is go kill X of X. Or find X object X times.


I think you've touched on a REAL and valid underlying problem: a general lack of variety in things to do at end game.


Perhaps if there was greater variety of things to do, with sufficient depth and different ways to achieve goals, then perhaps people wouldn't focus on things like "soloable dailies" as being some kind of evil game design.


Unfortunately, as it stands right now, there is insufficient depth at end game. So it's no surprise that people may resent the fact that soloable dailies are perhaps one of a small number of things to do.

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Where did I say to remove dailies and not replace them with something more entertaining?


I agree flashpoints need work too, but not because they may be repetitive if you take the same 3 people with you every day. They are simply not at all memorable in this game.


I will say this, the game could benefit from non-gear oriented time sinks. Bizarre as it is, one of the most fun things for me from Rift was artifact hunting. I not only scavenged zones, but the AH as well to complete a set in hopes of a title or other fluff reward.

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Don't disagree with you Tarka. I personally can't wait to see what they have in the works for space combat. But in the meantime, a greater variety of dailies will help fill the gap. But raging at them and asking for them to be replaced is not an answer either.
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I will say this, the game could benefit from non-gear oriented time sinks. Bizarre as it is, one of the most fun things for me from Rift was artifact hunting. I not only scavenged zones, but the AH as well to complete a set in hopes of a title or other fluff reward.


Agreed. I love the concept of datacron hunting in SWTOR.


If the game had more variance at end game then I think that would benefit all.


I'd say leave the soloable dailies in place, for those who like them, but include extra variation in content at end game in general.

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Optional or not, forcing people to do the same stupid task (note the derogatory use of the word task as opposed to quest or mission) is bad design.


I'd love to gradually work towards a decent reward, but I refuse to subject myself to the sorriest abortion of a game mechanic ever created.


Figure out a better, and more interesting way for people to work towards a goal because the current model is the lowest common denominator.


You want non repeatable content, well your going to have to wait for content updates or an expansion.... You can't expect Bioware to provide a never ending supply of original content....


My suggestion is to quit until an expansion pack comes out... This is the same solution to EVERY MMO out there because none of them supply endless original content...

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I will say this, the game could benefit from non-gear oriented time sinks. Bizarre as it is, one of the most fun things for me from Rift was artifact hunting. I not only scavenged zones, but the AH as well to complete a set in hopes of a title or other fluff reward.


You have Datacrons to find in SWTOR, that will take up a chunk of time IF you don't cheat and use Youtube to find their locations..

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Don't disagree with you Tarka. I personally can't wait to see what they have in the works for space combat. But in the meantime, a greater variety of dailies will help fill the gap. But raging at them and asking for them to be replaced is not an answer either.


Agreed. I wasn't just referring to space combat either. I'm talking about variation in content in general beyond the "leveling process". Including (but not limited to):

  • Faction specific missions and rewards (both neutral and aligned)
  • Greater emphasis on land based exploration, including opening up the worlds more.
  • Allowance for water and space based exploration.
  • More datacron / codex archive information finding.
  • Class specific missions (actual Bounty Hunting, actual Smuggling, etc, etc).

The only limitation is the devs imagination.

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Optional or not, forcing people to do the same stupid task (note the derogatory use of the word task as opposed to quest or mission) is bad design.


I'd love to gradually work towards a decent reward, but I refuse to subject myself to the sorriest abortion of a game mechanic ever created.


Figure out a better, and more interesting way for people to work towards a goal because the current model is the lowest common denominator.


Please explain how you are being "Forced" to do the dailies?


If so then it must be broken as I didn't get forced to do them yesterday. However I was doing WZ/s and some FP's with friends and conveniently had some quests to go with it and got some rewards.


Oh and so far today my level 13 hasn't been forced to log out so I can be forced to do dailies either. So how would I report that under the /bug tool?


