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WOW really made me appreciate SWTOR


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For me its the other way around. I went back recently to start a new char having never done the cata content from 1-60. And Im having tons of fun. Blizz did a pretty amazing job retooling the content and I feel bad having missed out on it for so long. Tons of diversity in questing and u can get a group for ANY instance in less than 10 min. Its a lot of fun going trough the old classic dungeons now that there's no longer 1000s of trash mobs. Needless to say its far superior to the linear "go to this planet and do 100 fetch quests" of swtor.
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So SWTOR brought me to mmo's it was my first. After a month and a half I had two level 50's and was stumped with what to do next. I was frustrated at lack of content at the end of the game and lack of pvp at times. So I decided to try World of Warcraft as everyone bangs on about how good it is or was or whatever. I logged on for the first time and made a hunter warewolf and began my questing, and could not believe how dull it was up to level 10. There's no voice overs and its an absolute guess where to go for questing. I'm not ************ at it because it is a 7 year old game but the fact that people are comparing these two games is really surprising me, if people just overlook there addiction they had to the game and actually compared the two, SWTOR wins hands down. So Bioware you will be seeing a lot more of me on your game :cool:


Oh this is very sad that players will judge a game based on voice acting and the "in-game quest helper". WoW was my first proper MMO that wasnt browser based or asian F2P, and it durning the TBC times. It had NO quest helper built in-game but instead an addon which I refused to install (because of the big yellow arrow) which meant I had to read the quest log to get an accurate idea on where I am heading too. Still no idea? Alt-tab out, onto thottbot for the quest information. Fun times. Really fun times :-)

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Why becasue you like wandering aimlessly, skipping reading quests and chunky graphics?


No, because that stuff doesn't matter to me, while engaging, interesting content and gameplay does.


Here's a good example. Take the first instance in WoW. Deadmines was amazing, it was fun, the boss fights were unique, and most importantly, it tied into the rest of the game world in a unique fashion that really made it seem as if you were inhabiting a *real* place. For the people who never playing WoW, the human starting zone was called Stormwind. There was a chain of quests there about a group called the "Defias Brotherhood." From the very beginning, around level 6, you started getting quests to defeat them that led to other quests and others, and so forth. Eventually, you got a quest that told you to go the Deadmines instance to kill the leader of the Defias Brotherhood at level 18 or so. The whole thing kinda tied together your entire early levelling process and gave a larger sense of purpose and direction.


Now compare it to Black Talon. While BT is ok, it's kinda pointless. There's no real reason given for you to be there other than "oh yeah, some dude wants you to kidnap a guy." No quest chain to get in there. Zero hooks to Dromund Kaas; the planet that you get the instance from. In fact, other than the class quests, very few quests actually connect together or make sense.


That's what interests me, personally. Voice acting just doesn't matter to me. I read much, much faster than the voice actor talks so it's really more of an irritant than anything else to hear some guy in a studio somewhere wasting my time by telling me stuff I already read. It's one thing to watch a really cool cutscene, or an important class quest. But some random scrub who needs me to kill 5 womp rats? I don't need his life story, thanks.

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No, because that stuff doesn't matter to me, while engaging, interesting content and gameplay does.


Here's a good example. Take the first instance in WoW. Deadmines was amazing, it was fun, the boss fights were unique, and most importantly, it tied into the rest of the game world in a unique fashion that really made it seem as if you were inhabiting a *real* place. For the people who never playing WoW, the human starting zone was called Stormwind. There was a chain of quests there about a group called the "Defias Brotherhood." From the very beginning, around level 6, you started getting quests to defeat them that led to other quests and others, and so forth. Eventually, you got a quest that told you to go the Deadmines instance to kill the leader of the Defias Brotherhood at level 18 or so. The whole thing kinda tied together your entire early levelling process and gave a larger sense of purpose and direction.


Now compare it to Black Talon. While BT is ok, it's kinda pointless. There's no real reason given for you to be there other than "oh yeah, some dude wants you to kidnap a guy." No quest chain to get in there. Zero hooks to Dromund Kaas; the planet that you get the instance from. In fact, other than the class quests, very few quests actually connect together or make sense.


