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Why the Darkside Vastly more powerful than The Light


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The best example of the Darkside being stronger can be seen in this game,


Shatela shan the Grand Master of the Jedi Order and perhaps the strongest jedi in THIS era nearly got killed by Darth Malgus in the trailer Returned. She only survived by a saber throw from her MAster and even then Darth Malgus slaughters her MAster and His own by himself



ROund two: the trailer HOPE


Darth Malgus is blown to hell from a persistant trooper, despite this he severs statela shans saber and nearly kills her. Hes then blown up again and finally defeated but survives.



Now Darth Malgus was a powerful Sithlord for sure but pales in comparison to Darth Viatate the Emperor Who crushed and absored a planet of Sithlords and achieved Immortality.



IF Darth Malgus has proven to be more powerful than the Greatets Jedi in this era, What comparion can there be when Malgus is nothing to the Most powerful SITH, the Emperor?


Thus the Darkside is STONGER.



The Darkside IS STRONGER, the only disagreements are from fan boys or players who are mad they choose a jedi.


Darth Sion was immortal he could not die in battle, the only way he was defeated was to be convinced to let go of his pain.


NO JEDI EVER had such a power.


Darth Nihiliuos DEVOURED ENTIRE frackin planets, he devoured thousands of jedi without even needing to draw his lightsaber. he was only defeated for his "connection" or love for his apprentice, in other words his last straw of humanity. He was the Dark Side made manifest.


NO JEDI EVER came close to such a power



Darth Revan a Jedi Master turned to the Dark Side and became MORE POWERFUL, had he remained a Jedi he would be too weak and indeed the republic would have remained too weak too resist the madalorians or the True Sith Empire.


Lastly look at all the fights in the movies,


Darth Maul is taken down by TWO jedis, and he kills one


Darth Sidious kills three Jedi Masters and draws with Mace although it can be argued he lost its very obvious it was a ruse to turn Anakin to the Dark Side.


Count Dooku defeats anakin and obi wan and holds his own againt yoda,

It then takes a much more experence obi wan and anakin to beat him and ONLY after anakin used his anger (darkside) to overwhelm him.


Quoting Yoda that its more seductive but equal is not accurate as he was a champion of the Light, Had he admited it was stronger Luke would probally just joined his Father and Ruled the Galaxy as Father and Son.


Jedi have temptation to go towards the Darkside because ite more powerful, Do Sith Lords have any such temptation to learn from the Light? No because they are more powerful and do not require inferior and weaker arts.


I found, there is no point arguing with these ppl... give them instances where the darkside kicks the light side's butt, they'll pull out their flannel trump card "Lucas said this" and declare yatzee. I for one agree the Darkside has always gotten the upperhand in every situation, even Maul being cut in half, shed First Blood, and only when Obi Wan got angry and called upon the Dark Side did he actually stand toe to toe with Maul. Same with Dooku vs Anakin, Sidious vs Yoda, Luke vs Vader.... Either the darkside wins or the Jedi calls upon the Darkside to defeat their opponent... If were going by the movies Lucas created when he was sane, then yes, Sith are more powerful; But it seems that they're all going by "Red Tails" Senile George Lucas and his cohorts who constantly OP the Jedi and Sith with each edition to unbelievable levels.... so they can say Lucas said this or in EU writers said that about the Jedi, but we all know the truth.

Edited by Darth_Malevolent
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"Lucas said this" and declare yatzee.


Not once did I say :"well Lusas says.." because I find it lazy.