Edit for those that can't figure it out, you are not in any way being forced to do dailies. If your desire is some mount, gear or whatever then you have to work for that reward but you are never forced.

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You have Datacrons to find in SWTOR, that will take up a chunk of time IF you don't cheat and use Youtube to find their locations..


I "cheated" only by using the videos to give me a starting point for each, not the end points.


Although, there are some datacrons that I would give up looking for if I didn't have some form of starting reference (e.g. certain ones on Nar Shadda and Corellia).

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Why are you copying the worst thing WoW ever added to their game?!


Every time I see a daily I want to throttle a kitten. It's infuriating that anybody could possibly think repeatable quests constitute enjoyable gameplay!


Now there's going to be crafting dailies and a new daily hub every patch to 1.5?!



Please quote your source on this information. Otherwise you just look like a troll.

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Please quote your source on this information. Otherwise you just look like a troll.


To me, I think crafting dailies are a nice idea stolen from other games. They certainly shouldn't be the "be all and end all" of content additions outside of warzones, flashpoints or operations. But still, they are useful to add to the general mix all the same.

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I agree with all of that Tarka. I am hoping that we will see more of that announced after 1.2


Personally, I like the direction that the game is taking. I am sure I will get flamed for that comment, but really, it is looking good. Only other thing I would like to see at some point in the future is a personal space you can customize and possibly decorate with things you have collected in your travels, like trophies, datacrons, etc.

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I "cheated" only by using the videos to give me a starting point for each, not the end points.


Although, there are some datacrons that I would give up looking for if I didn't have some form of starting reference (e.g. certain ones on Nar Shadda and Corellia).


I started off not cheating. But it was Nar Shadaa where I finally looked one up and realized, there was no chance in hell I EVER would have thought of that. So I just did the rest with video help. I do try a couple on Republic side now without help, but not many.


Once I am done with my Smuggler I think I'll do Codex Hunting until 1.2 and Legacy for Alt #3

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I agree with all of that Tarka. I am hoping that we will see more of that announced after 1.2


Personally, I like the direction that the game is taking. I am sure I will get flamed for that comment, but really, it is looking good. Only other thing I would like to see at some point in the future is a personal space you can customize and possibly decorate with things you have collected in your travels, like trophies, datacrons, etc.


Well I hope that the game does indeed turn out how you hope. For all our sakes :)


Right now, suffice it to say that I'm a little more skeptical about bioware's capabilities. Regardless of what Dr Ray says. ;)

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What, in your opinion, would be better repeatable content? Dailies are repeatable content with a throttle on it to prevent people from maxing out progression from them too quickly. It is no different than instance locks and reset times. Just ranting against something without giving a better alternative makes you look the fool.
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I'm all for something better than dailies... problem is you didn't suggest anything to replace them, but making your complaint rather empty TC. Same goes for any complaint, if you don't at least try to suggest a realistically better alternative your complaint is empty.

And frankly, I can't think of anything to replace them. You can make more dailies, or even make them more interesting, but ultimately they're still dailies.

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Maybe something along the lines of a rotating random dailies. Where there are about 50 (just a number off the top of my head) quests that would be dailies. Every morning when they reset each person is generated certain dialies out of that pool to do.


I can see how doing them would get boring and that is where I see the problem, maybe that would help resolve it a bit?

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I'm all for something better than dailies... problem is you didn't suggest anything to replace them, but making your complaint rather empty TC. Same goes for any complaint, if you don't at least try to suggest a realistically better alternative your complaint is empty.

And frankly, I can't think of anything to replace them. You can make more dailies, or even make them more interesting, but ultimately they're still dailies.




It seems to me that some people are looking for more sophistication in the latest products. That isn't a bad thing in itself. But soloable dailies are just one of a myriad of different forms of content that should be included. Because collectively they help to offer players variety and options than if they were excluded.


When all is said and done: One mans "boring grind" is another mans "enjoyable content".

Edited by Tarka
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