That's what interests me, personally. Voice acting just doesn't matter to me. I read much, much faster than the voice actor talks so it's really more of an irritant than anything else to hear some guy in a studio somewhere wasting my time by telling me stuff I already read. It's one thing to watch a really cool cutscene, or an important class quest. But some random scrub who needs me to kill 5 womp rats? I don't need his life story, thanks.


That is a good point I had not though of earlier. The dungeons in WoW were tied to the land and story while leveling. Almost every one as a matter of fact. None of the flashpoints have anything to do with the leveling planets, but the heroics do.


It did make deadmines and wailing carverns more interesting.

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No, because that stuff doesn't matter to me, while engaging, interesting content and gameplay does.


Here's a good example. Take the first instance in WoW. Deadmines was amazing, it was fun, the boss fights were unique, and most importantly, it tied into the rest of the game world in a unique fashion that really made it seem as if you were inhabiting a *real* place. For the people who never playing WoW, the human starting zone was called Stormwind. There was a chain of quests there about a group called the "Defias Brotherhood." From the very beginning, around level 6, you started getting quests to defeat them that led to other quests and others, and so forth. Eventually, you got a quest that told you to go the Deadmines instance to kill the leader of the Defias Brotherhood at level 18 or so. The whole thing kinda tied together your entire early levelling process and gave a larger sense of purpose and direction.


Now compare it to Black Talon. While BT is ok, it's kinda pointless. There's no real reason given for you to be there other than "oh yeah, some dude wants you to kidnap a guy." No quest chain to get in there. Zero hooks to Dromund Kaas; the planet that you get the instance from. In fact, other than the class quests, very few quests actually connect together or make sense.


That's what interests me, personally. Voice acting just doesn't matter to me. I read much, much faster than the voice actor talks so it's really more of an irritant than anything else to hear some guy in a studio somewhere wasting my time by telling me stuff I already read. It's one thing to watch a really cool cutscene, or an important class quest. But some random scrub who needs me to kill 5 womp rats? I don't need his life story, thanks.




The game sucks, folks. The arguments against it are both profound and coherent. Those in support of it as a rule fall into one of two categories: A) it is new, give it time! or B) IT'SSTARWARSSOIT'SSOGOODOMGAWDZ.


TOR feels like it is held together with spit and bailing wire. The engine is bad, the game world is dead, and the few remaining denizens cluster together in the fleet like it's some concrete bunker holding back the armageddon beyond.


I hate to say this, but I'm going back to WoW. I didn't think I'd ever do that, but the simple fact of that matter is that, even after 7 years, that's a better game than this is.

Edited by AJediKnight
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That is a good point I had not though of earlier. The dungeons in WoW were tied to the land and story while leveling. Almost every one as a matter of fact. None of the flashpoints have anything to do with the leveling planets, but the heroics do.


It did make deadmines and wailing carverns more interesting.


Lol if you payed attention the flashpoints do tie into the story take the essles(sp) for example, you need to board the ship so you can get to coruscant.. and if you were paying attention to the dialogue in the intro(quest giver) the leader usually tells you why you need to do this, it's more connected to the greater conflict in the galaxy. And I guess you havent done false emperor or battle for ilum. :)

Edited by Seravie
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That is a good point I had not though of earlier. The dungeons in WoW were tied to the land and story while leveling. Almost every one as a matter of fact. None of the flashpoints have anything to do with the leveling planets, but the heroics do.


It did make deadmines and wailing carverns more interesting.


And frequently they led up to the raids, too. Like you go through the searing gorge quests and learn about the dark iron dwarves, which leads you to BRD, where you find the ambassadors from the plane of fire, which lead you to Molten Core. Or Burning Steppes -> LBRS -> UBRS -> BWL.


On the other had I have no idea why we're going to Karraga's Palace.

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The game sucks, folks. The arguments against it are both profound and coherent. Those in support of it as a rule fall into one of two categories: A) it is new, give it time! or B) IT'SSTARWARSSOIT'SSOGOODOMGAWDZ.


