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Willpower is your primary stat, strength would be a waste since it would only effect melee, whereas willpower effects all your offensive stats


For reference, hover over each attribute and see what they effect, that will show you which one is the primary that you need to focus on

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Willpower + Endurance are your primary stats. Please read the handbook before posting. Simple questions like these are explained in detail.


In fact every class in this game has a PRIMARY STAT that matters more than other secondary damage stats. Shadows have willpower, guys like Guardians and Sentinels will use strength.

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what anoys me is no were exept on a youtub is a 31-0-10 showed and i dont agree with that setup, i agree with 31-0-10 but not were the points are put :)




Read the sticky. At the top of these shadow forums. It is called the Jedi SHadow's Handbook. It provides many, many examples of builds with links to outside sites where you can see exactly where every single talent point is allocated. Among the builds it links are the standard tanking 31/0/10 build.


No need for YouTube at all.

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