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PVP Warzones, no more Hutt ball


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Nothing on the Dev tracker about how to address "Too much Hutt ball" syndrome or the 2-24 weekly(ish) update. Many ideas have been floated, some of them by me, but it sure would be nice to hear someone from BioWare say something, or at least say "These are the things we will definitely not be doing".


Some possible changes would be very simple to make, so there has to be a reason not to make them. Sure would be great to find out why...

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Please don't take Huttball from me! I, and many others, really do enjoy it. I have nothing wrong with an Alderran tossed in every now and again, but Voidstar can burn in the depths of space for all I care!


I would love to see more WZ's in addition to we have, that would be nice. Maybe they can turn Ilum into one where you actually have to fight, since the next patch pretty much kills Ilum.

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I was being facetious, I'm not saying to get rid of huttball completely, and it is great that a couple months from now I will be able to choose what warzone I want, but right now there is no way to avoid huttball unless you don't PVP at all, and BioWare has gone to great lengths to make PVP warzones a necessary part of the end game.


In a couple months of steady PVP'ing I have played maybe a dozen matches that were not huttball. I realize that is currently based on a server imbalance between Imperial and Republic, but they could easily address that with something as simple as allowing warzone matches against the same faction in the other 2 warzones (for example). If they don't have a plan to do anything to fix this problem before patch 1.2 then fine, at least tell us that.

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but they could easily address that with something as simple as allowing warzone matches against the same faction in the other 2 warzones



How do you propose to change those 2 warzone to allow for same faction? They are simply not designed AT ALL for that kind of setup.

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Nothing on the Dev tracker about how to address "Too much Hutt ball" syndrome or the 2-24 weekly(ish) update. Many ideas have been floated, some of them by me, but it sure would be nice to hear someone from BioWare say something, or at least say "These are the things we will definitely not be doing".


Some possible changes would be very simple to make, so there has to be a reason not to make them. Sure would be great to find out why...


Untrue. They have posted about addressing too much Huttball and they have explicitly acknowledged the issue and stated they would be fixing it. I beileve they also stated that they would be making it possible to play against your own faction in the other two WZs to help alleviate this issue...could be wrong on that, though I coudl swear I read it somewhere.

Edited by Blotter
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Untrue. They have posted about addressing too much Huttball and they have explicitly acknowledged the issue and stated they would be fixing it. I beileve they also stated that they would be making it possible to play against your own faction in the other two WZs to help alleviate this issue.


Please link to where you saw them say they will allow same-faction matches in the other 2 warzones. I have been looking for that EXTENSIVELY, have posted that question and request and never gotten an answer.

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How do you propose to change those 2 warzone to allow for same faction? They are simply not designed AT ALL for that kind of setup.


Programmatically it's a minor change in the code. Story-wise? I don't care, come up with something. 2 factions of Imperials fighting over the same data, 2 factions of Imperials fighting over the same base, whatever.

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They have already stated that in the future you will be able to queue for specific warzones. No hard ETA as far as I know. It will probably be implemented when they have cross server warzones.


I definitely don't want it taken out, I just want more zones/fields.

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How about just ditch warzones/bgs entirely since they're fake garbage that has nothing to do with the game at all and are about the lowest quality form of MMORPG PvP possible (right next to arena on the "this doesn't fit and does suck" meter).
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That's the problem exactly, the best we have gotten is "We know it's an issue, we'll fix it someday", someday being the mythical patch 1.2, but even then the only answer is "we'll have warzone match making options and another warzone", which just means we will quickly get sick of 2 warzones and still never get to play the other 2 warzones, because even if we specify those 2 zones WE STILL WILL NEVER GET TO PLAY CAUSE OF THE IMBALANCE.


I really don't think it's asking much for this issue to be discussed, and the fact that they are going out of their way to not mention it on the dev tracker or in the weekly chat sessions tells me they know they have nothing good to say so they will pretend the issue doesn't exist.

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If you don't like Huttball and whatever new WZ is coming out, reroll.


Queue times are sometimes long, but that'll go away when they add cross-server WZ's.


Suck it up. If you're an Imp and queue for PVP you're gonna be playing HB and whatever new WZ allows same factions for a long time.


You're lucky they have a same faction WZ at all. I think they should make it Rep. vs. Imp. only myself so all the Imps could wait in line for a PvP match.

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I think with the change to WZ's updating ilum daily you will find that there will be more people on the opposing faction in queue so it should take away from always getting alot of huttball.


Most of the huttball I get is imps vs imps because there just isn't any pubs on the server I'm on. During peak times when there is enough pubs it is pretty well balanced with what WZ I get into, this is a small window during the odd times I'm on though.

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These are both valid points (except the re-roll thing, add to the conversation, don't avoid it), but for the same reason why it's ok to play Huttball against the same faction I feel like they could immediately address part of the issue by opening the other current warzones the same way.


If they forced us to only play warzones against the opposite faction it would actually be BETTER in my mind. Sure you may end up waiting longer for a game, but then at least it would have more variety and less likely to get burned out over the same one every time.


And I agree, the change to Ilum will likely give us more Republic's queuing up, but it will do the exact same on the Imperial side, so statistically speaking the ratio should remain constant. But it's still a step in the right direction, because as is Ilum is wasted, this at least helps get us the reward we are trying to get from Ilum without having to try to actually go there.

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They could easily make the other WZ's training grounds where you go against your own side. A military exercise if you will.


Once you play CW and VS enough you will tire of them faster as they become pretty repetitive. The change to the far node speeders in CW will add some tactics.


Voidstar is he who can kill the fastest or somehow managed to pull the guards away from the doors so the stealthies can cap wins. The team with the best gear usually wins VS.


VS and CW with equal teams might be very interesting but I bet that will only spur on new tears as all the BM's will want better gear because they no longer can roll over everyone.

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They could easily make the other WZ's training grounds where you go against your own side. A military exercise if you will.


Once you play CW and VS enough you will tire of them faster as they become pretty repetitive. The change to the far node speeders in CW will add some tactics.


Voidstar is he who can kill the fastest or somehow managed to pull the guards away from the doors so the stealthies can cap wins. The team with the best gear usually wins VS.


VS and CW with equal teams might be very interesting but I bet that will only spur on new tears as all the BM's will want better gear because they no longer can roll over everyone.


I like the idea of training grounds, really if it was just an issue of storyline they could come up with something, but it's obvious they don't want to and don't want to tell us why.


The equal team thing is something I've thought about, and when they introduce match-making in the mythical patch 1.2 they may even have something like this planned, but my thought was that they need some way to for someone to specify a level 50 "tier" to play in. My first idea was to set HP levels, 13k to 15k, 15k to 17k, etc, so all players in the match have that level of HP. It's not perfect because some classes have more HP than others, but it's a start.

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So you're the one?


Honestly, I like huttball, it is a good game, but I don't see how anyone could not get burned out playing all the time.


Well when the alternatives are voidstar and civil war.... it's pretty easy to only want to play huttball. My beef with the other 2 warzones is that you're *always* at the mercy of your team. No matter how well you do your job, someone on the other side of the map could be asleep at the wheel and cost you the game. Huttball is still a team game but at least it's possible to always have a view of the action. You can always be influencing things and nobody is ever left on the sidelines against their will.

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