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What do you think of the new medal system?


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I think that overall, it's a change for the better. The current system we've got is god awful in so many ways, but this new system doesn't seem like that big of an improvement to me.



It's basically a participation trophy, your actual performance isn't really linked to how much valor / comms you get.

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I would have preferred some sort of sliding scale where additional medals are worth less than the previous.


Enough to where if you're one of the classes that has difficulty getting 9+ medals, it wouldn't really matter much, but still something to go ahead and shoot for if you want even if only for minor benefit (like 10 more valor and 1 more comm or something)

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You're talking to a hardcore PvPer. They just made our Valor ranks meaningless. Do you see the point?


So you pvp a lot (Assuming, since you're a self proclaimed harcore pvper) yet the only reason you pvp is because you like having a higher valor rank than other people? Seems like an odd reason to play a game.



If you just need something to flaunt your e-peen over, rated warzones are coming out soon anyways.

Edited by Aidank
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i don't care - unsubbed. Just I hope I'll get BM helm and boots (full suit) during 2.5 weeks left until game expire - without hundreds hours long grind.


I want to make screens of my toon in the end before it will be buried on Bioware's hard disks forever.

Edited by Pashgan
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Overall I don't understand the logic.


You've got people who medal-farm and go fight in the middle of no-where to get damage, the assassin medal, etc. But the change will result in the opposite situation.


If you think you're going to lose, but already have 4 medals, there's not as much incentive to try harder. You'll also end up with people that quickly get 4 medals and then do... nothing.

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I think that overall, it's a change for the better. The current system we've got is god awful in so many ways, but this new system doesn't seem like that big of an improvement to me.



It's basically a participation trophy, your actual performance isn't really linked to how much valor / comms you get.


I like that it prevents medal farming


I dislike they are trivilizing PvP Ranks this early in the game.

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More medals does not equate to a warzone win. Hopefully this change helps keep people focused on winning rather than padding their stats. The old system was also completely broken since some classes could get over a dozen medals in a game, while others are pretty much capped at 8-9.
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Anyway, it's a good change.


Healers don't get completely screwed on progression, those of us that just like getting Unbeatable/Invincible/Immortal just because it's fun can still do it, and people might actually be more inclined to help with objectives instead of medal farming.


All in all it sounds good to me.

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people who perform poorly are rewarded the same as people who perform outstandingly


good change if you couldnt get past 4 medals


Why do you care ? if you **** ppl you **** them, does it matter if they get medals or not. Lost game is lost, no matter how many medals they got.

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More medals does not equate to a warzone win. Hopefully this change helps keep people focused on winning rather than padding their stats. The old system was also completely broken since some classes could get over a dozen medals in a game, while others are pretty much capped at 8-9.


I fully agree with you, the medal system we've got now is absolutely terrible.



All I'm saying is I think the guy that solo caps the right side turret in aldaraan 4 times and ends up with 400k damage should be rewarded more than the guy who was afk half the time watching the left and ended the game with 2 kills.

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Ranks mean nothing, its just a grind.


Its like claiming High Warlord Meant anything in vanilla wow.


Hey! It meant something. It meant you (or you and the 1-2 other people playing your character during the grind) had WAY more free time than everybody else.

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Come on, lets be honest. Getting a lot of medals was more a factor of what role you played, not how well you played.


so much this. I started pvp'n on a sage, got 3-6 medals per game, depending on the WZ, and how much dmg i had time to throw out. Switched to an assassin tank, immediately started averaging 8+.

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I fully agree with you, the medal system we've got now is absolutely terrible.



All I'm saying is I think the guy that solo caps the right side turret in aldaraan 4 times and ends up with 400k damage should be rewarded more than the guy who was afk half the time watching the left and ended the game with 2 kills.


The way the system works, thats not possible.


If you want it like that then you need to have pure objectiv medals.


Cap The ball

Cap a Turret

Be afk (defend) turret for 2 mins (stay in said area)

Kill BallCarrier

Remove BallCarrier from Scorezone


and what not, you need to have those kind of medals, and even then, you wont know who was using CC on the healers to stop healing on Carriers, who interrupted a cap, who spent X amount of time Doing X.


These kind of system will never be excat, so dont even bother, thats why theres a MVP system (wich is ofc. also flawed, but thats the only way it can be with human interaction).


The only way you can proberly decide something like this is having premade vs premade, cause then you know if ppl did their job or not etc.


in Pug vs Pug Medal systems or objectiv system no matter how they are made will allways have flaws, and ppl will allways QQ about them.


Tl;DR I agree it should be like that on paper but to many variable to execute to everyones satisfaction, and really why care ? If you did well you know it your self, and unless your very insecure that should be enough.

Edited by upzie
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You're talking to a hardcore PvPer. They just made our Valor ranks meaningless. Do you see the point?


by hardcore pvper you mean you exploited the ilum bug to gain massive valor gains over other players now you're upset that they're putting something in place to even the playing field?

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