I for one agree the Darkside has always gotten the upperhand in every situation,
The sith on Ruusan Until Bane set the place on fire were losing. Darth Revan lost, Darth Malak lost, Lord Kaan lost, Darth Sion lost, Darth Nihilus lost, Darth Traya lost, Darth Krayt lost, Exar Kun lost, Naga Sadow lost, Darth Sidious lost, Dath Vader lost. If they have the upper hand in every situation why do the keep loseing? How many time has the republic been attacked by the sith? Lots how many times has it been taken over by the sith? Twice once from Darth Ruin and once from Darth Sidious.


even Maul being cut in half, shed First Blood, and only when Obi Wan got angry and called upon the Dark Side did he actually stand toe to toe with Maul.
No. Eventually, Maul pushed Obi-Wan into the reactor shaft. As Kenobi grasped hold of a input nozzle, Maul kicked the Jedi Padawan's lightsaber into the reactor pit. As Maul struck the edge of the pit repeatedly with his lightsaber, Kenobi managed to calm himself. Although Maul had disposed of his lightsaber, the Padawan remembered that Jinn's weapon still lay by his fallen master's side. Using the Force, Kenobi leaped out of the shaft and summoned the lightsaber to his hand. The Jedi Padawan landed after a mid-air turn, executing a blindingly fast horizontal slash that bisected Maul, and then Force-pushed the Sith Lord away. Flinching in shock and pain, Maul fell backwards into the shaft in silence, his two halves separating.(quoted :http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Maul) When Obi was angry he was pushed off the reactor shaft when he calmed himself is when he won the duel.


Same with Dooku vs Anakin, Sidious vs Yoda, Luke vs Vader....
And Dooku vs Yoda? Dooku was losing, Yoda wasn't useing the dark side. Vader vs Obi-Wan, Obi didn't call on the Dark side and won. Luke vs Palpatin, Luke won by having his redeemed father (who also was not useing the dark side) kill him.


Either the darkside wins or the Jedi calls upon the Darkside to defeat their opponent... If were going by the movies Lucas created when he was sane, then yes, Sith are more powerful;
Again no the Jedi don't call on the darkside to best thier opponants and the sith are not more powerful.


But it seems that they're all going by "Red Tails" Senile George Lucas and his cohorts who constantly OP the Jedi and Sith with each edition to unbelievable levels.... so they can say Lucas said this or in EU writers said that about the Jedi, but we all know the truth.
Yes we do. The sith are not more powerful. Edited by Diamonddug
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Diamonddug are you mad?


because you seem to ignore the entire points that are made showing the Dark Side being stronger and than just state all the above points are false because u say so.



I can do the same thing you did, Yoda lost, Mace lost, obi wan lost, satela lost, Qui gon jin lost etc etc.


The Point was made that 1 vs 1 the Sith Lords whoop the Jedi most if not all the time.


Dooku did not die from Yoda, in fact he wiped the floor with obi wan AND anakin AND held Yoda off, 1 vs 3 and walked away unharmed with two jedi beaten.


Thats pretty clear the Dark Side is stronger.



AND yes the Jedi DO Call upon the Dark Side to beat their oppornents, This is seen when Luke gets angry and beats Darth Vader.


Yes Luke got ANGRY ( Dark Side) to beat Darth Vader.

Yes He Really did.


As did Obi wan Againts Maul.


And whats even better is ONCE MORE, 1 Sith, an apprentice at that, slaughters A jedi MAster and nearly kills his padawan as well.


Thats 1 vs 2 with the 1 sith apprentice killing a jedi master almost killing apprentice but dying at the end.




And Luke was on his knees crying like a baby when the Emperor showed him the power of the Dark Side. He was crying, defenseless and would have died. He was saved which goes back to a Jedi needing help to kill a Sith Lord.



As for your coments:



Darth Revan lost, Darth Malak lost, Lord Kaan lost, Darth Sion lost, Darth Nihilus lost, Darth Traya lost, Darth Krayt lost, Exar Kun lost, Naga Sadow lost, Darth Sidious lost, Dath Vader lost. If they have the upper hand in every situation why do the keep loseing?






Completely avoiding the fact that


Darth Sion slaughtered hundreds of Jedi by HIMSELF


Darth Nihilius ATE PLANETS OF JEDI for breakfast




Darth Vader Slaughtered countless Jedi and drove them to 2 left that WERE HIDING IN FEAR.



So ya they lost eventually after killing 1282832943923001202302130021


Weak Jedis



So ya




The Dark Side is Stronger.




