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How about 6-person flashpoints?


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It would be great if flashpoints could scale for either 4-player or 6-player groups. Unfortunately, for the group of friends I play with the last couple of MMO's we played had 6-player group sizes. With this game, we either have to leave two behind or split in to groups of three. Its not the end of the world, but it would be nice to run flash points with our whole group.
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Yes please. 4 people is far too limiting. Can't say I've played an MMO with such a small group size before (not to say they are not out there, I've simply never played one).


On a personal note, my core group from another game a few years ago was 5, and we're all together again in this game. Being a 5th wheel is not a good thing, obviously.

Edited by Lunazen
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Yes please. 4 people is far too limiting. Can't say I've played an MMO with such a small group size before (not to say they are not out there, I've simply never played one).


On a personal note, my core group from another game a few years ago was 5, and we're all together again in this game. Being a 5th wheel is not a good thing, obviously.


I don't think that 4 is too limiting. You've got a tank, a healer, and two damage dealers. It's a pretty well-rounded number, in my opinion. 5 would be a bit better, though. That would give you some room to bring two healers or two tanks depending on who's coming along.

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well, how would 6 work when a single group max size is 4


I am sure that there a lots of ways that it could be done. One would be to have 6-man flashpoint option you could switch to much like changing to an Ops group.

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