TOR feels like it is held together with spit and bailing wire. The engine is bad, the game world is dead, and the few remaining denizens cluster together in the fleet like it's some concrete bunker holding back the armageddon beyond.


I hate to say this, but I'm going back to WoW. I didn't think I'd ever do that, but the simple fact of that matter is that, even after 7 years, that's a better game than this is.



You're on a roll tonight. Bravo good sir :rolleyes: ( leave the "i hate to say this", you have spewed nothing but moronic ideas and 12 yo logic in your last 10-20 posts , if 60$ are the reason you're staying on the forum of a game you obviously despise then i guess you have bigger problems)

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Lol if you payed attention the flashpoints do tie into the story take the essles(sp) for example, you need to board the ship so you can get to coruscant.. and if you were paying attention to the dialogue in the intro(quest giver) the leader usually tells you why you need to do this, it's more connected to the greater conflict in the galaxy. And I guess you havent done false emperor or battle for ilum. :)


That is one quest in one spot that had nothing to do with anything that happened on Tython or that happens on Corusant. So it ties to the greater galaxy somehow, but how?


Is the ambassador you saved somewhere in the game later? The Captain? The ship ever mentioned again?


WoW did it better. Story, Biowares specialitiy and WoW did it better. They just didn't force you to listen through the story if you didn't want to.

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I actually have more to do in this game at end game then WOW.... I currently sit around towns in WoW bored as hell because there's nothing to do, I've maxed every prof atleast once, Raids are easy as hell and Blizzard is hell bent on making them even easier with their % nerfs


People like you crack me up, I guarantee you that you haven't killed all heroics, and if you actually reply to this it will be with some bs excuse as to why you haven't tried them.


Also I disagree with the customer service. They do talk to you in SW:TOR. Problem is most people place tickets that the CSR can't help with. I don't need them wasting their time trying to cuddle me because I had a boo boo. If I report a bug I do NOT need them responding to me unless they want more detail surrounding it which I already do by e-mailing them with screenshots of the event to supplement my ticket.


You mean boo boo's like items despawning because master loot is bugged beyond belief? Yeah I appreciate the "Get lost we don't care about bugs screwing you" mail, wouldn't want them to bother talking to me about the issue or anything.

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Lol if you payed attention the flashpoints do tie into the story take the essles(sp) for example, you need to board the ship so you can get to coruscant.. and if you were paying attention to the dialogue in the intro(quest giver) the leader usually tells you why you need to do this, it's more connected to the greater conflict in the galaxy.


Yeah but it doesn't tie in to any other part of the story. When I think of trying to tell a story through a game I think of it having a beginning, a middle, and an end, told through a chain of quests. So you start small, investigating some problem in the area, which uncovers a bigger plot or threat, and you follow the trail completing other quests, learning more, until eventually you discover the Terrible Secret and you have to go into the enemy's lair to defeat the source of the problem.


And I guess you havent done false emperor or battle for ilum. :)


These are like the only FPs in SWTOR where the story starts outside the instance. Every other FP is a self-contained story unrelated to the rest of the planet storylines. A droid in fleet says "hey go board this shuttle" and you do, and then the story starts and ends in the FP.

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The game sucks, folks. The arguments against it are both profound and coherent. Those in support of it as a rule fall into one of two categories: A) it is new, give it time! or B) IT'SSTARWARSSOIT'SSOGOODOMGAWDZ.


And I don't see how a real Star Wars fan can be happy with their treatment of the material.


Lightsabers don't make people bleed.

Jedi don't get bonus points for finding an extra 40 people to slaughter.

The Force doesn't heal people.

Besides Force ghosts, you can't come back from the dead in Star Wars.


The game mechanics don't feel like Star Wars, and the dead world sure doesn't immerse you, either. Pretty sure in the movies Coruscant is teeming with people. In the game, it's a ghost town.


I hate to say this, but I'm going back to WoW. I didn't think I'd ever do that, but the simple fact of that matter is that, even after 7 years, that's a better game than this is.


