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Suggestion -- Toggle for center-screen error text


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I love the game. There's a ton of polish left to be done to the systems and a ton of bugs to work out but all told I'm really happy. My one major gripe is this:


I'm a spammer. I hit my abilities a lot. This leads to a gigantic block of red text in the middle of my screen saying things like:


"Target is lucid."

"Ability is not ready yet."

"Target is out of range."

"Requires Tactical Advantage."

"Must be behind the target to use this ability."


...Among others. I have a hard time seeing the action in the middle of my screen due to the spam I get. Now, I'm not asking for a miracle here--I just want a UI toggle to turn off the error text in the middle of my screen. This would vastly increase my enjoyment of the game. I look forward to conversation on this topic but if we could please not go back and forth with things like:


"Don't press your keys so fast."

"Get used to it."


"Dude stop complaining it's fine there are worse problems."

"I used to complain about error text... Then I took an arrow to the knee."


...As they are not helpful. Thanks in advance!


Mosg/Mosq on Rakata Mind Prison

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swtor 'looks' great. love it... but when your in pvp, or a op or flash and pounding away to get the next shot off it completely covers your work.


and by pound i mean, i tigger ambush, then wait 500ms to start pushing follow through and then snipe. when this is done you get the red text. now before the hate rolls in.. follow through and take down


DO NOT QUEUE in the .25-1 second ability queue so in PVP or a op to get the MOST EFFICIENCY .. you must start tapping away.


solution >

please make the *system messages* a panel that is movable.


giant red text COVERING your character pretty much makes the game really ugly ... even when it is two or three lines or when you are in pvp and it is 10 lines.


This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!



it visually ruins the game.. covers the opponent your fighting. and looks awe-full. if we could move it and or re-size it we can solve that issue if it "can't go away". And or like in wow, disable the text all-together for "ability spamming" in pvp when your less concerned about "timing your rotation" and getting off your spell asap... but leave the system messages for when your using a quest item in "not the right spot". (it looks like the code is tied together for ability spam and quest item use.).


it would be a shame to not be able to see all the work you have done because it is all behind this :


This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

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