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How to defeat Magras and Treeg?


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Is there a secret to taking on a 36 Strong and a 37 Strong at the same time? I had so much trouble with this one that I went on to Hoth and leveled up to level 40 before coming back, so I have the improved stims and buffs for that level. I think my armor is pretty good. I'm using Risha, who has been more successful for me than Corso lately (possibly because I've upgraded her armor more). (My build is largely a healer, but I'm dying before I can do much healing.)


I realize the basic tactic is to target Treeg as the weaker of the two, but they wipe me out in seconds anyway, don't get much of chance to throw much at Treeg.


I actually saw a post on this quest in the Flashpoints/Heroics forum, but it certainly isn't marked as a Heroic for me, just a normal level 37 quest. Frustrating to not be able to handle it at level 40. (Although the one advantage was that fighting my way in again, I accumulated more than a quarter of the xp to get to level 41. :)

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Yes, it is one of the trickiest fights. I am not sure how you will handle it as healer 'cause I was never healer spec with any of my chars when I was doing it BUT one thing I know for sure and that might be the key to your problem. You MUST interupt at any cost Magras AOE spell. If you can't interupt it move away and go to nearest pillar till spell pass. Don't forget to bring companion out of AOE too. That spell literally melts hp in seconds. Other than that its regular fight. So, try to ignore Treeq and focus dps and most important interupts / cc's on Magras. You can't prevent all spells so its safer to let single target lightning hit you but that AOE must be stoped or runed from.


Good luck!


P.S. Maybe Treeq has some nasty ability too in conjuction with Magras lightning but seemed to me it is only Magras that was dealing heavy damage with that AOE.

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It starts the sequence out of stealth, so I used Disappearing act. I tranq'd one of them (1 minute is forever) burn the other down surprisingly fast with risha. Then healed up and burned down the second one.


There's something about them working in tandem, if you can cc one out of the fight it's no contest.



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Strange. I did not have a single issue with those at all. Had gone with Corso 1-50, geared up both of us up-to-level. Most likely I went combat stealth asap after chat, CCed 1 and killed another. As they are not even elites -just strongs. There are some situations in-game when stealthing after talks do not work, but I guess it wasn't one of them, I'd remember if there were any tricks or problems... I guess...And any way - if you die you can res,stealth, CC and be happy. why would you like to take both at once? Also harpoon may be handy to take active mob away from CCed one - so that both you and companion would have no risk to hit CC with your AOE and splashes.


Also as you are a healer I just can't get how you can die (unless companion falls first). You need tanking companion, you need keeping him alive and you are not supposed to have any dmg at all. Corso holds threat perfectly well. If combat stealth after chat (for whatever reason) fails you still have an option to mini-cc one (flash+kicks), while healing companion and adding some dmg if possible.

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It starts the sequence out of stealth, so I used Disappearing act. I tranq'd one of them (1 minute is forever) burn the other down surprisingly fast with risha. Then healed up and burned down the second one.


There's something about them working in tandem, if you can cc one out of the fight it's no contest.




Yeah peeps don't get how good the CC is in this game for turning hard fights to easy mode. I always CC the strongest kill the trash and focus the other down low risk even have time to heal just turn ur companions AOE off for the fight.

Edited by LordbishopX
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Ah, so if you tranq someone, you can fight someone else and the tranq doesn't wear off?


Not sure what CC means.


Be that as it may, finished the quest, by doing the fight backwards (having spotted the suggestion somewhere else). Instead of starting on the weaker party, which always led to Lord Magras running up and killing me in an instant, I targeted Magras. Also placed myself so that I was more than 30 m from Treeg, not sure if that helped or not.


Anyway, I had to switch to healing almost right away, but before I knew it Risha had killed Magras, and I could stop healing along enough to hit Treeg.

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Ah, so if you tranq someone, you can fight someone else and the tranq doesn't wear off?


Not sure what CC means.


Be that as it may, finished the quest, by doing the fight backwards (having spotted the suggestion somewhere else). Instead of starting on the weaker party, which always led to Lord Magras running up and killing me in an instant, I targeted Magras. Also placed myself so that I was more than 30 m from Treeg, not sure if that helped or not.


Anyway, I had to switch to healing almost right away, but before I knew it Risha had killed Magras, and I could stop healing along enough to hit Treeg.


