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New patch will kill world pvp even more!!!


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So sad to see BW has no clue what world pvp is

Why do they announce pvp servers when there is clearly no world pvp. u get nothing for killing a player outside of ilum, and now after the 1.5 patch ilum will be DEAD

I enjoy world pvp mostly 1v1 fights, and this game has almost none, and after patch it will have NONE

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Ilum has been horribly broken since day one and a constant thorn in the sides of the devs. They can always bring it back with another patch once things are fixed over there. But for now I am glad I dont have to fly there anymore after 1.1.5
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I'm pretty sure it's a stopgap measure. Right now, Ilum is already dead, and in need of a serious retool. While we wait for that, we can get our commendations for gear another way.



Frankly, Ilum PvP is only really fun on SOME PvP servers (where large numbers of people on both sides are participating) and in pre-arranged events (Not kill trading, just a pre aranged fight for control, that is)


If you're lucky enough to be on one of those PvP servers, Good for you! But this update will probably do less than you think, since the people there are there because they enjoy World PvP, regardless of their ability to get commendations.

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if anything, this is bioware admitting that ilum is terrible. they will never come out and say that exactly, but this update means you can complete the ilum daily without ever stepping foot on ilum.


in theory, ilum is a great idea. in execution, it is utter crap. i would expect bioware to tackle the problem in the near future, but it will not be soon. several months at least, since it basically needs a complete redesign

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Ilum has been horribly broken since day one and a constant thorn in the sides of the devs. They can always bring it back with another patch once things are fixed over there. But for now I am glad I dont have to fly there anymore after 1.1.5


Well said!

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Frankly, Ilum PvP is only really fun on SOME PvP servers (where large numbers of people on both sides are participating) and in pre-arranged events (Not kill trading, just a pre aranged fight for control, that is)

Ilum is never "fun". Unless your idea of fun is a < 10fps slide show.


BW should be embarassed to have released such a horrible performing zone (I suspect they are).

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Ilum is never "fun". Unless your idea of fun is a < 10fps slide show.


BW should be embarassed to have released such a horrible performing zone (I suspect they are).


idk, i had a blast in 10-15fps slideshow this morning. about 30 on each side, made for an awesome back and forth battle.


the lag at one point was so bad that the server seemed to stop completely; nobody could move for a solid minute. i thought it was pretty funny tbh.


yeah the lag sucks, but its part of MMOs. no point in getting angry about it

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World PvP hasn't exsited since daoc and vanilla wow.


I'm not one to wax nostalgic about either of those games daoc had its flaws, and well.. wow is wow. However, in the early days of both games the in game rewards for pvp didn't exist.


You pvped because it was fun to pit yourself against a more challenging opponent then some scripted AI that re-spawns after 2 mins, or because it was fun to go pick on people you knew you could dominate, or because you enjoyed manipulating the environment to create an unexpected victory (grapple into acid in hutball for example, no matter how many times I do it its still fun).


I think tatooine is the place to go for world pvp, I just think its so out of the way, and not very well advertised that no one realizes its there. Group FFA, perfect place for world pvp. Put a Control Point in the middle, allow 4 man groups to give their selves a team name and you've got an ffa king of the hill.


World pvp is pvping where ever you want, and making due with whatever you have. It isn't crying that there is no reward or purpose to it. It isn't crying that you are outnumbered, because in the end world pvp will always end as a numbers game, that is just the reality of the system. If you aren't good enough to kill me why would you keep trying? isn't the smart thing to get a friend and kill me 2v1? Then I get a friend , then you get another etc etc , it happens in real life, why would you think you could artificially create a "world pvp" scenario that could also ALWAYS be fair and balanced and in the end rely only on PLAYER SKILL.

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First off, I'm only level 48 and have not been to Ilum yet, so I don't know how it works.


LOTRO's Ettenmoors system is pretty cool. You have a "Main" keep in the dead center on an island in a river that separates the freep people's "Side" and the forces of Sauron's "Side". If you control any one the two hard-to-defend keeps, that are far away from everything the central keep will have more NPCs. There are also 2 tower keeps that are closer to each side's home base (That cannot be capped) controls a spawn point closer to the main island keep. So, in theory, you have to effectively control the Tower near their spawn zone so they spawn further away, AND control at least one of the far away keeps for less NPC's if you want a smooth capture.


It's a cool system and lots of fun if your on one of the PvP servers that tries to adhere to these unspoken "rules", but is also plagued by its own problems why PvP has been trash for 4 years because of TRUE faction imbalances (The minstrel class can solo any good creep player and easily kill 2 bad players).

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Go to YouTube. Search getbonkd. Yes spelled like that


Watch 30 or do vids explaining combat system and WvWvW pvp and skill only 5's


Look at feed back on GW2. Then scroll down till u see TOR vids, look at comments



TOR was slated as a teribad wow clone from press release beta but all I u either were hoping for swg2. Or were SW fans


Yes I troll. Paid for 6 month time cause I was hoping for game to be long and epic. Now just around cause have a few friends who play and like to hang out so that's why I'm still here


And btw look at GW2 story progress with voice acting an choices in your personal story that permanent affect the different outcomes instead of all roads leading to one path



Till then playing tortanic till the music stops (or the GW2 life raft come)

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Ilum is not world pvp. With this patch they are buying themself some time

with improving wz and how to get gear etc.So that they can fix maybe Ilum later.

All in all it's a good change.Most of us have better things to do then to be spawncamped

on Ilum week after week.

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