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Sentinel /Marauder Nurf Before Rated WZ


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I doubt I'd see you in rated warzones, since I doubt you even have a premade.


If you do, you'll probably never queue PVP again after meeting a proper group that knows how to /assist ranged dps into dust in 2 GCDs.


Sorcs are the best target as they have no defensive cooldowns to save them. Squishy as hell.


Oh and ranged classes cannot do that from further away which can place their healers even better strategic locations ?



And again you confirmed your sorcs and sages are just not any good :(

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I find the whole "Rated Warzones will show how OP Marauders/Sents are" statements that have been floating around to be pretty funny. Almost nothing will change as far as "balance issues" with rated warzones. Why, you ask?


Bad players and teams that can't CC Marauders at the appropriate times, or don't use their snares, will still get wrecked by Marauders working their way up the rating system with their team that cleanses their Marauders of snares and some other nasty effects to keep him in tip-top dps shape.


Good players and teams that appropriately CC and snare Marauders will not have difficulty with them, unless the other team can constantly keep snares off the Marauder.


The real kicker, is eventually people will have the ratings leveled out and be in the appropriate brackets. So teams that aren't utilizing some basic PvP counters will get killed by Marauders, unless the other low rated team's Marauder is just bad, in which case there's no problem.


EDIT: Thought of a slightly better way of explaining the point I wanted to make with this: TL;DR - Marauders are only as good as you and your team let them be


Oh and btw, if you're talking about wanting CD's extended, then make sure that's what you talk about being wrong. Not the mentioned spec, which does nothing to create shorter cooldowns :rolleyes: Define what problems you have with the spec, rather than just saying "It's too strong!".

Edited by Rheeling
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Oh and ranged classes cannot do that from further away which can place their healers even better strategic locations ?


And again you confirmed your sorcs and sages are just not any good :(


Yeah it's obvious you're bad and quite clueless. You don't know how to shut down ranged classes (all of whom are very easy to shut down). That's step #1 on the path of becoming not-horrible at PVP, and you haven't crossed that yet.

Edited by Redmarx
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I find the whole "Rated Warzones will show how OP Marauders/Sents are" statements that have been floating around to be pretty funny. Almost nothing will change as far as "balance issues" with rated warzones. Why, you ask?


Bad players and teams that can't CC Marauders at the appropriate times, or don't use their snares, will still get wrecked by Marauders working their way up the rating system with their team that cleanses their Marauders of snares and some other nasty effects to keep him in tip-top dps shape.


Good players and teams that appropriately CC and snare Marauders will not have difficulty with them, unless the other team can constantly keep snares off the Marauder.


The real kicker, is eventually people will have the ratings leveled out and be in the appropriate brackets. So teams that aren't utilizing some basic PvP counters will get killed by Marauders, unless the other low rated team's Marauder is just bad, in which case there's no problem.


EDIT: Thought of a slightly better way of explaining the point I wanted to make with this: TL;DR - Marauders are only as good as you and your team let them be


Oh and btw, if you're talking about wanting CD's extended, then make sure that's what you talk about being wrong. Not the mentioned spec, which does nothing to create shorter cooldowns :rolleyes: Define what problems you have with the spec, rather than just saying "It's too strong!".


Funny all rated teams i have ever seen in WoW (and this game is a clone with lightsabers) are only ever the current OP classes. Then something gets nerfed while something else gets buffed and the new OP classes go to the top ,ad nte nerf/buff OP circle of arena continues.

Edited by da_krall
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While it is true that marauders (and powertechs) are the strongest dps in the game, it's not enough to call for nerfs, especially when the class relies on all its tools to do its thing.


In reality, class balance is fairly good: sorcs/mercs/juggs/assassins are balanced, marauders and powertechs are a bit strong and operatives/snipers are a bit weak.


This is what good PVPers have observed thus far at BM+Rakata gearing levels and in skilled premades.


Bad pugs will continue to complain about tracer missile, sorcs, and operatives, because they have no clue.


Rather than nerfing marauders and powertechs, I think a buff to operatives and snipers is required, and then see where things go.


Finaly sum1 that makes sense in this forum filled w/ qqing keybord turning clicker scrubs

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meh BW did what all devs do and thats overcompensate for a weak class



mara bleeds ticking on me for 1k.


taking 0 or 1% dmg for a lengthy period of time,


have 20% dmg reduction up for 30 seconds


vanish, sprint, mobility



class is pretty beefy right now..






every class will have its day

Edited by wwkingms
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meh BW did what all devs do and thats overcompensate for a weak class



mara bleeds ticking on me for 1k.


taking 0 or 1% dmg for a lengthy period of time,


have 20% dmg reduction up for 30 seconds


vanish, sprint, mobility



class is pretty beefy right now..






every class will have its day


Good thin these things have been in the game since release. And your qq did not start until recently

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Good thin these things have been in the game since release. And your qq did not start until recently


It is fun to see everyone complain about things that have been in game since launch.


