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Please implement a LFG tool


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I have logged on every night for the past 4 nights and cannot get a group together for Cademimu. I use the current who/LFG comment tool, general fleet chat, appropriate level planet chat, and even send tells to needed roles. This was just the breaking point - I can't say how many hours I've spent forming other flashpoint groups.


Implement a cross-server LFG - I don't log on (and pay for) this game to spend hours advertising and spamming for a group.

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Something like this will take a lot of time and hours to develop. I understand that and will be patient myself if a cross server tool is going to be implemented.


I would like to see the current LFG system improved a little, though. As it is, it is useless to put comments in to detail what you're LFG for. Beyond the first word or two, nothing can be seen. I should be able to expand that comment - or at least click on the person's name to pull up the whole comment. If that is possible now, please forgive me - I don't use the LFG anymore because it was completely useless when I did use it.

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i know there is one in the works - I filed an in-game ticket about this, was told there is one in the works then was pointed to post here by BW.


Simply following suit - hope the constant prodding pushes BW to make this a priority and staff accordingly.




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