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Group Space Battles


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When Han, Luke and the rest of them escaped from the death star they both jumped on turrets while chewie flew the falcon. I'm sure you all know this, so is there anyway we can have group space missions, a pilot who has the missiles/torpedoes possible a fixed gun and group members who have turrets with 360 fire. A few of the max level players have said that once you hit 50 the space missions are pointless..why? Well because there not getting any XP from them so they are not fun enough for the players to go back to them for the fun. I suggested this to a few players and they loved the idea.
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Allowing your ship to become an instance during space battles for you and your group to take charge of the battle your way :)


The rail-shooter design of the current space battles annoyed me a little but was still pretty fun considering.



Consider; Guild Flagships or Space PVP warzones.


Guild Flagship PvP!


Might be a little too EvE but hell, this is STAR WARS.

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Allowing your ship to become an instance during space battles for you and your group to take charge of the battle your way :)


The rail-shooter design of the current space battles annoyed me a little but was still pretty fun considering.



Consider; Guild Flagships or Space PVP warzones.


Guild Flagship PvP!


Might be a little too EvE but hell, this is STAR WARS.

All great ideas. They'd only be "too EVE" if they were 'click to target' and you had to rebuy your ship every time it got blowed up.


ISTR, one of the XvT games, you could fly turret-armed light freighters with multiple crew: pilot and gunners. If there weren't any gunners, the turrets were 'fixed forward' and you had a big snub fighter.

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A fairly simple flight system like used in Freelancer would do the trick, you just need a "box" area for the missions to take place.


The star wars films were as much about space combat as land yet so many games neglect one side or the other. SWG was pretty much ground based, this too, the dark forces and jedi knight games, Battlefront's. Even the lego games. Empire at war was the only evenly balanced between the 2 but i felt the space battles were more fun. For me lightsaber duels and space battles is Star Wars. Got plenty of Saber action but the Space is lacking.

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