And I really love it when people say "20% damage reduction for 30 seconds". Is it that hard to CC for 4 secs, then just wait out 2 more so we lose our Cloak?


Also, our vanish being affected by roots. Sometimes we get all of 8 meters in the 4 seconds of invisibility. Usually it's more useful as an interrupt than anything if you're playing someone competent.

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While it is true that marauders (and powertechs) are the strongest dps in the game, it's not enough to call for nerfs, especially when the class relies on all its tools to do its thing.


In reality, class balance is fairly good: sorcs/mercs/juggs/assassins are balanced, marauders and powertechs are a bit strong and operatives/snipers are a bit weak.


This is what good PVPers have observed thus far at BM+Rakata gearing levels and in skilled premades.


Bad pugs will continue to complain about tracer missile, sorcs, and operatives, because they have no clue.


Rather than nerfing marauders and powertechs, I think a buff to operatives and snipers is required, and then see where things go.


The pugs aren't bad for complaining about those classes (although I think they're fine and don't need nerfing). They are complained about because they are the classes that do very well solo. Remember, a mara pugging it won't have a pocket healer so won't be nearly the threat of a premade mara. At least that's the case in the lower bracket.

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Marauders are in need of a buff more than anything, BUT just one that lessens their incredible reliance on equipment.


That's really the issue. The difference between a battlemaster marauder and a cent/champ marauder is like night and day (difference between struggling to reach 220k total dmg and easily hitting 450k - 500k dmg every match) while the difference between those equipment levels for other classes is, while noticeable, far less extreme.


Getting back on topic, when a player does encounter a fully decked out Marauder who knows their class and uses stims and everything available to them, they leave quite an impression. general special attacks for 3.5 - 4k, incredible survivability with well timed cooldowns, the list goes on. People think this is normal, but really you're looking at a marauder at its best possible.


Those marauders are very rare. The class absolutely does not need a nerf.

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My apologies that you got 1v1d by a Marauder. I bet you didn't even bother remotely kiting, or pillar-humping.


I bet you are PvE specced and have no immobilizes, and you probably stood still, while he applied his DoTs.


I agree Marauders will probably be very important in Ranked WZs as they are arguably the BEST turret-disrupters(aka anyone with a castbar) in the game, but Anni-Marauders sole focus is that. They provide zero AoE capability, except as node defense. They have zero stuns, zero immobilizes(except channeled stun), and they have zero ranged abilities. Their burst is quite weak compared to the other two specs, but is quite respectable if given sufficient UPTIME.


Anni-marauders can easily be neutralized by judicious use of CC(immobilizes to prevent Leap), Stuns to cool off the defensive cooldowns, and slows to minimize uptime. But truthfully that can be used in for all classes.


However 1v1, they are easily one of the most powerful classes, as I can only think of two specs offhand that can easily destroy them in duels.


Melee already have enough trouble as it is in general. Nerfing Maras because of a singular spec means they become a crappy version of a the Raggernaut, as Carnage is even easier to neutralize than Anni.

Edited by Chaosmagistrate
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Looking at it the other way, current CDs are fine for other specs but Watchman/Annihilation are amazing for PvP with current CD puts the AC over the top.


EVERY team will have one -actually its pretty mandatory not only for the OP buffs but the the only healing debuff n the game as well as insane pressure on healer and a 3 sec immobilize every 8sec THAT IS SICK.


Who the **** plays Carnage? And who in the right mind wants to nerf Carnage lol.


And It's been awhile since I played Combat, but I don't recall there being a CD reduction on CT. Fairly certain it's still 12s CD. Not to mention it costs a moderate amount of focus in a tree that is heavily focus-starved.

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It is fun to see everyone complain about things that have been in game since launch..


It just taken this long for people to level and gear up thier Mara/Sent alt because the realized about a month or more ago there's not much that can beat them in a 1v1 when played well.


Yea, it takes a team to manage one Mara/Sent. WAI?? lolz. Rated wz will show exactly what the situation is. The average/bad Maras are easy kills. The good ones are OP. And yes, every "good" player is OP, except with Maras/Sents the "good" ones will be face-rolling other "good" players.


If your a Sent/Mara and you can see this is most likely because your not "good", sorry to break the news to you. :(

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It just taken this long for people to level and gear up thier Mara/Sent alt because the realized about a month or more ago there's not much that can beat them in a 1v1 when played well.