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Nope not mad. I like debating. :)


You said on a 1 vs 1 Jedi lose most if not all the time.


Obi-Wan in a 1vs1 duel beats Maul


Obi-Wan in a 1vs1 duel beats Vader


Yoda in a 1vs1 duel beats Dooku


Mace in a 1vs1 duel beats Palpitine


Meetra in a 1vs1 duel beats Sion


Meetra in a 1vs1 duel beats Artis


Meetra in a 1vs1 duel beats Kreia


Redeem Revan 1vs1 duel beats Malak


Luke in a 1v1 duel beats Vader


Yes some Jedi (Mace and Luke) use Darkside powers in their duels but the point was made all Jedi use darkside powers to win their duels. Again no they don't.


Darth Sion slaughtered hundreds of Jedi by HIMSELF and yet was defeated by 1 singular Jedi.


Darth Nihilius ATE PLANETS OF JEDI for breakfast and was beaten by not hundered or thousands of Jedi but a grand total of 2 Jedi.


Darth Sidious DESTROYED THE ENTIRE JEDI ORDER and was stopped by a grand total of 1Jedi.


Darth Vader Slaughtered countless Jedi and drove them to 2 left that WERE HIDING IN FEAR and was defeated by a grand total of 1 Jedi.


And Luke was on his knees crying like a baby when the Emperor showed him the power of the Dark Side. He was crying, defenseless and would have died. He was saved which goes back to a Jedi needing help to kill a Sith Lord.


Um did you forget Palpatin was on his back crying like a baby when Mace refelected the power of the Dark Side back at him. He was crying, defenseless and would have died. He was saved also wasn't he?

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It's been shown throughout the films and the EU novels/comics that the balance of the force is cyclical. It's why the sith empire and the republic have both risen and fallen many times throughout history. It does generally seem that dark side users are more powerful than their Jedi equivalents(Powerful Sith Lords frequently beat Jedi Masters in the canon), but this is likely due to the fact that the entire theme of the dark side is pretty much obtaining more power at any price, and the fact that the Sith philosophy itself demands that you be strong or die. Jedi don't have to deal with a lethal power ladder of murdering eachother, so there generally tends to be more of them if they aren't individually as powerful. Is the Dark Side inherently stronger? Not really. Sith are made stronger by the pressures of the societal structure. Jedi don't have to constantly been on guard from their peers, and do restrict themselves from some of the "nastier" dark side powers, though, which can be said to disadvantage them. People will say that all Sith Lords eventually lost, but how many Jedi did they kill to get to that point? Likewise, how many Sith did whatever Jedi died kill before they kicked the bucket? It's the nature of the game, you only have to lose one.


TL;DR: Are you more likely to find an incredibly powerful Sith Lord than an incredibly powerful Jedi Master? Yeah. But correlation =/= causation. Social structures are the reason for this, not any inherent advantage.

Edited by LordZanos
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So defeating two jedis and holding his own with Yoda does not show power? he has to defeat everyone at once???? I said the Darkside is stronger not godmode. Show me a Jedi who defeats two Sith and then duels and holds his own againts one of the strongest Sithlords right after.


At the end of act 3 the jedi knight fights his way through rooms full of sith on his way to the Emperors throne and then he goes up against the emperor himself and defeats him. I think that this qualifies as more than 2 sith + a stronger sith lord, wouldn't you say?


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At the end of act 3 the jedi knight fights his way through rooms full of sith on his way to the Emperors throne and then he goes up against the emperor himself and defeats him. I think that this qualifies as more than 2 sith + a stronger sith lord, wouldn't you say?


It's revealed in the SW storyline that the Emperor the JK defeats isn't the real deal.


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Not once did I say :"well Lusas says.." because I find it lazy.


The sith on Ruusan Until Bane set the place on fire were losing. Darth Revan lost, Darth Malak lost, Lord Kaan lost, Darth Sion lost, Darth Nihilus lost, Darth Traya lost, Darth Krayt lost, Exar Kun lost, Naga Sadow lost, Darth Sidious lost, Dath Vader lost. If they have the upper hand in every situation why do the keep loseing? How many time has the republic been attacked by the sith? Lots how many times has it been taken over by the sith? Twice once from Darth Ruin and once from Darth Sidious.


