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Things i would need to see....


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ok firstly let me say i love the idea of this game, i love a lot of the concepts and unique ways that swtor handles certain things compared to some other mmo's but to be honest if the game truly intends dominate the mmo world and namely overtake wow as THE game to play there are certain things i think that need addressing rapidly (some realy should have been addressed well before release).


Targeting: targeting in both pve and pvp is horrid, put a pack of mobs or players together and try pick out the one you want its ridiculously bad. Figuring out which one you have targeted is almost as bad.

Tab targeting gets stuck between the 2 closest mobs more often than not and completely ignores the rest and the graphics to show what you have selcted are not clear enough.


Auction House: ok yeah thats not what its called but a rose by any other name and all that.

It's clunky to say the best about it and down right ridiculously bad to be honest. Maybe i was spoiled by mods and stuff in wow but seriously revamp the ah system completely please.


Server selection: well ummm errr *** were you thinking? seriously how did you come come up with the number of servers? the only thing i can think of is the meeting to decide on servers had a number decided on and then the secretary misstyped the number or something because you have almost twice the servers open for what is required. it has led to far too many underpopulated servers. Long story short shut them down/merge them together and only reopen them when you start to get a few servers getting over crowded.

People will complain about log in queues but people will just stop playing if they continually cant find enough people to run things.


PvP: the current battlegrounds are for the most part fun, certainly there are some exploits that can be used (forceleap etc) but overall not too many issues however the lack of brackets and progression in pvp pre 50 makes it so completely repetitive that most pvp lovers wont stick at it and lets face it pvp is a huge part of any mmo.

this may be a bug but for low end systems the loading screens are long (something im ok with generally) and joining a battleground late will generally mean i get afk'ed by the time i have zoned in and then gotten through the barrier at the start, simple fix is make the afk ticker start AFTER the actual zone in not while im watching a loading screen with no chance to move.

and for the love of the dark side PLEASE allow us to turn off the cut scene movie after we have watched it once i know you want me to bomb the doors and break through to slice the computer for petes sake!


mods/macros: touchy subject i know and yes the idea of NEEDING a mod to play is bad but come on guys mmo'ers like mods as a rule of thumb, perhaps you should look at taking the ptr (or a second ptr) for mod authors to use and submit their mods for approval. if you dont want certain things to be modded then simply dont allow them but taking from wow a lot of the player made mods influenced how wow developers updated the game, you have a potential developer workforce thats not only free to use but will pay you to do it.


UI: i saw you guys are woking on a customizable ui so ill give credit there but why take so long when it realy should be available out of the box, you guys spent years and countless dollars getting the game out and simple things like this make me and a lot of other players cringe when we are stuck with a poorly design unchangeable ui.

Why do smugglers get an action bar switch when entering cover and yet stealthers don't? im assuming that's just a big old whoopsy that got missed but seriously fix it already.


ok so do any of these issues make me reach for the cancel account button? no not realy but i can assure you combining several of then will make many people just not come back after the first month or 2 and taking a game with sooooooo much potential and allowing it to whither due to a lack of flexibility in designers vs players is just poor business.

Edited by DaleLang
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