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Is Huttball luck or skill?


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A guildie and I had a big argument today in guild chat about Huttball. He said something about Huttball involving "little-to-no skill" and I told him that he was wrong. He doesn't even have a level 50 yet, several characters in the 30's and 40's, and hasn't PVP'ed in weeks because he always says "I refuse to pvp until they remove Huttball".


My argument is that he doesn't understand how to play if he's always getting knocked off things and dominated. I explained to him that if you work as a team and decoy the enemy away while you jump down low and set up a sneaky pass, etc. you can use SKILL to win the game. He didn't want to hear that and just responded "No whoever you pass it to is just lucky that nobody comes out of nowhere and knocks him off.".


He disagrees and says that despite the fact that he hasn't played it in weeks and has never even played it in the top bracket that he understands it perfectly and that I'm stupid if I think there's any skill involved. I told him that he's probably just mad that he's not playing it right and instead of accepting personal responsibility he's blaming it on luck and ragequitting pvp forever to be over dramatic about it.



What sayeth the hordes of PVP forum trolls? Is Huttball completely based on luck with little or no skill involved, is it mostly luck and some skill, is it half and half, is it mostly skill and some luck, or is it all skill?

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A guildie hasn't PVP'ed in weeks because he always says "I refuse to pvp until they remove Huttball".


I would quit listening to your guildie. I did after I read this sentence. Huttball is the best warzone of the three. I absolutely hated Huttball the first week I PVP'd, now I make daily sacrifices to Lord Giradda. Anyone that rags on Huttball just needs to let it break you down, destroy your will, and then you will learn to love it.

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The only luck involved is who you get on your team.




If the only 5 Operatives left on your server all somehow end up on your team in the other two warzones, you still have a reasonable expectation to win assuming skillful play and good teamwork.


The same can not be said of Huttball.

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Realistically this is the kind of person that you just do not want to have on your team as it

is likely they will not be able to actually contribute anything. Perhaps if you manage to

convince him to give it a shot your way he may have a chance to learn and understand

killing the enemy with skill will result in a much better game of Huttball.


Regardless, I am not sure that this guy is likely to bring anything to the table for PvP

other than some warrantless crying. Perhaps you should speak get together with the

leadership in your guild and get the guy kicked out. You could also find a real PvP guild,

let yourself out the door, and not worry about some non-PvP understanding guys at all.


Follow this advice and no one is ever gonna let you down.

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Realistically this is the kind of person that you just do not want to have on your team as it

is likely they will not be able to actually contribute anything. Perhaps if you manage to

convince him to give it a shot your way he may have a chance to learn and understand

killing the enemy with skill will result in a much better game of Huttball.


Regardless, I am not sure that this guy is likely to bring anything to the table for PvP

other than some warrantless crying. Perhaps you should speak get together with the

leadership in your guild and get the guy kicked out. You could also find a real PvP guild,

let yourself out the door, and not worry about some non-PvP understanding guys at all.


Follow this advice and no one is ever gonna let you down.


Eh, we're a guild of good friends that all live in the same area and that played WoW together from 2005 until SWTOR came out, so kicking him isn't an option. I just want him to either suck it up and accept that he needs to get better at Huttball in order to realize that it does involve a lot of skill and teamwork to have good matches or to stop whining about it and writing it off as all "luck" to everyone else.

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Obviously your friend is wrong saying it's never about skill, but he's right about it being practically impossible to avoid knockbacks. That isn't really an issue of skill.



And what he says holds quite a bit of truth in pugs, rated warzones will undoubtedly be about skill but setting up sneaky passes and whatnot doesn't really happen in pugs, 90% of the time it's one rambo assassin that runs the ball in on his own while the entire other team is farming kills in the middle

Edited by Aidank
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I would quit listening to your guildie. I did after I read this sentence. Huttball is the best warzone of the three. I absolutely hated Huttball the first week I PVP'd, now I make daily sacrifices to Lord Giradda. Anyone that rags on Huttball just needs to let it break you down, destroy your will, and then you will learn to love it.


I really enjoy Huttball. There is a measure of skill involved, regardless of what your guildmate asserts.

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I would go as far as saying huttball requires the most skill to win then any other WZ. IT is hard to win this with out proper coordination with team mates. You and your team mates must know where to position yourselves in order to win. Ofc this does not matter a huge amount if the team u are playing are just plain bads who all like to solo pvp no where near the ball.


Huttball is by far the funnest game mode, I just hate that map with the current amount of KB's in the game. Hoping they add better maps for that gamemode.

Edited by Dlema
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Huttball isn't about teamwork, all you really need is three people to *almost* guarantee a score.


(#1)Guy gets ball, (#2)A Sorc grabs him, (#2)sorc sprints ahead, (#1)guy passes to (#2)sorc, another (#3) sorc grabs that (#2) sorc and you're either over the line or damn near it.


Time it to where your resolve is maxed on #2 and #3 and only massive burst dps will stop you.


Personally I think there should be a cooldown to Grabs/Pushes/Jumps so the above can't happen so easily.

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The only luck involved is who you get on your team.


Your friend just sucks and doesn't want to admit it, even to himself.


Couldn't of said it better myself, huttball boils down to who the other 4 pugs are on your team a lot of the time. Sometimes you can carry them through but against a double pre-made of equal skill, well, it's farm medals )

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Personally I think there should be a cooldown to Grabs/Pushes/Jumps so the above can't happen so easily.


How about being grabbed either by a friendly skill or by an enemy one makes you drop the ball? Kinda like a heavy tackle no?


Would make huttball more a match of skill and planning, than who has the most sages/sorcs.

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Well the ball is supposedly "more slippery than a greased hutt", Maybe have a random debuff that the ball carrier gets called "loosing grip" or something, where if the player is knocked down/away when they have it, the ball will fly in the air to a random spot within 5-20m ?


Sure would spice things up.

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Well the ball is supposedly "more slippery than a greased hutt", Maybe have a random debuff that the ball carrier gets called "loosing grip" or something, where if the player is knocked down/away when they have it, the ball will fly in the air to a random spot within 5-20m ?


Sure would spice things up.


It would destroy the zerg train mode of play at least, I mean who needs skill when you can just rush towards the goal line AoE knockbacking everyone away?


Now if the ball could be tackled/knocked out of the carriers hands, well the zerg train becomes a bad idea, you have to start intercepting the other team so they can't get to your carrier.


It'd actually be like a real sport then.

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It's actually neither. It's could be interpreted as luck with getting good huttball players and having some skill, but it's mostly about strategies. As long as you have some strategies for the game and talk constantly in /ops, you can do well in huttball.


Just go in with 3 of your friends and luck and skill will be out of the equation.

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It's luck in the sense that some combination of classes are extremely dominant and if you happen to run up against the strong classes you might just lose badly without a shot, even if both sides are equally skilled.


Also, in extermely close games, getting lucky with the air vent is about the only reliable way to break through a good defense.


But if you assume the teams actually are balanced, there's very little to chance in Huttball.

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