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They are NOT removing bags in 1.1.5


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Jesus christ. They are just giving BM players with full champion an extra way to get BM commendations.


As well as players who are in the situation of being 5-6 Champion commendations short of buying a piece of gear an alternate way of achieving said gear.


So that way players with ****** RNG can still get BM Commendations.

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I keep seeing people reference this change. Can someone please post a link to where there's an official statement about what the change will be, or just copy and paste it to this thread. I just want to see what the change actually is please.



Edited by myrrhbear
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I was just about to ask this... from what I read they added more ways to get bags


but for some reason everyone who isnt on the pts thinks that means they took out every other current way to get them.


Am I right in assuming the current system is intact and they just let bm's purchase commedations for once?

Edited by Surgin
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