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The good news is since all people here are actually paying for the product and obviously smart and logical in that purchase nobody could bad mouth it.


I mean gosh, that would make that person pretty stupid if they actually paid for something while thinking bad of it or calling it a bad product right?


Golly thank goodness for logic.


Shewww Imagine all these people in this thread saying how bad it is or trying to make something out to be failing while paying for it?



Man the joke sure would be on them for sure... making them pretty dumb I would think?


Granted this is my opinion and thought... not fact of course (<--- forum rules outoftrouble) side comment lol.

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If you aren't hitting your sales projections, then by all means, discount it to try and draw business in and boost sales (more sales, lower prices, still possible to hit sales goals). But if I am hitting my sales projections, then there is absolutely no reason to discount my product. Would be very silly to leave money on the table that consumers are willing to spend.


Have you ever worked for a ISP or another service provider? Profits are made from the residuals not the upfront charge. It's not a one off sale. It's not like selling a car or sofa. The more units you sell the more residuals you get the more profit.


Maybe they want even more sales so they had Amazon (who maybe doing this on their own) lower prices for 24 hours. So what? It tells you nothing about SWTOR's sales.


Sales can be to draw people in. In retail, it's call a lost leader. As I have already said, SWTOR makes money of residuals (sub fees) not the actual box sales. Box sales are needed to bring in more subs, not to make profit.

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Have you ever worked for a ISP or another service provider? Profits are made from the residuals not the upfront charge. It's not a one off sale. It's not like selling a car or sofa. The more units you sell the more residuals you get the more profit.


Maybe they want even more sales so they had Amazon (who maybe doing this on their own) lower prices for 24 hours. So what? It tells you nothing about SWTOR's sales.


Sales can be to draw people in. In retail, it's call a lost leader. As I have already said, SWTOR makes money of residuals (sub fees) not the actual box sales. Box sales are needed to bring in more subs, not to make profit.


Dead right, and the wholesale price of a computer game is near the $20 mark so selling in a sale they still profit, the chances are they took a massive bulk off EA at discounted price, so both benefit.

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But but, the game is in great health and all, 2 mill subs and raising amirite?


Inb4 the fanboys dismissing it as a non event.


you are the most condescending hateful person on this forum.


every post you must always belittle everybody who enjoys this game.


with the whole "but but but" innuendo.


what causes you to hurt so much inside you have to throw bile and vitriol out at everybody here?

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But but, the game is in great health and all, 2 mill subs and raising amirite?


Inb4 the fanboys dismissing it as a non event.


I know, right. 1 retailer putting a game on sale during a special offer definitely means the game is failing. The fact that every other retailer is selling it - minus special event offer - for 59.99 is irrelevent.


Face it, fanbois!! SWTOR is DOOMED!!!!

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This thread just appears to be evidence of what bioware said when they talked about a certain element wanting them to fail.


no clue as to what drives them either but eventually as TOR continues on. they will bore of constant attempts to derail the game and just move on to troll the next "big thing"

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In a retail setting I might agree with you. However, we're talking about online sales. When I go to Amazon I don't have to walk to the back of the store to get my item and then back up to the front of the store to pay for it. In a retail setting that exposes your customer to the plethora of other goods you have for sale. Amazon may have some ancillary advertising on the page listing TOR, but it's nowhere near what you'd get in a retail establishment, and it's not enough of a reason to discount it in an online setting.


EDIT: Also, if demand is sufficiently high you still don't need to discount the item to draw people in. Having the item in stock is the draw.


Again, I know you have no reason to believe me and I'm not touting my "great expertise" here, but online retailers absolutely put high-demand items on sale. It's a fundamental part of online retail.


When people can purchase a highly desired item from a hundred different places with a single click, retailers have to get them to come to their way. They have to find ways to introduce them to the services they can provide and the other products they can provide. Sales get them to click that retailer instead of a competitor. It introduces them to their shipping promotions, their ease of ordering procedures, and their overall service. And since most online retailers (including Amazon) have shipping options that promote purchasing multiple items, it generates sales on that visit. Putting an item nobody wants on sale doesn't do that. Putting the stuff people are buying on sale is what does it.


You can believe me or not, but I can tell you that what you're saying is absolutely factually untrue. In retail (especially in online retail) putting high demand items on sale is an absolutely vital part of the business model. This isn't an opinion. This happens. Regularly.


I mean absolutely no disrespect to you here and I don't expect you to believe me on this, but I can tell you that you are factually wrong on this one. Online retail outlets regularly sell high demand items at sale prices. It's a fundamental part of the business model.

Edited by Vecke
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My valued opinion as someone with no background in sales let alone internet sales is that all the internet bullies are right. You folks stating facts from experience have NO place here so you just scoot along and let the cyber cupcakes have their moment of glory.
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