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OMG They Nerfed Sorcs/Sages in 1.1.5 patch !!!


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yes because pressing a button and tab targeting is 'tactics'


Yes because pressing a button and <insert literally every single thing in the game here> is "tactics."


It was a strong tactic and one of the only reasons to be a Lethality Operative. The spec is once again going to have 0% representation of any kind in PvP. Medicine Hybrids will take a hit as well, we might as well just go full healer for a ****** AOE heal so we can PVE with the same spec.

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I like this change, promotes more active objective defense and less fire and forget activity.


I'm cautiously optimistic; shut outs after the initial turret capture or at the first doors gets kinda ... tedious.


I am hoping, however, that they'll sort out some of the targeting issues in the same patch.

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just kind of sad that we take tools away from any class that can turn the tide.


What this is all about, and I mean all the changes collectively, is to push everyone back into pvp and faster games, which means faster queues. So I suppose from that perspective, anything that moves along WZs faster is a good thing.


I actually hope SOMETHING makes the queues faster at 50. We surely need it even on a very active pvp server like ours.


Queue times at Level 25 are, almost literally, half that of 50 if not faster.

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I for one love all the changes. Especially the 3 second delay of speeders.


For the most part I do too.


A little disappointed at not having incentive to go for more medals while doing pvp objectives, since I feel I've hit my stride with being able to pick up plenty of medals without sacrificing efficiency in achieving WZ objectives.


But I can live with that.

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More dumbing down of PvP tactics.


This is stupid.


This is a dumbing up of PvP tactics if anything.


Or do you call "1 guy defends the objective, the rest zergs in the middle" a tactic?

It is obvious that most players who are opposed to this change are the ones who are used to doing it complaining about a forced change to their playstyle, and no doubt it's cool to be that one guy who wins the game by doing their own thing (been there myself), but these people must realize that the change is healthy for the game, and allows for a more dynamic battle against the 2 teams instead of the usual deadlock between defenders and attackers.

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As a Pyro Merc, I'm on the fence on this one:


On one hand, it was fun as hell holding off a turret from 5 people because I would Fusion Bomb + Incendiary Missile everyone around which gave me enough time to die and bike back just to repeat the process.


On the other hand, it is an extremely cheap tactic. If there weren't restrictions on the cleans abilities, it would be a non-issue. (bolded/underlined for emphasis)


The only thing that bothers me about this change is really the fact that, as a DoT fighter, they didn't nerf the cool down of the cleanse abilities and CC is still so rampant that preventing a capper is now going to be that much tougher. Hell, as a Pyro Merc, my only spammable abilities are my base attack, Incendiary Missle/Missle Blast, and Power Shot. PS can be interrupted and, due to the ammount of CC, being able to consistently pressure a capper in a horde is near impossible.

Edited by Trauglodyte
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For the most part I do too.


A little disappointed at not having incentive to go for more medals while doing pvp objectives, since I feel I've hit my stride with being able to pick up plenty of medals without sacrificing efficiency in achieving WZ objectives.


But I can live with that.


Players are rated by the amount of medals they get, among other things. Are you saying you don't wish to fight for that #1 spot? I get a huge kick seeing my name highlighted in green on the top when the wz is over, and the best part is all those players are on my server, and they can see me, and they can see how awesome I am. There is nothing bad with being proud of being #1, keep going for it! And if you fail, try again!

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Or do you call "1 guy defends the objective, the rest zergs in the middle" a tactic?


You'll still see that, and it certainly is. It just becomes more risky.


allows for a more dynamic battle against the 2 teams instead of the usual deadlock between defenders and attackers.


Cautiously agree here, though. All the changes taken together seem to lead that way.

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More dumbing down of PvP tactics.


Lobbing a corrosive grenade and spamming corrosive dart on as many people as possible was hardly an advanced tactic, yet it kept people of the doors for eons (unless they purged, ofc).


Now the best way for me to lock down a door will be with Orbital Strike, requiring me to stay alive for the duration. So now I'll actually need to hide/make myself scarce or have people supporting me to keep an entire team off the objective.

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The change seems good overall, but it's another slap in the face for operatives and scoundrels.

Dirty fighting (and the op mirror tree) is entirely based around DoTs.

It's always been a mediocre tree with heavy energy issues and a pretty awkward synergy with upper hand, but it had the merit of making scoundrels viable for node defense.


Now I don't really see any reason to play that tree in warzones.

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WOW figured this out a while ago, it's about time.


The way people resspawn so close to the objectives and one man could slow down a whole team even though he is killed repeatedly is rediculous.


And the bring a cleanser is a weak argument at best.

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WOW figured this out a while ago, it's about time.


The way people resspawn so close to the objectives and one man could slow down a whole team even though he is killed repeatedly is rediculous.


And the bring a cleanser is a weak argument at best.


Good people were purging people trying to cap objectives...

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The change seems good overall, but it's another slap in the face for operatives and scoundrels.

Dirty fighting (and the op mirror tree) is entirely based around DoTs.

It's always been a mediocre tree with heavy energy issues and a pretty awkward synergy with upper hand, but it had the merit of making scoundrels viable for node defense.


Now I don't really see any reason to play that tree in warzones.


I play as a healer operative in wz, and I never use energy on my DoT unless it is to weaken an already damaged target, if I have enough energy to spare. However not using DoTs does not prevent me from spending 1 GCD of the 8 seconds the enemy needs to basic attack the one interacting with the objective, and if multiple enemies are interacting I can throw a grenade. Also a well placed orbital strike will keep anyone from trying to capture for several seconds unless I should die. It should be the case, that if the attackers manage to kill ALL the defenders, or otherwise draw them away from the objective, they should succeed.

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Id call it tactics....and they just finished off an already dead Spec (assault/pyro).


It's not tactics when you spawn 5 feet away in Voidstar. Just keep dotting someone every time you spawn, they'll never plant because of the dots.

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