Give LoTRO a shot, first. It kind of plays like WoW, but the combat is more complex, the graphics are better, and the world feels very alive. If you like Lord of the Rings and you like MMOs, Turbine did a really good job. And you can try it for free, since it's free to play until you start buying extra content and services.

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So SWTOR brought me to mmo's it was my first. After a month and a half I had two level 50's and was stumped with what to do next. I was frustrated at lack of content at the end of the game and lack of pvp at times. So I decided to try World of Warcraft as everyone bangs on about how good it is or was or whatever. I logged on for the first time and made a hunter warewolf and began my questing, and could not believe how dull it was up to level 10. There's no voice overs and its an absolute guess where to go for questing. I'm not ************ at it because it is a 7 year old game but the fact that people are comparing these two games is really surprising me, if people just overlook there addiction they had to the game and actually compared the two, SWTOR wins hands down. So Bioware you will be seeing a lot more of me on your game :cool:






lol i won't go back to it because I have absolutely beat that horse dead but even I know whos the king of the hill and why. Also, BW employee.

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Yeah but it doesn't tie in to any other part of the story. When I think of trying to tell a story through a game I think of it having a beginning, a middle, and an end, told through a chain of quests. So you start small, investigating some problem in the area, which uncovers a bigger plot or threat, and you follow the trail completing other quests, learning more, until eventually you discover the Terrible Secret and you have to go into the enemy's lair to defeat the source of the problem.




These are like the only FPs in SWTOR where the story starts outside the instance. Every other FP is a self-contained story unrelated to the rest of the planet storylines. A droid in fleet says "hey go board this shuttle" and you do, and then the story starts and ends in the FP.


So it's a story within a story, yet it ties into the lore, and galaxy's timeline...

1-10 coruscant treaty, war with the empire is far, 10-30 tension is mounting, it's in a cold war state. 30-40 war is inevitable haven't actually declared war. 40-50 war is declared and the whole galaxy is in conflict.

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You mean boo boo's like items despawning because master loot is bugged beyond belief? Yeah I appreciate the "Get lost we don't care about bugs screwing you" mail, wouldn't want them to bother talking to me about the issue or anything.

I mean like "I died in Alderaan War Zone and when I spawned in the safe area my character fell down and I couldn't move. This caused me to get kicked from the War Zone and had to re-queue." The CSR are not bug fixers, they have some info on what is going on but is more like a middle man between you and the coders. If the coders are aware of the problem and still working on it what do you want them to tell you other than it's being worked on.

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And I don't see how a real Star Wars fan can be happy with their treatment of the material.




Besides Force ghosts, you can't come back from the dead in Star Wars.




I'm sorry, but "you can't come back from the dead in Star Wars" makes it a horrible treatment of the source material by making it into a game that absolutely requires you to be able to "come back from the dead"? You complainers seriously SERIUOSLY need to find something better to do with your time. You've comlpetely jumped the shark. You'll stretch to find anything to complain about and that right there is proof in the pudding.

Edited by Blotter
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I mean like "I died in Alderaan War Zone and when I spawned in the safe area my character fell down and I couldn't move. This caused me to get kicked from the War Zone and had to re-queue." The CSR are not bug fixers, they have some info on what is going on but is more like a middle man between you and the coders. If the coders are aware of the problem and still working on it what do you want them to tell you other than it's being worked on.


I know CSRs aren't there to fix the code (I don't think anyone is anywhere to fix it, it's not exactly a minor bug and it's been around for 2.5 months), but they can fix the problem by reimbursing items, or at the very least explain why they are not reimbursing for an easily reproducible bug in the game.

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I know CSRs aren't there to fix the code (I don't think anyone is anywhere to fix it, it's not exactly a minor bug and it's been around for 2.5 months), but they can fix the problem by reimbursing items, or at the very least explain why they are not reimbursing for an easily reproducible bug in the game.

Last time someone I know requested item transfer from one person in the party to another they were informed that it is currently their policy not to. I do not know if it was spelled out in the msg to you.

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