No. Eventually, Maul pushed Obi-Wan into the reactor shaft. As Kenobi grasped hold of a input nozzle, Maul kicked the Jedi Padawan's lightsaber into the reactor pit. As Maul struck the edge of the pit repeatedly with his lightsaber, Kenobi managed to calm himself. Although Maul had disposed of his lightsaber, the Padawan remembered that Jinn's weapon still lay by his fallen master's side. Using the Force, Kenobi leaped out of the shaft and summoned the lightsaber to his hand. The Jedi Padawan landed after a mid-air turn, executing a blindingly fast horizontal slash that bisected Maul, and then Force-pushed the Sith Lord away. Flinching in shock and pain, Maul fell backwards into the shaft in silence, his two halves separating.(quoted :http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Maul) When Obi was angry he was pushed off the reactor shaft when he calmed himself is when he won the duel.


And Dooku vs Yoda? Dooku was losing, Yoda wasn't useing the dark side. Vader vs Obi-Wan, Obi didn't call on the Dark side and won. Luke vs Palpatin, Luke won by having his redeemed father (who also was not useing the dark side) kill him.


Again no the Jedi don't call on the darkside to best thier opponants and the sith are not more powerful.


Yes we do. The sith are not more powerful.


These are few of the instances in the movies where Jedi must call on the Dark Side to defeat their Sith opponent which is nearly everytime.


--Vader deciding to throw someone down a shaft is calling upon the darkside.

--Luke getting pissed and beating Vader down and severing his robot hand is calling upon the darkside.

--Obi Wan getting furious when seeing the death of his master is apparent in his boost of ability he was calling upon the darkside to defeat his opponent.

--Anakin's final bout with Dooku after he's taunted he explodes in anger with devastating attacks eventually delimbing him and decapitating him.

--Mace Windu originally wishing to arrest Sidious at the end wishes to murder him when he is supposedly defenseless which shows he's tapped a little too much of the dark side using his Vaapad style.


In almost every instance a Jedi cannot defeat a Sith in a one on one bout without tapping into the Dark Side's power


And times when Sith exemplify their superiority against Jedi


--Darth Maul takes on 2 jedi at once and kills a Jedi Master Qui Gon, not mentioning the 2 Jedi he killed in Shadow Hunter, just talking about the film, eventually gets killed by Obi Wan who tapped into the Darkside of the force to win

--Dooku taking on Obi Wan and Anakin, incapacitating them both, nearly killing them. Being able stand toe to toe against Yoda in force ability and saber combat enough to survive and escapes. Were talking about a 900 year old Jedi Master.

--Dooku incapacitating Obi Wan during a 2v1 fight on Grevious' ship, only losing to Anakin who called on the Dark Side of the force to help him win

--Anakin massacres hundreds of Jedi in the Jedi Temple

--Sidious outclasses Yoda in force power being able to lift several senator platforms at once and launching them back at Yoda where Yoda had trouble only lifting one.

--Vader kills Old Obi Wan, cheap kill but, meh

--Vader easily defeats Luke in Cloud City

--Vader bests Luke on the second Death Star and only loses when Luke calls on the darkside of the force

--Luke stupidly throws away his lightsaber and is shock tortured by the Emperor


And if were going by the books lets not forget all the Jedi Vader hunted down and killed in Dark Lord- Rise of Darth Vader and so on.


All that, films alone, yet ppl still rate Jedi are stronger than Sith? Could be argued, the films matter first, hack writers and a senile old man who Directs movies in the comfort of a lawn chair watching monitors wearing flannel and drinking his coffee constantly changing classic Star Wars for the worse, Matter second in the facts of who or what to reference.


