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Australian server transfer in LATE April!


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Read what I said then read it again ok then read what you just typed


Local servers for oceanic release in march ok understand


They said they would be offering free transfers and clearly gave the impression that these would be available at or around the time of launch.


How any reasonable person could consider this acceptable customer communication is beyond me.

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I read in their post about using high lvl raiders to test 1.2 content that they currently don't have the capability for large amounts of character transfers. ATM they can only do manual transfers.


So, no amount of moaning will make this happen any sooner and they already knew well in advance this is how it would go down. They also knew some people would be unhappy with it, but that's the way things go sometimes.

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Feel so bad for the Oceanic players; they were told weeks ago that Oceanic servers would release in March, but no one bothered to tell them that transfers wouldn't happen for two months further until after many (most?) had resubscribed.


Total hack job by EA's newest goons.

Edited by Ansultares
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I read in their post about using high lvl raiders to test 1.2 content that they currently don't have the capability for large amounts of character transfers. ATM they can only do manual transfers.


So, no amount of moaning will make this happen any sooner and they already knew well in advance this is how it would go down. They also knew some people would be unhappy with it, but that's the way things go sometimes.


They CAN DO IT (manually) then f'ing do it for us oceanic players as promised. There are what 3 oceanic servers? Is it that hard for them to MANUALLY import our character from one database to another with only 3 f'ing servers?

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Absolutely appalling. What an amazing way to shaft those who were committed to supporting this mmo globally.


2 months is an unacceptable amount of time, I assumed Bioware would be initiating the transfers at minimum a week after oceanic service launch.

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They CAN DO IT (manually) then f'ing do it for us oceanic players as promised. There are what 3 oceanic servers? Is it that hard for them to MANUALLY import our character from one database to another with only 3 f'ing servers?
Probably, yes, because they're pulling off however many other servers.


Really, though, why didn't they plan back in alpha for having the ability to easily transfer characters. It's not 2004 any longer. They totally flopped on assessing the genre. And how in the world did they miss /roll?

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That's complete BS.


Go back and crawl into that hole you came out of lol


Since I knew nothing of this topic I did a couple of minutes, ok more like 1 and a half, of googling




Just one of several articles I found.


Seems it was announced December 21st.

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They did not say we would have LOCAL AUSTRALIAN servers on December 21.


Excuse me.


"Official launch in Australia/New Zealand | 12.20.2011 , 02:13 PM


We can confirm that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be launching in Australia and New Zealand in the spring of 2012.


Right now we are targeting March 1st, but that could change as our number one priority is making sure that customers have a great service to play on.


For those of you who may have already imported the game, we will be investigating solutions to allow you to continue to play on a local server once they come online in March.


EDIT: As pointed out, southern hemisphere seasons are reversed! When we say 'Spring' you can substitute 'Q1/Q2 2012'. Apologies for that. "




I bolded and italic'ed it for you so you wouldn't miss it.


**edit - made it pink to be a smart ***

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What the hell were you thinking Bioware?


At first when I heard about the Asia Pacific servers and the free transfers for local players, I thought, these guys seriously know their stuff, and understand what the mmo players in the region want.


I think it's likely that they don't know their stuff or their customers.


Bioware should take a long hard look at the situation, and fix their mistakes with action not more PR spin.

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It is like they tried to go the worst way possible with Oz servers. Every single decision that they made was a bad one. It is like they are trying to kill their own game on purpose.

They did get a month out of me, but they are not going to get another one.

With all my heart I wish Bioware to DIAF. :)

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This is really not fair to those who have been waiting to play with local people, as Bioware promised.


I suggest all those affected by this speak up, and encourage others to do so. Only through people power we can encourage Bioware to make this right.

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When your running one let us know. Ill come play on yours cos your obviously an expert.


Irrespective of the posters frustration and how it leaked onto the page this "smooth" release has been a comedy of errors from start to finish. I could go on to list the areas that need addressing but we all know what they are.


The thing I fond most offensive about this decision was deciding to list it in the FAQ 36 hours before everyone expected to apply for server transfers. Looking at Dev tracker details useless information as it does most days, in terms of communication and providing accurate and timely information BW has not lived upto the communities expectations. The neglect to communicate effectively will continue to hurt the game, that should have been Lesson 15 on their list of lessons learnt from Wow.

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Irrespective of the posters frustration and how it leaked onto the page this "smooth" release has been a comedy of errors from start to finish. I could go on to list the areas that need addressing but we all know what they are.


The thing I fond most offensive about this decision was deciding to list it in the FAQ 36 hours before everyone expected to apply for server transfers. Looking at Dev tracker details useless information as it does most days, in terms of communication and providing accurate and timely information BW has not lived upto the communities expectations. The neglect to communicate effectively will continue to hurt the game, that should have been Lesson 15 on their list of lessons learnt from Wow.


DOn't get me wrong, im frustated by this just like every other person. Given biowares past dealings tho, i think they will do the best they can once they realise the level of annoyance this subject is causing.


Whether it is an oversight or they just didn't believe the transfers would be that big of an issue, in the past with issues like this, ie, the delivery dates for boxed items, and the grace period related to these, bioware has made the announcement, then worked very hard to rectify the issue.


I believe that the same approach will be taken in this matter as well. There may well be technical limitations to the transfer process that they have not worked through yet. Its not like they have working copies/transfers for public test realms yet either.


Which i would have thought is of higher importance.


You just can't presume to understand the limitations or difficulty of doing something to a product with no design knowledge of it. It obviously isnt as easy as a database copy, or else it would be done. Not to mention the data transfer times from the us to australia. Perhaps they plan to transfer the data on local media due to its size etc.

Edited by Yndras
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^ Haha, FANBOIS UNITE! do you get a special ring??


Anyways back on topic, the new servers will die because they pissed the oceanics off right from the start. sure some will roll a new toon for about 2 days and get bored.


they needed thoes servers populated. gonna cost a lot of $$ to bury dead servers.

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Look all of us that pre-ordered to play via the US did so under the understanding that at some point we would need to move, and that it was extremely grey as to what would be happening with that. I dont think we can blame BW for that. Be thankful they are offering a transfer at all.


I understand the frustration, I had my mains name ninja'd by some unimaginative little jerk. I basically now need to put on ice my characters and start again. I am annoyed about it, but I knew that this was on the cards when i started playing. Accept it, and get on with it.

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