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Question on swapping sides


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The classes seemed like the best place to put this.


I currently have a 50 sage, fully geared in Columni gear. However, after playing on the Empire for a bit (and knowing people irl who play on that side), I'm considering defecting.


At the moment, I'm levelling an operative to be a 'new' healer on the Empire, but after playing a few levels of the SI I'm finding the story rather interesting, the gameplay familiar and animations/moves enjoyable (I'd take lightening over a pebble storm any day...)


I have encountered a few problems though, problems I hope the community can help me with.


1. Has anyone been in the same situation? (Switching from one side to the other) If so, what were some of the problems they encountered/how to get over them?


2. Healing as an operative scares me. Relying on a tactical advantage makes me feel nervous; I like to know that I have the ability to drop a heal when I want. Is there any advice for other operative healers? How easy it is it comparison to the SI/Sage?


3. I'm considering re-rolling as a Sorc; anyone rolled as a mirrored class? Did they find it boring at all?


Thanks in advance!

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yes, I'm a switcher.


Started off with Shadow consular on repub side. rolled a sage to try it out, got them both into their early 30's (late 30's for SC). tried knight out...like the knight mechanics but wasn't a fan of the animations. decided to try out a sith version (juggernaut), and decided to stick with that. already had a 32 BH on another sever, so i knew I liked the storylines on empire side, so went with it.


honestly, I didn't find the transition boring. the animations, for one, make it interesting enough that the class feels different. secondly, the stories are vastly different, with different plotlines, dialogue, and far more surprises and interesting pitfalls the i experienced on repub side. I enjoy the stories far more on the empire side. especially since i prefer light oriented characters...trying to work around the twisted scheming of the sith and keep yourself a decent person is an interesting challenge :D


plus, your dealing with different gear looks too. the same robe or legs that look horrid on repub side can look cool on the empire side (they have different skins for the same gear on either side). plus different race combos really make an impact, especially with the cutscenes. and even the cutscenes have interesting stuff n them.

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1. Has anyone been in the same situation? (Switching from one side to the other) If so, what were some of the problems they encountered/how to get over them?


What problems? Either you are basically playing the same class or you aren't, and that can apply while staying on the same side as well ;) Besides, different stories.


2. Healing as an operative scares me. Relying on a tactical advantage makes me feel nervous; I like to know that I have the ability to drop a heal when I want. Is there any advice for other operative healers? How easy it is it comparison to the SI/Sage?


Harder. A sage is better both as a proactive healer and reactive, pesky bubble is just that good. But the Op gets the job done, for most things, just fine and, it being an MMO, class balance changes will happen. There's at least one coming for Op healing, that should hopefully make the group heal more useful.


And on the plus side, there's a lot of enjoyment to be had in stabbing people. Stealth is useful. And the Op storyline is great, especially if you go with a character that is more than all lightside or all darkside. Found being an operative even made doing the non-storyline missions on planets better, as it fit the class to advance the Imperial cause, while the Sith are usually more out for their own agenda and the BH for rewards.


3. I'm considering re-rolling as a Sorc; anyone rolled as a mirrored class? Did they find it boring at all?


If you like the class, don't see the problem. Plus new story. The only issue I can see with it is that you might feel the need to get to the same level your previous one was, so that you have all the same abilities. And that might encourage you to rush to max level, rather than stopping to smell the flowers and enjoy the scenery along the way

Edited by Battilea
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