Only one instance where a Jedi beats a Sith 1v1 without calling on the darkside and that's the fight between Obi Wan and Anakin. So, he gets a point for that, but letting him burn to a supposed death rather than finishing him off with a lightsaber throw isn't a very Light Side thing to do...

Edited by Darth_Malevolent
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You people are totally missing the point. Dark and Light are 2 pieces of a whole, like the Ying and Yang. Lucas centered a lot of his Force lore around the eastern philosophy with regard to BALANCE. Which in essence is what the entire Star Wars saga is about. Anikan/Vader brought balance to the Force by helping destroy all but 2 Jedi. He and the Emperor were the last 2 Sith. In the end who wins? Vader kills everyone from the old ways (cept Yoda who dies of old age) leaving just Luke, who let's face it... HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE IS DOING! How could he though, he cut his training short. So balance is restored... out of ignorance.


Now the only reason the dark side seems stronger in the game is because the developers happen to be lame sadistic nerds who think its "ubber cool" to dress up in black leather and pretend to be "evil bad-asses" wielding red glow sticks. Even a half wit could see that there is a clear cut biased opinion just by taking look at the production values of game with regard to the Imperial side (bad guys) verses the Republic (goodie two shoes). Even in the commercials/trailers they are so proud of how many Sith characters have been created. So (in game) is the dark side stronger? By the sheer number of Sith/Imps and red lightsaber toting players out there, the majority of you sheep agree with their philosophy. Thus creating a self fulfilling prophecy making the darkside stronger. Just keep thinking you're cool guys. That's all that matters, right?

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It's revealed in the SW storyline that the Emperor the JK defeats isn't the real deal.



Well, yes and no. It was the Voice of the Emperor, which is a body prepared with dark side rituals to house the Emperor's spirit. So it was the Emperor's will and consciousness, though not his full power, that the JK fought. Killing the Voice temporarily weakens the Emperor but doesn't kill him; we see it happen twice between the SW and JK stories.


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You people are totally missing the point. Dark and Light are 2 pieces of a whole, like the Ying and Yang. Lucas centered a lot of his Force lore around the eastern philosophy with regard to BALANCE. Which in essence is what the entire Star Wars saga is about. Anikan/Vader brought balance to the Force by helping destroy all but 2 Jedi. He and the Emperor were the last 2 Sith. In the end who wins? Vader kills everyone from the old ways (cept Yoda who dies of old age) leaving just Luke, who let's face it... HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE IS DOING! How could he though, he cut his training short. So balance is restored... out of ignorance.


That's not how Lucas envisioned it, FYI. To Lucas, "bringing balance to the Force" means destroying the Sith, because to Lucas, the dark side was a perversion of the Force. From a more Taoist perspective (seeking the yin and yang, as it were), you could say that Vader destroyed both the Sith and Jedi orders of his time, bringing another sort of balance.


Now the only reason the dark side seems stronger in the game is because the developers happen to be lame sadistic nerds who think its "ubber cool" to dress up in black leather and pretend to be "evil bad-asses" wielding red glow sticks. Even a half wit could see that there is a clear cut biased opinion just by taking look at the production values of game with regard to the Imperial side (bad guys) verses the Republic (goodie two shoes). Even in the commercials/trailers they are so proud of how many Sith characters have been created. So (in game) is the dark side stronger? By the sheer number of Sith/Imps and red lightsaber toting players out there, the majority of you sheep agree with their philosophy. Thus creating a self fulfilling prophecy making the darkside stronger. Just keep thinking you're cool guys. That's all that matters, right?


Much anger I sense in you. Lighten up... a lot. There's no need to insult the devs (lame sadistic nerds? really?) as well as people who enjoy playing certain characters in a video game.

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Malgus only survived because Elena (that twilek from the decieved trailer, his lover) pulled him from the wreckage. He was going to die a slow and painful death... Malgus ended up killing her. Shows how weak the darkside is if it forces someone to kill an incredibly valuable asset just to let go of a weakness...

No jedi came close because they dont want evil devouring powers.