Yea, it takes a team to manage one Mara/Sent. WAI?? lolz. Rated wz will show exactly what the situation is. The average/bad Maras are easy kills. The good ones are OP. And yes, every "good" player is OP, except with Maras/Sents the "good" ones will be face-rolling other "good" players.


If your a Sent/Mara and you can see this is most likely because your not "good", sorry to break the news to you. :(


Oh no!



A pure dmg class puts out a lot of dmg!

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I play a Guardian, so Im no Sentinal genious but, lets say Sentinals are the best 1v1 via thier spec. Lets say "even skill" no other class can beat a Sentinal 1v1.


This really isn't as huge an issue as some may think it is.


If you have to Sentinals and a Councelor Guardian, who wins now?


Lets say you have a team of Sentinals vs a team of Sorc, Mercs

who wins then.


How about Sentinal vs Assasin? Honestly, I find Assasins and Sentinals 1v1

very hard, but I "feel" like Sents are much easier to kill than assasins or even



From what I've noticed JK in general are beasts 1v1 and Sentinals are our DPS

focus... so... Im pretty sure they should be dangerous... and the good ones really



working as intended?




personally I LOVE SENTS... their targets die quick and mauraders are easy to manage if you warding call is up or you catch any heals.

Edited by VoidJustice
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News flash folks, great damage output, quick cooldown gap closers, the best defensive cooldowns in the game, and a high damage ranged attack when you're locked in place = not very hard to play.


sent/mara is very easy to play, most of you have just played as or played against terrible ones. :)


Seriously, get off the kick that sents/maras are hard or somehow handicapped, they are literally the *best* option of melee class in PvP.

Edited by Celebrus
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News flash folks, great damage output, quick cooldown gap closers, the best defensive cooldowns in the game, and a high damage ranged attack when you're locked in place = not very hard to play.


sent/mara is very easy to play, most of you have just played as or played against terrible ones. :)


Seriously, get off the kick that sents/maras are hard or somehow handicapped, they are literally the *best* option of melee class in PvP.


What constitutes ranged?


There is definitely misunderstanding there.


"High Damage Ranged Attack when locked in place" Are we referring to Carnage DT root? Master Strike root? Or Combat PS-BR-BS combo as BS has 10m range. I guess Dispatch with the PvP set bonus could be considered a ranged attack at 15m.


When did we get a 10m+ attack?


I'm seriously curious as what your definition is.



Also, PTs aren't in too bad of a spot. I'd say PTs/Maras are very strong melee classes.

Edited by Chaosmagistrate
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Mara's are the WoW Warriors of SWTOR.


At first, they are pretty terrible in PvP. Everybody complains they need buffs and how useless they are. Then once they get geared and played appropiately, everybody else says they need tuned down while the warriors say "It's fine, don't nerf us"


High Damage + High Survivability in a PvP Environment should not be on a single class.


i.e Compared to Pyros or OPeratives. High burst but really squishy which is how that should be for the damage output. Not sure why Maras ended up with Vanish as well as immunity....

Edited by exphryl
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Mara's are the WoW Warriors of SWTOR.


At first, they are pretty terrible in PvP. Everybody complains they need buffs and how useless they are. Then once they get geared and played appropiately, everybody else says they need tuned down while the warriors say "It's fine, don't nerf us"


High Damage + High Survivability in a PvP Environment should not be on a single class.


PTs have high damage and high survivability.


Well played hybrid-sorcs have high damage and high survivability.


So inferring from your statement, you are saying melee should be high damage low survivability. Then ranged should be high damage - extreme low survivability. And tanks should be should high survivability and paper bag damage. Isn't that like WoW?


Also, WoW warriors were a joke well into TBC. If it wasn't for MS, they were trash until S1 hit. They were so easy to kite without Intercept, and even then.


Agreed though, Maras are arguably one of hte most gear dependent classes, just like WoW warriors.

Edited by Chaosmagistrate
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Mara's are the WoW Warriors of SWTOR.


At first, they are pretty terrible in PvP. Everybody complains they need buffs and how useless they are. Then once they get geared and played appropiately, everybody else says they need tuned down while the warriors say "It's fine, don't nerf us"


High Damage + High Survivability in a PvP Environment should not be on a single class.


i.e Compared to Pyros or OPeratives. High burst but really squishy which is how that should be for the damage output. Not sure why Maras ended up with Vanish as well as immunity....


How bout tracer spam coupled with knockback,stun and heavy armor?Or cc imunity coupled with 5k ambush?

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