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My Goodbye Letter


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Stop blaming our machines. Both me and my friend runs skyrim on ultra on 60 FPS same with BF3, but not SWTOR. Engine or us? Lol, ridicilous.


If it was the engine the problem rate would be 100%, but its not. I've seen beefy systems choke on other games before when low end systems where ok, and while it is usually because of the users system, it doesn't always mean it their fault, sometimes hardware and drivers are just strange like that. Computers and the software then run them are very complex


I remember when TOR first came out and ability delay was the major issue, and a whole bunch of people where "its the engine and it can't ever be fixed!" but here a few patches with a few fixes later I don't have the issues anymore. Things can still be optomized, but players need to give real feedback instead of "the engine sucks!"


I hope you and you friend have supplied Bioware with your DXDIAG and detailed descriptions of what the issues are so they can hopefully track them down and find solutions for them. If not just blaming the engine isn't ever going to get you a resolution.

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Why do some people have to be such tools? This wasn't so much a goodbye letter to us as it was a list of /feedback and suggestions to Bioware.. which, this being the Suggestion Box makes total sense.


At any rate OP, it's a bummer the game you loved was so unplayable. Can pretty much guarantee they won't be taking the game down for any extended time to fix the fps and other issues. But hopefully through little fixes here and there the game will become more playable for those having issues.



On dear. It appears the "nobody cares" brigade are out in force and quite honestly I would regard your comments as more unwelcome than the "I am leaving" post that started this thread. [...]


Let's let the guy have his opinion. Let him express it in a way he hopes will eventually influence the game in some small ways. Let Bioware read this feedback and make a judgement call as to whether the criticisms are fair or not. But let's not jump all over the guy because you don't want to read his post.




Edited by Lunazen
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