Sigh, revan himself stated he never would have been as powerful had he not returned to the light. Why else do you think he stayed a jedi once malak told him the truth, why else did he stay a jedi when the emperor requested he become darth revan again...



Revan never chose to go to the dark side. The Emporer brainwashed him and made him his puppet.

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I didn't read through every page, so someone may have already made this point, but I'll repeat it if so since the last few pages seem to be the same arguments from the first few pages: 1v1, in terms of pure offensive combat power, a dark sider will generally be more "powerful" than a light sider. This is because offensive combat power is by its very nature AGGRESIVE and benefits from tapping into the dark side. Being highly aggressive is anathema to a Jedi, as it is a path to the dark side.


The Jedi always end up winning because the Sith always stab themselves in the back. More generally an enlightened society where everyone looks out for the best interests of not just themselves, but the whole, is stronger than a society where everyone is just in it for their own power. A particular individual in that second society might be more powerful than anyone in the first, but as a whole the first is stronger than the second.


Darth Bane recognized this, that is one of the reasons he instituted the Rule of Two. He saw that in the war between Sith and Jedi, the Jedi would always win because they would always be stronger as a group than any group of Sith. The Sith came to power again not through a grand clash of civilizations such as we see in TOR, but by becoming a sort of poison that silently and invisibly eats the Republic from the inside out.


Although most people, including Lucas, don't see it this way, even the fall of Palpatine is a manifestation of this, the Sith Lord Vader turning on his master to save his son. I've never really seen this as some sort of redemptive act, despite what Lucas says. It is in many ways a selfish act, any Jedi who was not Vaders son, if put in Luke's position would not have caused Vader to turn on the Emperor. He didn't return to the Light in my view so much as choose his family over his master. The Mafia isn't any less evil just because they value family. Yeah yeah yeah, he got a Light Side Force Ghost at the end so I'm wrong, whatever, I find this part of the plot fairly absurd.

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You people are totally missing the point. Dark and Light are 2 pieces of a whole, like the Ying and Yang. Lucas centered a lot of his Force lore around the eastern philosophy with regard to BALANCE. Which in essence is what the entire Star Wars saga is about. Anikan/Vader brought balance to the Force by helping destroy all but 2 Jedi. He and the Emperor were the last 2 Sith. In the end who wins? Vader kills everyone from the old ways (cept Yoda who dies of old age) leaving just Luke, who let's face it... HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE IS DOING! How could he though, he cut his training short. So balance is restored... out of ignorance.


Totally wrong youa re yourself..

GL has said that the force is the opposite of Yin & Yang. The dark side is a corruption of the force, It needs to be destroyed in order to have peace & harmony. There are two parts to the force, "The force" & "The dark side".. There is no light side.


When you destroy the dark side you only have "The force" left, Which is how it's supposed to be.


Now the only reason the dark side seems stronger in the game is because the developers happen to be lame sadistic nerds who think its "ubber cool" to dress up in black leather and pretend to be "evil bad-asses" wielding red glow sticks. Even a half wit could see that there is a clear cut biased opinion just by taking look at the production values of game with regard to the Imperial side (bad guys) verses the Republic (goodie two shoes). Even in the commercials/trailers they are so proud of how many Sith characters have been created. So (in game) is the dark side stronger? By the sheer number of Sith/Imps and red lightsaber toting players out there, the majority of you sheep agree with their philosophy. Thus creating a self fulfilling prophecy making the darkside stronger. Just keep thinking you're cool guys. That's all that matters, right?


The dark side doesn't seem stronger..

We all wipe on karagga's, Kaon, Foundry etc.

The visual effects being cool is an opinion.


Both sides can only achieve power to a limit, to a point. You can't go further because you are light/dark..


The force/light side will give you that power but almost after a lifetime, you have no risk of being stabbed in the back by your own, by somebody who is still a lightsider that is. Plus, you will have your free will.


The dark side will give you that power quicker BUT you could get killed by your apprentice the next day, The dark side will consume you and you'll be it's slave.


Anakin was seduced because he thought he could get the power to save Padme quicker than if he'd be patient and waited..

