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Illum Kills - ?


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I was wondering what is the basis of getting credit for a kill in Illum? For the most part if I charge in I get a kill but, if I AOE its not as friendly. Are single attacks the only thing that credit you for a kill? TY for any help! Edited by iacovoss
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There was some fighting at ilum and the moment I joined the raid we killed some imps, but they didn't count.


This made me think that if you died within a certain time and are killed again, you are worth 0 valour. Regardless of who killed you.


So you could 1on1 someone and win, you still might not get credit/valour because they already died earlier at some point within x minutes.

Edited by Ugugg
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There was some fighting at ilum and the moment I joined the raid we killed some imps, but they didn't count.


This made me think that if you died within a certain time and are killed again, you are worth 0 valour. Regardless of who killed you.


So you could 1on1 someone and win, you still might not get credit/valour because they already died earlier at some point within x minutes.


I know the 3min rule.....What is the requirement to get credit for a kill, under normal circumstances.

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I know the 3min rule.....What is the requirement to get credit for a kill, under normal circumstances.


Saturday night I was just sitting back eating dinner while on ilum and the counts rolled up without having to do a thing. As far as I'm aware you just have to be in a certain range

Edited by Maxil
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First off make sure your in the operations group or else your not going to get the kills that they get. Second make sure to buff, and keep buffing your operations group. Seems if I dont have my buffs on everyone I dont get kills, and if I do have my buff on everyone( i keep spamming it whenever I have a chance) then I always get kills even if im not the one killing them. So basically just make sure you have everyone buffed in your operations group.
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Saturday night I was just sitting back eating dinner while on ilum and the counts rolled up without having to do a thing. As far as I'm aware you just have to be in a certain range


I'm an infiltrate spec'd Shadow. I do the same. Weeklys in an hour or two TOPS. I just only wish people would catch on to what I'm doing so they can bring down the pain.

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First off make sure your in the operations group or else your not going to get the kills that they get. Second make sure to buff, and keep buffing your operations group. Seems if I dont have my buffs on everyone I dont get kills, and if I do have my buff on everyone( i keep spamming it whenever I have a chance) then I always get kills even if im not the one killing them. So basically just make sure you have everyone buffed in your operations group.


False, though it does not hurt.

Edited by Stradoo
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