CC=Crowd Control (Stun, mez, sleep, tranq, etc, anything that affects their ability to make actions or movement)


Tranquilizer only works if no one is in combat, you or the one you're tranq'ing. DA will put you out of combat and grant that right. The thing is they cannot take any damage or it will break your CC. This is why you cannot use AOE attacks in their range and just have to focus fire on the other mob. If you can't burn the second fast enough with just tranq, throw a flash at the mob your attacking if he's close to the tranq'd mob, this will cc both and you can keep attacking without changing targets (it will just break the one you're trying to burn down). Dirty kick will also buy your companion a few extra hits. Sorry if that's an over explanation and I'm happy you finished your quest :)

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Yeah peeps don't get how good the CC is in this game for turning hard fights to easy mode. I always CC the strongest kill the trash and focus the other down low risk even have time to heal just turn ur companions AOE off for the fight.


I find CC in this game to be totally worthless (its all sleep save a few stuns, basicly you put a baddie out but when you wake him up he is really grouchy). It does take more skill, but god damn is it annoying that in different instances you have to turn off all the AoE affects on some pets which happen to be the massive taunts and it leaves the pet with 2 attacks. Then others, you get the CC applied and some random AoE launches nearby a second later breaking it or somethings run faster then you can CC them...putting one NPC in melee range of some dude/pet with AoE thats trying to burn down 3 other NPC. Or you put the pet on passive, CC one, try to break LOS, and get yanked into the pack with the stupid harpoon attack putting you in melee range thereby completely ruining your plan of attack. And immoblize attacks...what a freaking joke at 5 seconds but BREAKABLE 2 seconds later. *sigh* I got soft on CoH/V control, but you could feel like a god just shutting everything down that couldn't really fight back.


Lets not forget that most CC are longe recharge, very short duration stuns. Really, you think 4 seconds is enough with 30-60 second recharge? Every class gets an interrupt ability that acts the same, shutting down the NPC on a 12 second recharge. Thats more reliable, but I hardly use the CC's at all because of the head aches they bring from massive amounts of micromanging (like you CC breaks by accident BUT it has that 60 second duration...since its limited to 1 and only 1 so would be awesome if it had faster recharge to reapply since you can't mez them ALL 1 at a time)

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I find CC in this game to be totally worthless (its all sleep save a few stuns, basicly you put a baddie out but when you wake him up he is really grouchy). It does take more skill, but gosh darn is it annoying that in different instances you have to turn off all the AoE affects on some pets which happen to be the massive taunts and it leaves the pet with 2 attacks.



And I find CCs are just next to perfect. If you use right companions and\or know how to manage things. Our class has up to 2 long ones, one of which works in combat (droid slice). Plus mini-CCs like kick-flash.


Turning aoe off is not even necessary - as long as you position unCCed ones right. In Corso's case its a harpoon. In others - you can always move out of ranged's sight and make him follow you, and melee one would come close to you anyway. Manual using of companion's skills also helps (though the only thing I have off autouse is harpoon and flare)


Real trouble comes when DA does not work (for whatever reason) - eg on Voss there's a chain, where you need to lure out two * heavy gunners , and DA fails there (tried about 10 times, I guess). Probably, one of the most difficult missions along the first elite fight in Coruscat's spaceport, even Voidy was not that hard to manage. :p


Ah, so if you tranq someone, you can fight someone else and the tranq doesn't wear off?

Unless you hit him - no, it will last for 60 secs. Same for droid slice, but those can be recast even while in combat. So, if you have a pack of, lets say, one * and two *s, of which at least one is droid, your tactics should be tranq *, slice 1 droid, pull back another, kill. Then reslice droid, kill * and deal with the last one. You dont have more then 1 mob at each moment of time.

Edited by NRieh
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I'm sorry... Magras and Treeq? Who are they? Don't recall those names.


Me neither, and I'm on Hoth, all story-up-to-date and just dinged 40 from space missions. Are they Smuggler story specific?


As a Sawbones. 2 strongs is well within my capacity, using Corso. It may take a while, but Keep those SRMPs rolling and EM and UM will see you have enough time to add the occasional Backblast and Vital Shot. My gear's not much to write home about, though.


Tactical advice already offered is solid. I find Corso's grapple very useful to drag the non-CC'ed mob(s) away from Tranq'ed/Sliced targets so you can have Corso use all his abilities. Alternatively (if you aren't using Corso, or your target can't be grappled) you can use a corner to get out of LoS of the active mobs. Your companion will have to start on Passive while you kick the encounter off.

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