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ok guys so,


To ANYONE who has any further belief that the Light is stronger than Dark Side the below video is for you, listen to its words and tittle as your hope and delusions leave you....




Witness the True Power Of A Dark Lord of the SITH, fully immersed in the Dark Side and slaugtering, choking, throwing and just all DESTROYING any and EVERY Jedi, even your precious Master at the end falls,... deceived by the power of the DARK SIDE





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If you give two people a million dollars, and one of them buys a house in the woods, while the other pimps out an Ferrari and drags a mink coat on the floor behind him, which one would you say is more wealthy? A simple minded person who only sees the biggest lights would say the opulent one is more wealthy. The man living in the woods has the money for an Ferrari and a mink coat, but chooses not to spend his money that way.



Once again, Yoda could have shot lightning at everyone and ate planets... he just didnt.



Most of Palpatine's power didnt come from the dark side, or the force at all, but from political subterfuge, he conceded himself that the two sides were a part of a whole and neither were stronger.

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It seems to me that the dark side is not inherently stronger in itself, but seems stronger in the short term because of the rash and passionate actions that are associated with the dark side. It is often easier to utterly destroy your enemy than to obey a code of justice. The issue with that is one rarely makes allies with such death sentences. Fear will ultimately lead to rebellion.


The problem with the dark side is most that succumb to the dark side find themselves destroyed by ambition or arrogance. This destruction may be their own doing or brought about by others following the dark side in pursuit of fulfilling their own ambitions.


In the long term, it would seem that the light side is stronger overall, not in measurable power, but in longevity and wisdom through old age. This wisdom likely is what was supposed to contribute to the Jedi Master's own arrogance and haughtiness.

Edited by Raeln
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ok guys so,


To ANYONE who has any further belief that the Light is stronger than Dark Side the below video is for you, listen to its words and tittle as your hope and delusions leave you....




Witness the True Power Of A Dark Lord of the SITH, fully immersed in the Dark Side and slaugtering, choking, throwing and just all DESTROYING any and EVERY Jedi, even your precious Master at the end falls,... deceived by the power of the DARK SIDE






The sad and pathetic part of your "argument" is that they parts you believe prove your point actually erode it. Running around choking and slaughtering people isn't really all that powerful when you consider the concept of the Force. You think so because you think killing and fighting is "cool" and "powerful". It is really not, and is at best a very simplistic way to use the Force and possibly the lowest application of its fictional power.


Staying within Canon, Darth Maul used the darkside of the Force to make himself into a powerful weapon. I am sure he was capable or nearly capable of all the things you listed. Yet he is not recognized as one of the great force users, in fact he is nothing more than a tool. Maul is one step above Mara Jade and the like.


Since Bane the darkside of the Force was less about ridiculous shows of power and more about deception and cloaking the Sith in plain sight. Your examples are actually the exact opposite of what brought true power to the Sith. While the Force offered guidance and allowed the Sith to hide, political machinations and preying on mortal weaknesses are what finally brought the Sith true power.




And you would be wrong.


Jedi can cloak themselves in the Force and hide their presence as well.


The end answer is that the Force is the Force, and the user decides the application of such. The manifestations of the Force are as powerful as the conduit in question.


Two final points.


Before you even try it...I play a Sith Marauder and no Republic characters.


Also the most powerful conduit of the Force is Luke, that is fact. He chooses to apply the principles of the light side when using the Force, and yet he is the most powerful. That by itself invalidates all of your claims and stated by the highest power (in this case) George Lucas. The only other fact to consider is that you are wrong in all your points.

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To those who think the Dark is stronger, I submit the following passage from the Revenge of the Sith novelization, which has many times been cited by Dark Side supporters to demonstrate that Sidious was stronger than Yoda (even though they're wrong.)


Page 409, Yoda speaks:


"My failure, this was. Failed the Jedi, I did."


He spoke to the Force.


And the Force answered him. Do not blame yourself, my old friend.


As it sometimes had these past thirteen years, when the Force spoke to him, it spoke in the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn.


