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To all the Arsenal Mercs


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1. Some of us raid, Arsenal is measurably better in all PVE content


2. Some of us do not feel we should need to respec constantly to be useful in PVP


Now, when or if they put in dual spec than maybe this wont be an issue. As it is, I tend to go healer in PVP and Arsenal for PVE, I've tried Pyro but I find myself more useful in PVP when I heal and far more damage over time in Arsenal for PVE


In any case, a powertech pyro > merc pyro. If you want to be pyro you should have been powertech.

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They are 2 very different specs. Arsenal is all about blunt force on mainly single target, while pyro is more about Dots on multiple targets. We all have really good dmg WZ when the cards are just right. I am mostly heals, but when i do want to do a little dmg i switch to arsenal spec. Its all about preference, but so far when in arsenal spec i normally top the charts.
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I do just fine in WZ as an arsenal. It is all about positioning. On voidstar this is all but impossible at the first set of doors, but other than that you have great ability to use terrain to your extreme advantage, no different from pyro LoS + slow. It just takes a little more planning.
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I loved being a Pyro-Merc but I recently switched to Arsenal to help my guild in Operations. I feel that I was doing compareable damage as a Pyro, but the armor debuff from Arsenal is just too good not to use in operations since it helps out everyone.


But, I vastly preferred to PvP as a Pyro. I have almost no desire to PvP as Arsenal, not because it is not a good spec, but because I got used to playing my previous spec in PvP and now it just does not feel right to me.

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1. Some of us raid, Arsenal is measurably better in all PVE content


2. Some of us do not feel we should need to respec constantly to be useful in PVP


Now, when or if they put in dual spec than maybe this wont be an issue. As it is, I tend to go healer in PVP and Arsenal for PVE, I've tried Pyro but I find myself more useful in PVP when I heal and far more damage over time in Arsenal for PVE


In any case, a powertech pyro > merc pyro. If you want to be pyro you should have been powertech.




Geez lightin up. He just suggested you TRY it. You might even like it and re-specing is cheap. Cost me a grand total of 1300 credits last two times I re-speced. The fact that PT pyro is better now is irrelevant. The OP never suggested he was proposing the best build, he's just showing damage. Bioware will be balancing different specs at any rate.

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1. Some of us raid, Arsenal is measurably better in all PVE content


2. Some of us do not feel we should need to respec constantly to be useful in PVP


Now, when or if they put in dual spec than maybe this wont be an issue. As it is, I tend to go healer in PVP and Arsenal for PVE, I've tried Pyro but I find myself more useful in PVP when I heal and far more damage over time in Arsenal for PVE


In any case, a powertech pyro > merc pyro. If you want to be pyro you should have been powertech.


I think most of us agree that Arsenal is better for raiding, but I was mainly talking about PvP. Also I disagree about Powertech being better than Mercenary for the Pyrotech tree. Having to always be within 10 yards of your target makes you just another melee without lightsabers.



put in 500k, get out 8 medals?


is that for real?


Oh powertech, I'm never quitting you. Guard lights up my life.


Good thing they are changing medals in the patch.



I can post you screens with more damage as arsenal. I dont see your point.


This is in Huttball not Voidstar.


I do less damage but have like 40+ kills... Not sure if I would trade. DoTs look nice... but the bodies hitting the floor looks better lol.


That game had some really good healers on the enemy team, making it hard to score lots of kills.


Thanks for the responses everyone.

Edited by Defang
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I think most of us agree that Arsenal is better for raiding, but I was mainly talking about PvP. Also I disagree about Powertech being better than Mercenary for the Pyrotech tree. Having to always be within 10 yards of your target makes you just another melee without lightsabers.



they have ion cell(increases armor/decreases damage), there abilties that proc rail shot/high impact bolt can't be interrupted. i play assault vanguard mirror to pyro powertech and i destroy pyro mercs/assault commandos.


This is in Huttball not Voidstar.

not like arsenal can't get those numbers in huttball -_-

point is moot



Thanks for the responses everyone.


kk check my responses

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My arsenal merc does just fine in pvp. Pyros usually finish with a bit more damage than me but I have more kills. Also several points in heal spec and throw lots of 2-4k heals.


Mercs suffer from gear dependency but watch out once you have it. Also can't fux with the burst damage. I replaced as much accuracy as I can with alacrity and crit and greatly increased my burst dps and makes it a lot harder for peeps to interrupt when I shave .3 seconds off tracer casts that have approximately a 45% crit rate after skill and set bonuses. Heat generates faster but everything goes boom and dies.


Every class has strengths and weaknesses, just have to know how to effectively apply those to whatever situation you may find yourself in.

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At this point it should be well-known by any experienced merc that Pyro outperforms arsenal in pvp in every conceivable way. What isn't known, on the other hand, is that pyro mercs should not use combustible gas cylinder.


Merc pyro will never have the burst dps to take out a good pvp healer 1v1.

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My Ars Merc just started PVPing when I hit 50 a couple weeks ago and am finally in Cent Gear (Champ Weapons). I do ok in PVP as a hybrid build (9/32/0) but I tend to die a lot due to lack of interrupts and snare/stun breaks. I'm a lock to get the following medals when in a WZ:


- 2.5k heal

- 2.5k damage in one hit

- killing blow

- 10 kills

- 75k dmg


Those are pretty much guaranteed, but then you throw in defender, 25 kills, etc. and I can do ok. I have been regularly out-damaged by Merc Pyro's so I was interested in trying out the build. Can you post a link to your current build?

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Merc pyro will never have the burst dps to take out a good pvp healer 1v1.


My TD crits people in full bm gear for 5k, followed up by two railshots that (have a 50% chance to) crit for 3.5-4.5k each. Yeah, no burst there.


I am not pyro but this make no sense to me. Explain?


High velocity gas cylinder will give you more dmg. It increased my top dmg by 100k once I made the transition from CGC to HVGC (my average dmg went up about 15%). It increases your rapid shot, unload, railshot and power shot dmg.

Edited by Nonnolol
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High velocity gas cylinder will give you more dmg. It increased my top dmg by 100k once I made the transition from CGC to HVGC (my average dmg went up about 15%). It increases your rapid shot, unload, railshot and power shot dmg.


I haven't heard of anything like this but I think I'll test it out tonight and see how it goes. If only we could instantly swap cylinders in combat.

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Merc pyro will never have the burst dps to take out a good pvp healer 1v1.


Well neither will Arsenal merc for that matter if it's a good PvP healer, unless of course it's a Merc healer with no interrupt.

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