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Dude....it's just Amazon trying to move some copies of it. Why you ask? Because a WHOLE LOTTA PEOPLE bought their game from Origin. Now amazon has a whole lotta SWTOR copies that AMAZON needs to move. (or something similar to this I imagine)


Until the rest of the world lowers the price there is nothing to worry about. It is just Amazons way of trying to sell more SWTOR's than say ORigin, Wal mart, Gamestop, etc.


If you decided "TOday is the day I am going to buy SWTOR." How many of you would think "Better go to Amazon.com first." Very few. But NOW with the sale....well hell I would go to Amazon first. wouldn't you? No one else has it for this low a price.



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Apparently you don't do much online shopping.



Also in Gold Box a month ago: WoW+TBC+WotLK+Cata = $19.99


Herple Derple


I see your sig all the time...i don't know if it is just you or others have it as well, but I gotta know....what in god's name does it mean?

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Okay, let me get this straight Mr. Economics... My product is selling really well for $50.00, so, I decide to put it on sale for $40.00? How does that make any sense at all? Why would I sell something for less than what people are willing to pay?


Um... sales are usually associated with clearing stock, trying to move items that aren't selling at regular prices.


Have you ever worked retail? any job?


You clearly haven't.


Sales are not just about clearing slow moving items. Depending on the pricing involved, you can make more off of volume sales at a lower price than you can make off of 'normal' sales at the regular price.


Lowering prices for a 'sale' also has the added benefit of drawing you into the store where you're likely to spend more money on other products that may have higher margins, which increases profits.


If sales were associated with slow moving items that a retailer wants to get rid of, like you claim, then everything you see in a sale flyer or advertisement would soon be on clearance and/or discontinued.

Edited by Valethar
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But but, the game is in great health and all, 2 mill subs and raising amirite?


Inb4 the fanboys dismissing it as a non event.


I like how you, along with a lot of the other same doomsayers go into every thread like this that attracts your little eye, so you can FINALLY MAYBE think to yourself "OMG! I WAS RIGHT! IT'S DYING IT'S DYING!!! HERE'S THE FACTS!". Then you make really immature and disproven comments about the game dying when it's not and want to be right SOOO bad because you can't stand being wrong because it HAUNTS you, that you just come into these threads making your decision be like its the one that matters...oh the force....

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Well you've managed it guys: this right here is officially the stupidest thread I've ever read. Don't make any attempt to understand the principle of loss leader promotions. Completely avoid the obvious conclusion that EA won't make any less money from this promotion (and that, given the subscription model, they'll obviously make more) because Amazon have already bought the discs from them. Ignore the fact that it's one retailer doing an offer for one day, and generally run around the place, proudly showing off your total ignorance, and acting like it's sage wisdom. Edited by Meluna
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This thread just appears to be evidence of what bioware said when they talked about a certain element wanting them to fail.


No, I was excited about the price. I was surprised it was that low but not in a negative way. I'm sorry the thread seems to think I'm a "hater" on SWTOR. I'm not.

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the deal right now is adobe photoshop for 90 dollar.... just saying




btw: amazon.de still sells the game for 45€, so I guess in the US the game is failing and Europe loves it


the CE is even 10€ more expensive than the original price :/



logic from this topic

Edited by amnie
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No, I was excited about the price. I was surprised it was that low but not in a negative way. I'm sorry the thread seems to think I'm a "hater" on SWTOR. I'm not.


oo not you mate.. was talking about the people who used this as "evidence" of games demise.


I made a thread about lack of gold sellers in the game saying well done to bioware on this and this apparently was also evidence of the games demise. pretty funny TBH that people are so desperate for the game to fail.


I'm enjoying playing the game also.. :)

Edited by corbanite
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oo not you mate.. was talking about the people who used this as "evidence" of games demise.


I made a thread about lack of gold sellers in the game saying well done to bioware on this and this apparently was also evidence of the games demise. pretty funny TBH that people are so desperate for the game to fail.


I'm enjoying playing the game also.. :)


I hear ya. I've been having a blast. I even bought a second computer for this so my wife and I can play together. She's now better than I am..grrr... :)

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Wow this thread makes me sad. :(


So many people... so little understanding.


There are many reasons why prices are reduced, why sales happen and why different retailers sell at a different price. Evidence of a game failing is not one of them.


A 10$ reduction from amazon is may well be a loss leader for them as popular products generate traffic and interest for the retailer over their competitors.


There is also the fact that deprciation occurs. What the RRP is at the start of a products life is how much a product can sustain from those prepared to buy it at it's "peak". After this it is impossible for a product to hold 100% of this value.


SW:ToR has held it's value better than most games - heck 4 weeks after Skyrims release I bought a copy for £17.99 down from £39.99 on a flash sale but only complete crazies would say that meant Skyrim was fail.


Oh but wait someone on this very thread said that Skyrim has never been reduced so that must mean SW:ToRs failing - so obviously the crazies are out in force.


There are so many other reasons why either or both amazon / ea are offering their product at a reduced price it's not even worth arguing with those who are so blinkered that they can't see this.


And yes I worked in retail for 8 years so have seen my fair share of hot ticket items having their prices slashed from day one - England national soccer shirt I'm looking at you here!

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