"Too old, I was," Yoda said. "Too rigid. Too arrogant to see that the old way is not the only way. These Jedi, I trained to become the Jedi who had trained me, long centuries ago -- but those ancient Jedi of a different time they were. Changed, has the galaxy. Changed, the Order did not -- because let it change, I did not."


More easily said then done, my friend.


"An infinite mystery is the Force." Yoda lifted his head and turned his gaze out into the wheel of stars. "Much to learn, there still is."


And you will have time to learn it.


"Infinite knowledge. . ." Yoda shook his head. "Infinite time, does that require."


With my help, you can learn to join with the Force, yet retain consciousness. Youc an join your light and live in it forever. Perhaps, in time, even your physical self.


Yoda did not move. "Eternal life. . ."


The ultimate goal of the Sith, yet they can never achieve it; it comes only by the release of the self, not the exaltation of the self. It comes through compassion, not greed. Love is the answer to the darkness.


"Become one with the Force, yet influence still to have. . ." Yoda mused. "A power greater than all, it is."


It cannot be granted, it can only be taught. It is yours to learn, if you wish it.


Slowly, Yoda nodded. "A very great Jedi Master you have become, Qui-Gon Jinn. A very great Jedi Master you always were, but too blind was I to see it."


He rose, and folded his hands before him, and inclined his head in the Jedi bow of respect.


The bow of a student, in the presence of a Master.


"Your apprentice, I will gratefully become."


[End Quote]


This is the ultimate power in the Force, the power OF the Force, and it is flat-out unobtainable by Sith because of their very embrace of the Dark Side. It can ONLY be achieved by paragons of light, by the wisest and most powerful in the universe. Only by Jedi. This is what Obi-Wan means when he tells Vader that "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Obi-Wan, Yoda, even Qui-Gon Jinn didn't die: the ASCENDED. They became beings of pure thought, living within the Force itself, truly immortal and eternal. This is power forever beyond the reach of the Sith, and all it requires is understanding.


To those who inquire about the "immortality" of the Sith Emperor, I say:



His "immortality" required a massive ritual and the sacrifice of an entire world, to say nothing of dozens or hundreds of the most powerful Dark-Siders in the galaxy, to grant him a poor sham of eternal life. Not only does he live in constant agony, eventually becoming numb to everything and leading to his current insanity where he has accumulated such power he sees everything as a threat and wants to destroy it all, leaving him to rule over a scorched galaxy incapable of supporting life and likely totally bereft of the Force itself, but if he was truly immortal, he'd have no fear of being destroyed. Ergo, he CAN be destroyed. Ergo, not immortal.



To those who talk about Sith Spirits, I say simply that they are more often then not bound to their bodies or some other location. They are little more than ghosts, and often easily destroyed. A notable exception is Exar Kun, but he again used a potent Dark Side ritual to attempt to escape his own death, and was still chained to Yavin 4 by the Jedi binding him there.


And if THAT'S not enough convince you, I offer you this: Sever Force. Pay special note to the alignment "Light Side of the Force." With EXTREMELY limited exception, only Jedi are able to use this power. Sith cannot. The only two "Sith" who have used it are Vergere (who was retconned as a Sith after her use of the power on Jacen), and Jacen (who was made a Sith to back up Vergere's retcon into a Sith, which followed the retcon of the Potentium into a lie that a Sith attempted on Jacen specifically to turn him to the Dark Side. As such, both uses can be considered "exceptions to prove the rule.")


So, in short, Jedi have true transcendent immortality AND the ability to sever someone's connection to the Force entirely. The Sith get to taser people with their bare hands, deformation, and eventual death either at the hands of their own or people fed up with them being evil bastiches.


Light Side Wins. Hands down.

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The Dark side isnt actually stronger, its practitioners are.


Same goes for the Light side. Its practiotioners tend to be weaker as individuals, but they are made stronger by their numbers.


You just took a wild guess, didn't you?


Who's the most powerful force user to live?

.. Luuuuuuke Skywalker, A light side user.

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