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Class imbalance will make me unsub after this month


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impossible. I play an assassin we have 1 opener stun which is 2 seconds i believe and we have to be in stealth, then we have 1 4 second stun.


then your other stun that you have to be in Stealth for and your version of Lift.


So you have 4 stuns. all of which are usefull :)

Edited by Oscibi
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Learn to play good sir, learn to play.


The only possible imbalances in this game are Merc/commando healer durability and sorc hybrid spec shenanigans neither of which is really that bad and both can be dealt with with a good team.


... can't count the times I've seen healing Mercs/Commando's tanking 3-4 people and live long enough for their team to come and save them. Sigh.

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I officially had it today witht he class imbalance.


Specifically Assasins and Operatives.


It's a joke


Ah that's fine because I'm going to unsub if Scoundrels/Op's don't get a massive buff. I have half BM half champ gear btw. Yes I already have other level 50's but I don't want to go through the lameness of regearing another char.


Your right it is a joke... because Scoundrels/Operatives are by far the least desirable class to play in any BM premade vs BM premade. Yes I own anyone 1v1 but this is not a 1v1 game.

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Balance in this game is possibly the best I have seen.


SI are massively imbalanced in their ability help teams score in Huttball (knockback, pull, and forcespeed), and healing classes (not just healing spec'd players) have a major quality of life advantage of not having to sit for forever to drop combat just so they can heal themselves, but that is really the only glaringly significant issues I see in pvp balance.


There are other issues with pvp, but not detrimental ones.


Sorcs need their healing nerfed a bit if not spec'd to heal.

Gearing is a complete joke, but doesn't really pertain to imbalance.

Healers get the medal shaft.

Force Speed is too good in Huttball (while carryign the ball, you should not benefit from the full effect of Force Speed).

Edited by Humankeg
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Balance in this game is possibly the best I have seen.


SI are massively imbalanced in their ability help teams score in Huttball (knockback, pull, and forcespeed), and healing classes (not just healing spec'd players) have a major quality of life advantage of not having to sit for forever to drop combat just so they can heal themselves, but that is really the only glaringly significant issues I see in pvp balance.


There are other issues with pvp, but not detrimental ones.


Sorcs need their healing nerfed a bit if not spec'd to heal.

Gearing is a complete joke, but doesn't really pertain to imbalance.

Healers get the medal shaft.

Force Speed is too good in Huttball (while carryign the ball, you should not benefit from the full effect of Force Speed).




except for force speed, passing > running


oh and gearing gives people long term motivation to pvp, if after levelling to 50 everyone had the same gear most would quit because there would be nothing left to strive for.

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Still marauders seem if not OP but close to it. They are not even OP in damage or something but tools which some use too good :) I can accept operatives, assasins and even sorcs (not only hybrids) but


- 15% damage and healing increasment (not crit or strenght but ALL **** damage and healing!) I imagine what happens when he/she uses adrenals, relics and wz buff...

- 5 sec invincibility (hello pally) (no damage reduction or inc healing reduction while it's on, just go and kill 40% hp enemies having only 3%)

- 4 sec invisibility deleting all doting stuff on you with 30% speed buff (hello rougy)

- self heal (minimum 50k for a match, some do about 80-110k) ***, who are you damn it О_О ???

- aoe blind (accuracy reduction 90%) 6 sec.

- constant inc damage reduction 20%, well it is ok due to medium armor but still it's too much without a timer for it. Some say "in cases he's beaten" yeah, sometimes i wait for 6 secs untill it goes down. Try to guess what a marauder is doing this time.

- saber ward (increasing melee and ranged defenses by 50% and reducing the damage taken from Force and tech attacks by 25%. Lasts 12 seconds) you're just kidding me BW.



Won't talk about different spell interrupting abilities, leaps, chokes etc. I didn't play much with the class (15 lvl) so, i'm sure i didn't mention something.


What do we have for vanguard assault (pvp build) for example? I mean different useful tricks etc.

- Harpoon (actually leap vice versa)

- Reactive shield (25% damage reduction 12 secs) - good thing definitely but it's the same with Saber ward.

- Adrenaline rush (restores 15% during 10 secs = 2475 hp for 16500 max health) holy..... 2475! each 3 min cd, really?! Incredible! It must be 40sec cd not 3min!

- stealth scan ( it's good in right hands no doubts) but can't be compared with invicibility or smth.

