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With 1.2 - Best Looking Armour Set?


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So, with 1.2 coming up whats the armour set your going to go for?


I'll be honest, i don't mind my Rakata set. It's ok.


However, I quite liked the Black Talon Operative Jacket (http://www.torhead.com/item/7Hne86n/black-talon-operatives-jacket)


I've also got a level 41 artifact jacket called the Jacket of Lethality (http://www.torhead.com/item/gg6ie1m/jacket-of-lethality) one of my companions still wears it luckily. It's really IA looking. Definately the best IA chest I think. But, what to do about the rest?

Edited by Lavindathar
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1) you can't get get the look of republic outfits. When you transfer those items to your imperial character the model automatically changes to an imperial equivalent to keep the sides looking separate.


2) you will only have 1 choice in orange gear. Which ever has augment slots. More than likely the only gear you will find with augment slots for quite some time is going to be low level gear. So unless you have a friend willing to find the recipe you like, then grind out 10+ of that item for a crit you maybe SOL.


Bioware is just being stubborn. Their mod system is great for moding gear but it sucks for appearance. If you want appearance you will need an appearance tab.

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I've been using my long matrix-style trench coat for more than 20 levels :D Never got bored with it as it just makes my agent looks so cool ><


I'm not a fan of helmets so I normally hide it. Don't care to get whatever helmets, caps, etc since I'll be hiding them anyway

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Ive been going with the hammer station uniform as that looks like a really good looking imerial officer. As for the white one i think there are some drops in the hoth to Voss range that are like that but i dont know about an orange version of it.
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