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Dev: Why exclude other Asian countries???


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You can't seriously think that Asia Pacific has only four countries?


What about Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia? We're in the exact same time zone as Singapore too! And we're neighbours in case you failed geography.


Exactly how do you select which country is eligible for free transfer? Please enlighten us.

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Seriously guys. Asian players transfering to Austalia Server is NOT a good thing.


Go to pingtest.net and try.


Because later you WILL complain about the lag.


I tried and it's the same in both servers for me (other I'm on is Harbinger). Might even get better once the server stabilise.


But that's besides the point. Why am I excluded from the option of a free transfer?

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I tried and it's the same in both servers for me (other I'm on is Harbinger). Might even get better once the server stabilise.


But that's besides the point. Why am I excluded from the option of a free transfer?


You realised there WAS a way you can transfer right?


You just had to change your country to one of the 4 "approved" ones before 28th. But you either didn't read the instructions or didn't realise the hint.


Bioware allowed some "backdoor" action (e.g. allow APAC players to play even though it was not officially launch). They just cannot OFFICIALLY said it, for whatever reasons.


My speculation : There is this thing call international law. In some countries, if you have a product sold there, you have to translate it into its local main language (or provide subtitles). Obviously, the other 4 countries don't have this issue. (I'm wondering why the Phillipines weren't included since English is also one of their official languages) But some of the excluded countries obviously has. I cannot see SWTOR "officially" launch in Japan and yet not translated into Japanese. I know the Japanese market. It would practically be commercial hara-kiri...

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I wonder when we're going to evolve beyond this "whole" racial thing and realize there's no races in one race. Only ethnicities.


Oh Please. It's not a racial thing. It's a commercial thing. English products are just not going to sell that well in countries where English is not its dominant language. Yes, I am perfectly aware that there are English speakers in other Asian countries but HOW MANY PERCENT?

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You realised there WAS a way you can transfer right?


You just had to change your country to one of the 4 "approved" ones before 28th. But you either didn't read the instructions or didn't realise the hint.


Bioware allowed some "backdoor" action (e.g. allow APAC players to play even though it was not officially launch). They just cannot OFFICIALLY said it, for whatever reasons.


My speculation : There is this thing call international law. In some countries, if you have a product sold there, you have to translate it into its local main language (or provide subtitles). Obviously, the other 4 countries don't have this issue. (I'm wondering why the Phillipines weren't included since English is also one of their official languages) But some of the excluded countries obviously has. I cannot see SWTOR "officially" launch in Japan and yet not translated into Japanese. I know the Japanese market. It would practically be commercial hara-kiri...


OK I didn't think this was true only because I personally called them just yesterday and they said that too was impossible. And that I should post here for the dev team to see.


But why go through this "back door channel" when my first argument still holds true?

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Oh Please. It's not a racial thing. It's a commercial thing. English products are just not going to sell that well in countries where English is not its dominant language. Yes, I am perfectly aware that there are English speakers in other Asian countries but HOW MANY PERCENT?


Here in Brunei, primary, secondary and tertiary schools use English as it's main language. All subjects like Math, History, Science, etc are all taught in English. Only Malay and Chinese languages are taught in Malay and Chinese.


How many percent speak English in Brunei? Try 90%.

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Here in Brunei, primary, secondary and tertiary schools use English as it's main language. All subjects like Math, History, Science, etc are all taught in English. Only Malay and Chinese languages are taught in Malay and Chinese.


How many percent speak English in Brunei? Try 90%.


While this guy may be pulling percentages out his behind, English is "the" secondary language to learn.

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While this guy may be pulling percentages out his behind, English is "the" secondary language to learn.


Doesn't mean we don't speak it. But hey stop getting sidetracked here. All i'm saying is that we shouldn't be left out of the free transfers for whatever reason. Brunei is Asia Pacific.

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You realised there WAS a way you can transfer right?


You just had to change your country to one of the 4 "approved" ones before 28th. But you either didn't read the instructions or didn't realise the hint.


Bioware allowed some "backdoor" action (e.g. allow APAC players to play even though it was not officially launch). They just cannot OFFICIALLY said it, for whatever reasons.