- Reserve powercell (free ammo ability use) - is it a joke? Commando has expensive plasma grenade for it at least. What should VG do with it having most abilities 1-2 ammo cost? It's just trash for Vangs.

- Neural Surge (aoe stun for 2.5/3 sec) THANK GOODNESS something useful at last!

- Battle Focus (25% crit for 15 sec) This is a really good skill, can't argue!


Who's gonna win? A guy dotting me to death with 1k damage each tick plus his own saber srikes with damage and healing increasment, invincibility, invisibility, chokes and other **** or a same (more often less) damaging class who has no skills like this except cryonade and harpoon with a shield on 12 secs? Designers definitely started with light saber classes and the rest were added for nice SW decorations. Thx anyway. When i finish gearing my Vanguard i'll keep playing sentinel.


The most interesting thing is that even sentinels in my guild confirm that they are too strong and win 95% one-on-one fights. The other nice thing is that BW won't nerf them coz more and more clients find themselves playing sent/wars classes and enjoy it so much. Why would they stop it?


Keep feeding hamsters for they don't start crying and leave the cage.

Edited by dejavy
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lets see


1 minute stun 45 second cooldown in grav round spam build last 8 seconds in pvp 4 second stun 1 minute cooldown 1.5 minute cc breaker tech/physical debuff cleanse on a 6 second cooldown in any spec one aoe knockback on a 30 second base cooldown with talents/pvp set is down to 15


1 minute stun on a 1 minute cooldown if speced is instant cast and can cc 3 players or 1 strong/elite/champion mob and 2 standard/weak mobs at once. 4 second stun 1 interupt 12 second cooldown force bubble force sprint. 1 aoe knockback on a 15 second cooldown


1 minute stun on a 0 second cooldown but must be in stealth last 8 seconds in pvp which is time to cap a door 1 4 second stun 1 interupt ability to stealth and vanish and slice droid which doesnt help in pvp 1 aoe cc that effects 5 players for 6 seconds


1 minute stun 0 second cooldown but must be in stealth 1 4 second stun 1 snare 1 interupt on a 12 second cooldown vanish and stealth


basically every class has a pvp stun/slow/snare while some classes have a long term stun some of which can be reapplied easily most dont. however they all have stuns and the long term stuns are usually situational and last a greatly reduced duration in pvp. No one gets stunned by one ability for 1 minute unless they are being exploited and then they dont need to post here either post on the bugs forums or open a ticket

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The OP is so bad (like seriously soooo bad) he doesn't know what cc-breakers are, or defensive cooldowns...or for that matter a healing potion. From a self professed 'good' pvper lmao.


But he has mastered the forum troll QQ whine from the threads he is starting!


Nothing to see here another baddie in action...move along!

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then your other stun that you have to be in Stealth for and your version of Lift.


So you have 4 stuns. all of which are usefull :)


we have 4 stuns indeed but different specs don't use them all. I'm lvl50 shadow so will tell what a tanki assassin (mirror) can do. The opening cc is 60s duration, breaks on damage and can only be used out of combat in stealth. then we have 1m CD 4s stun, and force lift which is only used by balance(madness) specs. The fun begins with spining kick (don't know the mirror name). it's not a stun, but a knockback, so it doesn't fill resolve bar at all. normally it can be only used in stealth , but tanking spec allows to use it in combat freely. Plus pvp survivor set lowers cd from 30s to 20s. so it's easy to cast 1 60s opening stun (breaks on damage), 2 4s stuns and 5-6 2s knockdowns in 2 min. Is it an OP?

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I officially had it today witht he class imbalance.


Specifically Assasins and Operatives.


It's a joke


You are correct the class balance here is pittiful and inexcusable, Bioware. Just because all the Devs picked Sith as their favorite and decided to give them all the skills and benefits does not make it right. If you people don't think this is true, then your lack of knowledge is disturbing. Do not flame this person! Most that have are Sith, notice that? I would not complain either and say everything is fine with the game balance too in that case. Bioware, EA and LucasArts stand to have a complete failure if this is not addressed soon, and may even have a combined class action lawsuit over it, so think you know? You don't so stop this senseless flaming and pay attention to the mathematical algorithm facts.

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The best balanced mmo to date... But not because they did a good job with design, but because there is little variety between the classes, the lack of intuitive class design and very meh cooldowns and talents keeps all these underwhelming classes on par with one another...


