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Warzones low level xp


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I have tried leveling in warzones with my new character and I have to say that the xp required to level is too much.Please make warzones give a level for about 5-7 wins not 15-20 like it is now.


The reason I am asking for this is that I have leveled while questing 2 50's so far and a few other characters up to about 25-40.I do not play any end game pvp or pve, I enjoy the class quest lines a lot but in order to advance them I have to go through the same hundreds of quests that I did before and that is annoying and I can't do that anymore.


Don't get me wrong first and second time I leveled even the non-class related quests were very interesting since I could explore different options but now it is just boring.



I know I went a bit off-topic from my initial request but I just wanted to give my reasoning for it.

What I am asking basically is just another way to get similar xp to questing so I can skip the quests that I did before and be able to jump to the next class quest area.

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