My speculation : There is this thing call international law. In some countries, if you have a product sold there, you have to translate it into its local main language (or provide subtitles). Obviously, the other 4 countries don't have this issue. (I'm wondering why the Phillipines weren't included since English is also one of their official languages) But some of the excluded countries obviously has. I cannot see SWTOR "officially" launch in Japan and yet not translated into Japanese. I know the Japanese market. It would practically be commercial hara-kiri...


I would disagree on one minor point. It isn't "international law" but various national laws. Officially supporting one country opens up to the game to have to adhere to that country's laws, as well as increased support specifically for that nation. By not being officially supported in said country, but also by not blocking people in said country, they can allow access to the game without having to deal with the regulations and governmental types in those countries.

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Doesn't mean we don't speak it. But hey stop getting sidetracked here. All i'm saying is that we shouldn't be left out of the free transfers for whatever reason. Brunei is Asia Pacific.


I guess speaking and understanding are two different things :p. Hint, I was agreeing with you.

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Unless they get server clients functioning perfectly .

I now understand why they made redzones and everything .


Have patience cause basically this game is not fun to play with lag .

It is not worth the annoyance to play this singleplayer , to have tons of issues .

Sure offcourse some die hard will swallow it , but majority of the gaming community will not.


Do not forget while they are learning fast and trying to improve , they still have a long way to go , to match blizzard client server relationship or even the superb backbone infrastructure of blizzard .


So if you can´t wait try at your own risk , but truth is , it isn´t worth the hassle sadly .

And only cuts down on your entertainement value .

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I think most Asian countries would have much faster network access to USA than to Australia.

In fact, I am living in Japan but my access to most Australian web servers are very slow and I will never move my toons to the new Australian servers. I guess it is the same for many other Asian countries.


So basically the new servers are meant for local Aussies who do not have fast access to an international network backbone.


Unless they change the maintenance time in the new servers to fit Asian players, I don't see the point to name it as Asian servers. They are just Australian servers to me.

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Many factors:

  1. Economical
  2. Political
  3. Cultural


In Malaysia for example, you get executed if you're found with marijuana on your person. Given the fact that it is still a predominantly Muslim country, the government might not be comfortable releasing a game with a story that is heavily influenced by Western culture. Which is weird since Malaysia has been the recipient of massive US aid for the last few years.


Okay maybe not the best example, but a lot of Asian countries have draconian censorship laws when it comes to video games.


Most importantly, EA most likely targetted the areas in the Asian continent where they knew they could make the most profit with the least infrastructure costs.

Edited by lollermittens
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I think most Asian countries would have much faster network access to USA than to Australia.

In fact, I am living in Japan but my access to most Australian web servers are very slow and I will never move my toons to the new Australian servers. I guess it is the same for many other Asian countries.


So basically the new servers are meant for local Aussies who do not have fast access to an international network backbone.

Unless they change the maintenance time in the new servers to fit Asian players, I don't see the point to name it as Asian servers. They are just Australian servers to me.


The same reason why they keep the Euro servers on the same scheduled, easier to maintain.


The area is referred to as Oceanic or Australasia and transferring here may not benefit you as the networks down here aren't the best. You may want to do some research before committing your self to anything, Eg, ping severs located in Sydney.

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It doesn't really matter if the game is officially released in my country or not.


What matters are the customers. Why would I want to be stuck in Harbinger playing in a close to empty population time frame because all the Australians, NZ, Singaporeans have all transferred away?


Why should I re-roll because of this? Why not give me free transfer access together with the others?


To me it's just half-asing it. You want to encourage Asia Pacific players to play in Asia Pacific servers together and yet you limit the number of Asia Pacific countries that are allowed to do this.

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It doesn't really matter if the game is officially released in my country or not.


What matters are the customers. Why would I want to be stuck in Harbinger playing in a close to empty population time frame because all the Australians, NZ, Singaporeans have all transferred away?


Why should I re-roll because of this? Why not give me free transfer access together with the others?


To me it's just half-asing it. You want to encourage Asia Pacific players to play in Asia Pacific servers together and yet you limit the number of Asia Pacific countries that are allowed to do this.


So roll up a new character on the new servers! I'm an Australian and I have to do this anyway because I registered as US in order to use my US credit card (the only one that worked with EA's crappy payment software).


You aren't excluded from playing on the new servers. SWTOR has what is perhaps the easiest path 1-50 of any MMO ever made, so take another run through if it means that much to you.

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