Once everyone is on equal ground gear wise of course... If anything some classes like sorcs and arsenal mercs are mind numbing easy to play...but doesn't make em OP.


The only class / spec that might need a tweaking is the hybrid sorc/sage heal/dps spec... It is a little too much with the healing ability, DMg is meh but they can outlast anyone but a annhil/watchmen...


But overall balanced, but not necessarily a good thing as far as classes are rather meh and boring... IMO

Edited by Irishbrewed
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I will grant that I don't know what I'm doing, but my inquisitor is a much better killer/warrior than either my juggernaut or marauder. I would like to hear the explanation for this. My juggernaut is anything but impervious in heavy tricked out armor and my marauder has to fight like hell to kill mobs 2 levels lower , all with companion help I might add. on the other hand as an inquisitor I send the inquisitor companion on crew skill missions while I kill everything in 1-3 hits and take very little damage against elite enemies. I have died like 3 times as the "wimpy" inquisitor only because I got bored and tried to see if I could take the whole dungeon at once. Is anybody else seeing this? Are they going to make sith warriors more warrior or should I just stick with inquisitor to be a real warrior?
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well i dont know what kind of craziness sith players have, but as a trooper i have 1 1minute stun, 1 4 second stun, and 1 stun break. the 1 minute stun and the stun break have cool downs of 2 minutes each. the 4 second stun is 60 seconds CD. i ran into a sith guy 1 on 1. he stunned me and i broke it. then he stunned me again and i just took the damage. then he stunned me again. and again. he used 4 stuns in less than 2 minutes. you guys need to either have less duration per each stun, or longer cool downs cause its not too exciting to watch yourself get stunned over and over again.


FAIL...learn how to CC break at white bar and you problem goes away

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Did I just see someone say Maras are OP? Now I gotta clean the beer off my monitor cause i spewed it out my nose from laughing. Have played all 4 core classes and 6 AC's total, Mara is the only one that I felt like a total gimp untill lvl 50. There is some balance for you.


Who cares if something is perceived as gimp until level 50. (even though its far from true)


End game Maras are absolute beasts.


On a side note, I rerolled a merc and now feel quite OP compared to my main. I have actual survivability when running heal spec, and do real damage when going dps.

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Sorcs need their healing nerfed a bit if not spec'd to heal.

Gearing is a complete joke, but doesn't really pertain to imbalance.

Healers get the medal shaft.

Force Speed is too good in Huttball (while carryign the ball, you should not benefit from the full effect of Force Speed).


Non heal specs cant heal worth a crap to begin with. If you are worried about a non heal spec self healing for less than 3k every 3 seconds with an easy to interrupts/pushback spell (since they arent specced to reduce pushback) ....then you've got bigger problems.


If it is the shield you think is OP ....it takes one decent hit for me to pop a shield with a my merc. Then they can't put it up again for 20 seconds on themselves. In the rare isntance they are in the 10 second window to instantly reapply a bubble. BFD ...one more attack will pop it.

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Sorcs obviously need some tweaks, the hybrid build. Mercs could use a more complicated rotation, or something.


Mercs really aren't that OP in the 50 bracket. I'm not sure if Tracer Missile just doesn't scale well or what. Get crit for 2k in the 10-49 bracket, which is 1/6 your HP, and then hit 50 and get crit for 2500 instead when you've got 16500 hp.


Mara can do a TON of damage, but they're pretty easy to kite, and can actually be burned down pretty quickly. Undying Rage has a 2 or 3 minute cooldown, so it can't be used every fight. Also, if you time it right and CC them at 40% they'll just die. Marauders are pretty squishy.


lol at Assassins.


Non heal specs cant heal worth a crap to begin with. If you are worried about a non heal spec self healing for less than 3k every 3 seconds with an easy to interrupts/pushback spell (since they arent specced to reduce pushback) ....then you've got bigger problems.


If it is the shield you think is OP ....it takes one decent hit for me to pop a shield with a my merc. Then they can't put it up again for 20 seconds on themselves. In the rare isntance they are in the 10 second window to instantly reapply a bubble. BFD ...one more attack will pop it.


Sorc has infinite Force almost, and can LoS to heal. Wish all my melee characters had some way of healing instead of being "You're still in combat, you're still in combat."

Edited by savionen
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